If you want to blame someone for this slow update, blame Lavender Valentine, the author of Taisho's Darling, for it was her story that keep me captive while I should have been writing.

I hope that the length is better, it took me awhile, but it's here.

"No you may not," Kagome turned to face the silver demon with what had to be quite a silly grin on her face.

"This dance is belongs to me."

It would seem she had a night in silver hair.

Miroku grinned at the obviously smitten demon in front of him.

"It seems we were beaten this time my friend," and with that he slung his arm over the shoulders of the disgruntled wolf and dragged him off in another direction.

"Don't worry mate! I'll find you after this song!"

Kagome blinked slowly, determined not to acknowledge the parting wolf.

"Mate?" Sesshomaru questioned as he led her off into the dance. His hands rested on her waist, and she automatically fell into the graceful steps.

Kagome let out a nervous little giggle.

"He's demented."

"Quite," was his reply, "You know, I was beginning to think you weren't coming."

"I almost didn't, if we're being perfectly honest."

The words of the blue eyed lady in his arms gave him pause. Perhaps she was as nervous as he about this encounter?

"And why is this?"

Kagome felt like hiding underneath another lady's skirts; his stare was so intense, she would like to hide just about anywhere.

"It's just, well, I was worried you would have forgotten our arrangement," tell him, girl! You can do this! She lowered her lashes and stared at his chest, "You're the only reason I came, after all."

I'm the only reason she came!

Sesshomaru was a demon, a very strong, very proud demon.

For that reason refused to give into the urge to do a "happy dance" right there at the edge of the crowded ballroom. Instead he contented himself with containing his victory celebration to the inside of his head.

He smiled down at the woman in his arms whom was still looking anywhere instead of at him.

She really was adorable.

In fact, she was staring so hard at his shirt that she hadn't noticed she'd been led outside into their garden.

Their Garden. Their Home.

He rather liked the sound of it.

"You know," he lifted her chin to meet his gaze, "I had much the same thoughts."


"Really. In fact, if I hadn't finally given up on you arriving when I did, I might not have found you before my friend could led you off further into the ballroom."

At this point Kagome realized they were no longer dancing, and some how or another they had found their way into the gardens. But her silver demon didn't seem in much of a hurry to release her; actually, he didn't seem inclined to let go of her at all.

Who was she to complain? Kagome just laid her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms all the way around his waist, almost as though giving him a hug. He was large and hard under her hands, his muscles obvious in her embrace, and he gave off enough warmth to lull her to sleep.

Sesshomaru held the small woman against him, allowing himself to bathe in her scent. She just felt so very right in his arms.

After a few more moments he pulled away from her and sat on their bench, gesturing for her to join him. He waited until she had herself situated before he spoke.

"I would like to know more about you."

Kagome looked at the demon, slightly startled. How much of her self could she give to this demon before he turned away in disgust upon realizing she was only a servant?

"What do you want to know?"

He lifted a perfectly arched eyebrow at her before he replied with honesty, "Everything. Though let's start with your family. You've already told me about your mother, but what of your father?"

Yes, her father was very important to Sesshomaru, though not for reason that you may think, and certainly not for the reason that Kagome thought. Sesshomaru cared not for her pedigree, but it was a polite necessity to request the hand of the daughter from the father. It would not do to cause a rift between her and her family, if she was close to the man of course.

And judging by the soft look in her eyes, they were very close indeed.

"My father was a very kind man," the "was" set him on edge, but he waited for her to continue anyway, assuming that she would explain.

And she did, almost immediately in fact.

"He was my entire world, and I loved him, no I love him, very much. Unfortunately, he passed away when I was seven."

She saw the frown on his face, and wondered if it was born out of pity or something else.

"So you are an orphan," it wasn't a question, nearly a fact stated out loud, but it still had an odd effect on her.

"I've never thought of it that way, truthfully."

"I meant nothing by it, I'm afraid both my parents have passed as well, though my father remained in this world until I was grown. But tell me, what of your care? Is there someone to whom you've been entrusted?"

"My father remarried shortly before his death," she didn't comment on just how shortly, "I live with my step-mother and her daughter and son."

"And you care for them?"

"My step-mother and her daughter, are, well, they can be difficult, but Shippo is just the sweetest thing. He's such a little rascal."

The name sounded as though it should hold some importance, but he couldn't place it and so he let it pass in favor of listening to her soft voice fill the air.

"I don't know what I would do without my Shippo."

"I understand, I feel much the same way about my niece."

"Really?" Kagome's interest had been peeked; she too wanted to know more about her companion, "Tell me about her."

Sesshomaru gave the woman a look for ordering him around.

"I asked first. I will tell you what you want to know after you finish telling me about yourself."

Kagome pouted, "What if I said that I'm not telling you anything else?"

"Then you have left your job unfinished, and I will never be required to answer your questions."

"That's not fair!"

"It most certainly is, I asked first."

"You're impossible!"

"And yet you stay here with me. Might it be that you enjoy the challenge?"

At that Kagome sputtered.

Who was he to say that? After all, he was the one with the grin plastered to his face, not her!

And she told him of such.

He threw his head back and let out a bark of laughter.

"You are utterly delightful."

His laughter still sparkled in his eyes and Kagome found herself entranced by the golden orbs.

Sesshomaru noted the subtle change in his female's scent and he began to resist the pull of her arousal with ease.

Then he saw the look in his eyes.

It was his undoing, and he bent his head down to claim her lips as his own. Her reactions her awkwardly telling, and Sesshomaru rejoiced in the knowledge that he would be the only one to ever kiss her in such an intimate way. He took this slow with her, teaching her how to move her lips against his before he snaked out his tongue to trace her lips. Almost immediately she let out a little sigh and opened her mouth to him.

That's when the interruption came in the form of the same young woman who had taken his female away on the first night.

Miroku's woman needed to mind her own damn business or die. Either would do.

"Kagome! We've got to go!"

Kagome pulled herself from the kiss and turned glossy eyes towards Sango.

"What's going on?"

"Yura left over ten minutes ago!"

Kagome's face lost its attractive flush and went deathly pale. She jumped to her feet and called a hasty goodbye to her demon as she made her way to Sango.

"You'll be returning for the final ball, correct?"

Kagome stopped and sized up the demon; it was obvious what he wanted the answer to be.


And with that she was gone.

Dammit! He had been ready to ask her to be his wife! Now it seems he'd have to wait another week.

Oh well, he would allow her to make it up to him on their wedding night.

He indulged in his fantasies for a moment before returning to the ball room to find Miroku, the pervert would be on his on and would provide good company until the damnable event was over with.

The lecherous smirk on his lips disappeared as he walked through the entry doors.

I need a beta! My windows is messed up, so things like spell check and all that are currently unavailable to me. If you're interested please let me know!