Reviews for The Offer of Just One More
suzannelittle916 chapter 19 . 7/31
will there be more. this is great!
Snaperipper chapter 19 . 7/8
I love this story more every time that I read it!
Rosajean chapter 19 . 7/8
I really love this story. It’s lovely so far. Please update again soon!
Latarra chapter 1 . 6/24
Thar was one of the hotter things I have read. Great plot. Love the new business.
excessivelyperky chapter 15 . 6/17
Isn't like a mom always to show up at the exact wrong moment?
normanelson chapter 19 . 6/17
I hope you get inspired again with this story
excessivelyperky chapter 14 . 6/5
What good advice to Draco! It was all headed south of Antarctica till Draco did the Gryffindor and kissed Harry.
JolidayB chapter 19 . 6/4
I so hope you continue this story! It's brilliant!
defyentropy chapter 19 . 5/26
ANOTHER wonderful wip. This is just a lovely one. I love the way you write Hermione’s parents in this story, and the entire trajectory is really different from what I was expecting at first. You’ve written such a sweet and sympathetic Lavender, which is a wonderful shake up from what’s usually the done thing, but she’s almost more than Ron deserves!
But update THIS one? Poor Severus needs his insecurities laid to rest for good.
excessivelyperky chapter 13 . 5/24
Oh, hello, what a Happy Christmas indeed!

I daresay there will be many, many more (Hermione should send something nice to Lavender for having to put up with Ron, and for Hermione to *not* have to put up with Ron, but to have who she wants instead).
excessivelyperky chapter 12 . 5/18
I see Minerva is still disappointed she wasn't able to kill Snape the first time around-but if she pushes him on this too hard, or is too mean to Hermione, she might discover that he was really pulling his punches in DH.

But hey, I hope they warded that cloakroom so nobody interrupts (especially Idiot Weasley Twins. Then again, Hermione and Severus could use a couple of matching luggage for their honeymoon trip).
excessivelyperky chapter 11 . 5/13
Dad so busted! I love it!

And Gwen will undoubtedly organize everything just fine, though Narcissa will probably try to. Good luck with that.

Seven? Well, Hermione is *really well organized* herself. I'm sure they'll be singing like the von Trapp family from birth.

And Severus' reaction to this news was perfect (although it's so like Hermione to have a fallback position).
excessivelyperky chapter 10 . 5/9
I don't think Hermione is worrying about Lily's ghost any more.

But hey, getting betrothed, kissed and adored all in the same night would certainly brighten it for *me*
excessivelyperky chapter 9 . 5/8
You know, all Hermione has to do is to explain to Molly that she wants huge bunches of children and Ron doesn't, and that's why split up, and Molly would knit her *two* sweaters that year. Just sayin'.

And if Hermione can't read between the lines on Snape to hear 'plan to get naked sometime tonight' she's just not listening.
excessivelyperky chapter 8 . 4/25
WWIII is *always* about to break out among a group of small children, so Gwendolyn had best work between the squabbles and get'er done anyway. But it looks by the end of the chapter that she's able to multitask just fine.

But hey, a mother's able to move mountains. Maybe even Snape!
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