Hello! Boy do I have some news to share. I've recently undergone the revision of one of my other fanfics 'Ichigo's Enigma', and would just like to give notice that my mentality has become infectious with the revision and that I will be continuing revision with this bundle of fanfictions. Thank you to all of you readers whom have shown so much support for my amateur pieces (aka all of them haha), I'd also like to thank those whom have given back constructive criticism. Which leads to why exactly I've got this news and the reason for this announcement entirely.

Recently I've received some disappointing messages about the contents of my updates. While I do take into account that the pairings I've written are not exactly everyone's favorites and the plot settings are not the most agreeable I'd like to point out that warnings were provided and that in no way am I justifying rape and/or molestation of any sorts. I apologize to any of those whom I've offended and in the future (if at all ever again) I will provide with more than a handful of warnings. [perhaps and off-site link instead, that's yet to be decided.]

I apologize to those of you that do not care much for Eren/Levi pairing, unfortunately for you, I adore them being together. I'd also like to state that while some of you all see a problem in age differences I do not - which is where I'd like some feedback, should I be also leaving a warning for ages in each fanfic or not? I haven't quite decided, at this point it seems very likely that I'll pre-write an opening for each fanfic which will include an extensive warning on every aspect that might be found offensive.

Since I've received such negative feedback I shall be taking down many of the chapters, as well as moving all Eren/Levi pairings under a new title. [When the link is made it can be found under my profile.]

Again, thanks to all of those whom have given reviews and constructive criticism. I enjoy reading everyones' feelings about something I've posted. For further notice about my fanfics give my profile a once over every now and again. There will be no further announcement for the eren/levi pairing fanfics posted under this title.
