Nights of Possession

An Inuyasha Fanfic by SakuraWings

Disclaimer: Inuyasha and all of its cast belongs to Rumiko Takahashi.

Summary: Inu/Kago What's a miko to do with a hanyou possessed by a horny, casanova ghost?

Rating: NC-17

Warnings: Lime in this chapter. I'm not going to risk any trouble at so here's where you can find the full version of this story:



Chapter 1: The First Night


A frown broke across Kagome's face as her right foot landed in a sticky mud puddle. Precariously balancing her umbrella on her shoulder, she reached down to take hold of the trapped foot and heaved it out of its prison. Sighing loudly, she glanced ahead to the huddled slow-moving forms of her friends. They had been traveling for what seemed like days now in the gray rainy weather. So far, clues for Shikon shards had been few and far in between, and Inuyasha's resulting restlessness had shown in his blatant disregard for his human companions' aching feet.

Far up ahead, Inuyasha's ears twitched as they noted the missing footsteps of a certain miko-in-training. Narrowing his eyes, he turned to give Kagome his best 'hurry-up-bitch' glare.

She glared back. In less than a second, he was at her side, a growl rumbling in his throat and eyes narrowed to glowing amber slits.

She huffed and stuck out her tongue. His eyes widened.

As he made a failed attempt to sputter out a witty response, an indignant yelp and the echoing snap of hand-meets-cheek contact suddenly pierced the monotonous pitter-patter of rain on soggy leaves.

Their staring contest interrupted, Kagome and Inuyasha turned their attention to the remaining pair with exhausted half-lidded eyes.

Sango, hand still posed in post-slap position, glared at the elated Miroku. He raised his eyebrows suggestively at her while rubbing his sore right cheek with a knowing smile.

Inuyasha groaned, "This is the eleventh time today, Miroku!"

Kagome looked thoughtful for a moment, shifting her umbrella and causing a deluge of cold rainwater to tumble onto her cranky hanyou companion's foot. She counted off her fingers, "Actually, that sounds about right..."

Inuyasha looked at her incredulously, "But it's not even noon yet!" He turned his attention back to the silently arguing pair. "Miroku!" They looked up at Inuyasha's exasperated voice, "Stop fucking around and let's get moving already. You can grope her all you want once we get somewhere fucking dry."

"Inuyasha!" stuttered Sango her eyes opening wide. She blushed a bright shade of red. "Y-you--!" She stopped when Miroku placed his hand on her shoulder with an overdramatic sigh.

"Sango-dear. Inuyasha's right. It's not fair to keep the others waiting because of our...indiscretions." He waggled his eyebrows at her as if to emphasize an inside joke.

Sango sputtered, seemingly incapable of forming any words, as he strolled past her.

Inuyasha rolled his eyes. He moved to follow Miroku when a violent jerk of his hair brought him eye-to-eye with a furious, seething Sango.

"You promised you wouldn't say anything!" she hissed, louder than necessary.

"Say anything about what?" Sango jerked back, eyes landing on Kagome, who was watching her curiously.

"Ah...ah...nothing!" She waved her hands frantically, "It's just" She faltered for a few more minutes before giving up and storming after Miroku.

Kagome stared at Inuyasha. "What was that all about?" she questioned him.

He shrugged lazily before starting down the path, "There's a village up ahead. Let's get out of this goddamn rain. I'm tired of being fucking soaked."


The sleepy village was quiet and peaceful. Because of the down pouring rain, the streets were mostly vacated save for a group of village children splashing happily in the puddles.

As they passed by the youngsters, one of the parents took notice of the strange group of travelers. Quickly, she set down the vegetables she was washing and ran through the rain to the group.

"Excuse me! Would you happen to be a priest?" She was looking directly at Miroku, gesturing to his staff.

"Why, yes. Do you have need of" Miroku raised an inquiring eyebrow and Sango gave him a Look. The women looked slightly confused.

