![]() Author has written 37 stories for Legend of Zelda, Chobits, Super Smash Brothers, Free! - Iwatobi Swim Club, Magi/マギ, Attack on Titan/進撃の巨人, Mega Man, League of Legends, Five Nights at Freddy´s, and Rise of the Guardians. My Name is Trystan, and I'm 25 Years old. Things i love are, judging by my pen name, The Legend of Zelda. I'm absolutely obsessed with slash pairings from TLoZ. My personal favorite is Link/Sheik. Sheik being a separate male character. Don't try to convince me otherwise because my mind is made up on this. Dont shove your ZeLink in my face. I love anime, but i always feel like the manga is better. My favorite actual anime though is Chobits. The manga was great but the anime is something i share with my special someone. Not to mention I love the thought of Ueda and Hideki actually hooking up. Honestly, Ueda is gorgeous and needs some loving. I'm also pretty crazy about Hetalia. I won't even list all my ships cuz i ship an armada in Hetalia. My top 3 PruCan, GerIta, and USUK. I am really into video games and anime. So you might see a wide range of stories from me. I have written strange pairings and make no apologies. You don't things Makoto and Nagisa from free can be together? Too bad I do! You don't think the ending from Free! Can be blended into the Magi world? Oh Yes it can! I have no regular updating schedule. Never have never will. I just write whenever I have time. Honestly i update at night time. I try to stay at least weekly, but I will sometimes update earlier or if I just lose the will to write...whenever I feel like it. Ok so let me answer some questions i get asked all the time. I'm a guy. (what girl does anyone know named Trystan. I mean honestly I have never met anyone who has the same spelling as my name) Yes, I'm obviously gay. Why else would i write all these BoyXBoy stories, honestly. Then again...ya know fangirls! I get mistaken for a girl quite a bit! I had someone say my stories are unrealistic...really? I don't write it if I haven't done it! If i feel the actual desire i might write some Hetero, but don't count on it. It's not a complete no, it just makes me uncomfortable! Kikky Chan is a fantastic writer, and she is my best friend (IRL) she can say whatever the heck she wants to me. I hardly ever write things that are not on the heavy side, and maybe a bit lemony. I mean I am so bad at writing comedy. I wish I could do something cracky, but I fail! I'm trying real hard to do more long stories with plot and stuff. Oh I am the biggest Zelda freak ever. Link was and will always be my first love, and Sheik was my second. Oh, also seriously it doesn't take much to make me want to write a story. So I am always up for requests and giftfics. As long as its something i feel comfortable writing. Want to read some amazing writing? Check out my two favorite people Kikky Chan and Angelic Land. Seriously, their stuff is amazing. They both have an amazing array of stories to chose from and are way better than me! I look up to them! Im not really sure what else too say. Really I'm a friendly guy and I am an open book. Messages don't bother me even if its filled with questions. I love love making new friends and tips to improve are definitely welcome. Please remember that I am not forcing you to read any of my stuff. There is a lovely back button if something i write is not your cup of tea. I don't bash anyone for whatever it is they love, and expect the same amount of respect. |