Kagome moved up to her, "Is there something we can help you with?"

She nodded, "Not me in particular, but the village elder is having some troubles with strange occurrences in his mansion. If you can help him out, I'm sure he'll be very grateful."

Miroku's eyes shone at the word "grateful."

Inuyasha bit back a groan.

Night was beginning to fall as the group was escorted to the elder's luxurious mansion. As she glanced up at the darkening sky, she began to wonder how Shippou was doing. The kit had been wandering around Inuyasha's forest when he had eaten some strange mushrooms and gotten sick. They had decided to leave him in the village with Kaede to recover. As the days passed, Kagome had begun to fret over him like a worried mother.

"I hope Shippou is recovering alright."

"The kid's a grown youkai, Kagome, he can take care of himself," Inuyasha muttered for the umpteenth time.

"I happen to know a hanyou over fifty that still can't take care of himself!" she snapped hotly.

He huffed unhappily at her comment as his eyes fell upon an elderly looking man that had just entered the room. 'Here we go again,' he thought, eyebrow twitching.

The old man cleared his throat nervously. "Welcome to Hanahima village--"

"Out with it, oyaji," Inuyasha interrupted. "You want us to do something for you. What do you want?"

"Inuyasha!" Kagome scolded in a warning tone, then turned to the elder. "I'm so sorry. Please forgive his rudeness..."

The elder chuckled, "No, no. It's perfectly alright."

Inuyasha smirked at Kagome.

He continued in a tired old voice, "This mansion is my home. You are welcome to stay here as long as you long as you can tolerate it."

Sango raised an eyebrow. "Tolerate it? What do you mean by that?"

The old man rubbed his knuckles, "This mansion is haunted. By two restless spirits."

Kagome gave a visible shiver, and shrunk into herself, "H-haunted?"

He nodded, "Worry not, they seem to be quite harmless. However, they are incredibly noisy and impossible to catch. But surely, your monk would be able to do something about them?" He ended on a hopeful note.

"A-ano..." Kagome began nervously.

"Gladly!" announced Miroku in a steadfast manner. "We accept your offer, noble elder!"

Inuyasha and Sango stared him dubiously. Kagome laughed nervously.

The elder clapped his hands together and breathed out a sigh of relief, "Thank goodness, finally!" He moved to get up, instantly flanked by two guards. "In that case, we will situate you in the eastern wing of the mansion. That is where the ghosts were reported to have been seen." He started towards the door.

"Wait!" cried Kagome suddenly, recalling her previous experience with a restless spirit, a young girl who had died and haunted her brother and mother with a deadly vengeance. In the end, she was simply a little girl who had wanted the love of her mother.

"Is there anything you know about them at all?" He didn't answer right away, so she continued, "Any history at all?"

The elder paused before the exit, but didn't turn to look at her. "Yes," he said succinctly. "They were lovers."


After being fed a generous feast, courtesy of the head chef of the mansion, the group of four made their way towards the east wing, where they found four rooms, each with a neatly arranged futon in the middle of the floor. The deserted rooms were bathed in darkness, so they carried with them candles and lamps to keep themselves from stumbling around blindly.

"Ah," Miroku said, face dropping at the sight of his single futon. "My apologies, Sango. I had told them that we only needed three rooms tonight, but I suppos--"

He was cut off when Sango slapped a hand over his mouth, blushing profusely and avoiding Kagome's questioning gaze.

But it was too late. The silence hung thick in the air, pierced moments later by Kagome's startled gasp of realization. With an exasperated groan, Inuyasha looked anywhere but at his friends, trying his best to pretend he was somewhere else.

"S-Sango! You and Miroku?" Kagome blushed, unable to verbalize her thoughts. "You two..."

Once again, the room fell into a heavy silence.

"Sheesh. You're making such a big deal out of this," Inuyasha scoffed at Kagome. "Well, have fun. While you guys bicker over this, I'm gonna go see what's up with those ghosts." He moved to exit the room, candle in hand.

"Ah!" Miroku got up after him, knowing that it probably wasn't wise to be in the same room as Sango right now. "Wait, Inuyasha, you can't DO anything about the ghosts..."

After their footsteps echoed away, Kagome edged closer to the flushed Sango. "So?" she asked, leaning in close.

Sango continued to glare at the spot where Miroku had occupied moments earlier. "So?" she echoed avoiding Kagome's questioning gaze.

Kagome giggled at her friend's composure. "Exactly how long has this been going on?"

Breaking her stiff stance, the other girl began to trace imaginary patterns into the wooden floor. "One month," she mumbled.

One month. Kagome thought back to all the times she had been left alone with Inuyasha and Shippou. In retrospect, there were actually a lot of opportunities for them to... Her eyes widened as she giggled to herself. She knew Miroku and Sango had deep feelings for one another, but she never imagined the two would get together in that way so quickly.

"Kagome..." Sango started quietly. "You...aren't upset?"

Upset? She looked at her friend questioningly. "Why would I be upset? If you wanted to keep it to yourself, that's okay. I'm just being nosy..."

Sango stared at her and Kagome mentally slapped herself in the head. Of course, things like this were strictly taboo five hundred years ago, especially with an unmarried girl like Sango.

Kagome took one of Sango's hands in her own. "It's okay, Sango. Actually, in my time it's really common for unmarried girls to do things like that. We have a lot of freedom in that respect. As a matter of fact, many of my friends younger than you have done what you've done." She smiled warmly at her. "So, no, I'm not upset."

The taijiya let out a pent up breath of air. "I was so worried that you would think badly of me, and the two of them have such a big mouth..."

Another thought came to Kagome and she blinked at Sango. "Inuyasha knows?"

Sango gulped as she recounted the events of that night, "H-He...found us one night..."

"Mmm...oh...oh, Miroku..."

"Sango...oh gods, Sango..."




Groaning, Kagome put her head in her hands, ' moron. '


"You've got a pretty big fucking mouth, bouzu. Whatever Sango decides to dish out to you when we get back, you totally deserve it," Inuyasha muttered as he checked room after abandoned room with a flickering candle in his hand. In all honesty, he just wanted to find the ghosts and get rid of them. Knowing Kagome, she probably wouldn't let him leave this cursed place until they paid the old man back in full.

Miroku's eyes glazed over slightly. "Oh, you have no idea how exciting that sounds..."

Inuyasha visibly recoiled from Miroku with a slight look of disgust.

"Good gods," he spat. "Don't TELL me that shit."

He snickered behind his hand at the hanyou. "Don't try to tell me you haven't had your fantasies about Kagome and that subduing necklace. You know I won't believe a word you say."

Inuyasha's jaw dropped open as he stared at the houshi in stunned silence.

"Ah, the face of obvious guilt," heckled Miroku. "Careful, I think you're drooling."

"I swear to god, Miroku--" Inuyasha suddenly stopped mid-sentence.

Miroku took note of the slight twitch of his ears. Inuyasha had heard something.

"What is it?" he whispered.

Inuyasha quickly shushed him, and proceeded down the hallway, gesturing for him to follow. As they progressed towards the source, a methodic thumping was slowly becoming more and more apparent. If Miroku strained his ears even more, he could even hear the faint whispering of voices.

Suddenly, Inuyasha stopped, facing a solitary room.

"It's coming from in here," he whispered to Miroku. "Now what do we do, bouzu?"

Miroku began placing fudas on the door. "I have a plan..."


Later that night, Kagome lay snuggled in her room's futon, staring wistfully at the ceiling. Her mind was reeling. Miroku and Sango had finally consummated their relationship. She was extremely happy for them, knowing that Sango had a deep crush on the houshi for quite some time now. However, at the same time she couldn't help but wonder about her own relationship woes.

Turning on her side, Kagome frowned. The subject seemed to follow wherever she went. The last time she had been home to her own time, Ayumi had chatted nonstop about her boyfriend, and in her excitement suddenly let out a little too much information than was necessary...

"So, was he good in bed?" Ayumi giggled girlishly while staring Eri in the eyes and nodded a definite 'yes.' Kagome's incredulous eyes had flickered back and forth between the pair. The two of them? Since when?

"Ah, it's so hard to find someone good these days," mused Yuka from her end of the table. Kagome's head snapped to her as well. Even Yuka too? "And they're always expecting more and more. Personally, I like a guy who's nice and quiet, you know? Treats you with respect."

Ayumi shook her head. "Yuka, your standards are too high!" she laughed amicably, "Stop reading all those romance novels!"

Eri nodded in agreement as she turned to Kagome and her eyes took on a fox-like appearance. "And what about you?"

"M-me?" Kagome gulped. Alarms went off in her head. 'Say something, make something up!'

"What about that boyfriend of yours? The two-timer? I mean, you're staying with him for a reason, right?"

Kagome tactfully avoided her calculating gaze while stumbling over her words, "U-uh, I guess..."

"Oh Eri, some people don't like to talk about their sex lives," scolded Yuka. "Isn't that right, Kagome?"

The frazzled girl let out a breath of relief. 'Thank god for understanding friends.' "Y-yeah..."

'Especially when it's non-existent,' she added in her head. 'I haven't even been kissed by a boy before!'

Kagome groaned as she buried her face in the bedding. Spending so much time in the past as Inuyasha's shard hunter had definitely caused her to neglect her social life in the future. She never thought she would have to confront something like that in the stricter society of the past, but it seemed like fate liked playing games with her.

The sound of the shouji door opening and closing softly snapped Kagome out of her musings.

Someone...or something...was in her room.

She took a quiet steady breath to calm her nerves and kept her eyes shut. Meanwhile, her mind was buzzing with activity. 'What to do? What to do? What to do?' she thought frantically. She briefly considered screaming for Inuyasha but she wasn't even sure if he was back from his rounds with Miroku yet...or if the intruder would gut her on the spot in fear of being discovered.

"I know you're awake."

Kagome's heart gave a lurch of relief as she turned and sat up, facing the shadowed Inuyasha with an angry expression on her face.

"What are you trying to do? Give me a heart attack!" she whispered harshly. "You don't go walking into people's rooms while they are sleeping!"

He gave a half-hearted shrug as he continued to stare at her in the darkness. She grew slightly unnerved, knowing that her vision was at least ten times weaker than his on this cloudy night. Silence dragged on for a few minutes, and Kagome frowned.

"Well? Is there something you need to say? Why are you here?"

She heard footsteps coming towards her bedding and she fought the urge to scoot away from him. This was Inuyasha after all! Inuyasha, her traveling companion and protector. There was no doubt that she trusted him fully. But something seemed wrong...something seemed a little off.

When he settled next to her, his amber eyes gleamed almost predator-like in the darkness.

Kagome's poor heart gave another deep lurch as his dry lips met hers with a passionate force, knocking her back down onto the futon. Her eyes grew wide as his lips molded skillfully against hers. Pleasant chills run up and down her spine as she instinctively fisted both hands into his haori. He shifted slightly and drew her full lower lip into his mouth, tracing a fang along it length, not hard enough to draw blood, but enough to remind her that she wasn't dealing with any normal human boy.

She was enjoying his attention, but something couldn't help but nag at her brain. She made an attempt to pull away, to free her mouth to talk, but he continued his relentless pursuit, putting his hands on either side of her to support his weight as he shifted his body over hers.

Seeing his demanding presence over her caused her to let out a slight gasp of surprise, and Inuyasha took the break in her defense as an opportunity to deepen the kiss, slipping his tongue in between her lips to the warm haven inside.

Kagome let out a yelp in her throat, unprepared for the fire that ran from her heart to her belly. He explored her mouth lazily, shifting his warm hands to her shoulders.

When he finally freed himself from her mouth, they both took in a deep breath of much needed air. Her fingers flexed in his haori, unsure of what to say or do.

"Inuyasha..." she began, but her words turned into gasps as he moved his attentions to her neck, lightly tracing the juncture of neck and shoulder with his rough tongue. She moaned at the sensation, but flattened her hands against his chest and shoved him hard into an upright position.

"What's gotten into you?" she questioned, furrowing her brow. She heard him chuckle lightly, as he traced his claws down from her shoulder, over her heart to cup her breast. She couldn't stop the sharp intake of breath that resulted from that simple movement.

"I see things a lot clearer now," he murmured as his calloused fingers rubbed over the hardening nub through the thin cloth of her sleeping yukata. She moaned deep in her throat. He continued, "I'm tired of waiting..." Wanting to feel her skin to skin, he moved behind her and slipped his hand inside of her yukata to continue his gentle ministrations with no barriers.

Kagome jumped slightly at the sensations as his hot hands roamed over her torso. His tongue traced over her ear and settled into a kiss on her lower jaw. She jerked away suddenly. This was too fast. It was too strange and it was definitely...definitely too fast.

She encircled his roaming arm with both of her hands, momentarily stopping their exploration of her breast, "Inuyasha...please stop."

He stilled for a second before lightly pinching her nipples despite the pressure from her hands. "Why?"

She moaned lightly at the slight pain. "B-because...we're moving too fast. I'm not r-ready..."

He let out a bark of laughter. "Don't lie, little miko. You're more than ready."

In one smooth movement he pulled the upper half of her yukata off her shoulders, and pressed his bare chest to her back. She gasped at the sudden skin-to-skin contact. When had he taken off his shirts?

"I can smell you, you know." His voice was a deep rumble in her ear. She blushed profusely.

"That doesn't mean--" Her words were cut off with a fierce kiss as her head was forcibly turned by his other hand. This time his kiss was hard and ruthless, forcing her to submit to him. She jerked her head back and forth in an attempt to dislodge him, but just like before, he had a secure hold on her lips.

She let out another indignant sound and bit down on his tongue -- hard.

It worked. He quickly jerked his head away from hers in a hiss of pain. She took a deep breath, ready to wake the entire mansion with her scream. Something wasn't right! Inuyasha was behaving strangely and she obviously didn't have the strength to stop him by herself.

Suddenly her breath was cut short by a large hand over her mouth and a growl at her ear. "I wouldn't if I were you. I'm not sure you know how a hanyou behaves when he's threatened in a moment of vulnerability."

She gulped. He...he wouldn't would he? He wouldn't hurt Sango or Miroku or anyone. She KNEW him

But he was behaving so strangely right now that she wasn't sure if she could trust him not to.

As if he sensed her surrender, he let go of her mouth. "There's a good girl," he purred in her ear and she let out a light sob. She was conflicted inside. This was what she had always dreamed about, had fantasies about, but there was something wrong with him. Her mind wanted him to stop and to figure out what was throwing him off, but her traitorous body wanted him to continue and finish what he had started.


Feeling Kagome's heavy and exhausted weight against him, he shifted to place her gently down onto the soft futon. She immediately snuggled into the sheets staring up at him with exhausted eyes.

He smirked back at her as she watched him lick the evidence of her orgasm off his right hand.



Err...phew, that was my first lemon?

Rest assured, my duckies, since I know some of you may have your doubts, that it WAS Inuyasha in that lemon...he just doesn't know it yet.

Re-edited 12-22-2005! So sorry I haven't been updating! College student, y'know? Final exams, y'know? Next chapter is about halfway done, and I'm on Winter Break now, so hopefully it'll be done by New Years! This story will be in three parts, so with luck, I'll have it all done by the end of Winter Break.

Thanks to Numisma for the comments and suggestions:)

Next Chapter: The morning after and...what exactly did Miroku do?