Warning: There will be some serious smut in the last part of the chapter. You're welcome.


The week after that, school had started once again. I started pouring both my heart and soul into getting good grades and doing everything that I was supposed to do. Levi got back to his job as well, and we slowly started slipping away as real life caught up with us.

It was as if the whole summer had been some magical dream that had actually come true. Something miraculous that I could never have thought would really happen.

But it did.

After all those years, I had found my first love again. Amazingly enough, he still loved me. And even though we had had some ups and downs, we had still managed to have a happy ending.

Well … Sort of.

Summer had ended with us becoming a real couple, but we hadn't even done anything yet that couples did. We hadn't gone to dinner, I hadn't introduced him to my friends yet, and worst of all – we hadn't even had sex.

It wasn't even because of my problem anymore, it was because there was never any time left for us. After our talk, I had felt an unknown feeling of peace within myself, as if I wasn't scared anymore. There was no fear, if I was just with Levi.

Problem was, that never happened anymore.

Since he was a teacher, you would think that he would have time for me on the weekends, but the school board had apparently ordered all teachers to take seminars. And if he wasn't attending those, he was correcting his students' papers.

It had already been 2 weeks since school had started, and we had only texted and talked on the phone. Since I went to a school in a different city, there was no way that we could even go home together after our classes were over.

Everything had started to show itself as 'not-so-perfect-after-all'.

I couldn't even talk to Hanji about it, since she had so gracefully decided to move to Germany after all, only giving us a weeks notice before she left. Even though she hadn't been a perfect student for me to teach, she had just said that she would learn it quicker by talking the language everyday. Plus, I had already taught her the basics, and that was all she needed. So she had left, leaving me and Levi behind. I already missed her like crazy, and even though Levi never said anything about it, I knew that he missed her too.

It was friday, when I finally got a text from Levi.

Message sent 15.36

From Levi:

Come over tonight. We need to talk.

I immidiately got a knot in my stomach, and it wasn't a good one. I had been drinking from a small juice carton at the same time as reading the message, almost causing me to spit it all out over the woman sitting next to me. Luckily, I swallowed it before it could get that far.

What the hell does that mean?! I thought to myself. Does he … Does it mean that he wants to break up? That's always what it means, when somebody says something like that …

It just didn't make any sense, though. Why would he break up with me, when he had wanted us to be together for so long? Unless … He had realised that our relationship couldn't work? That our lives were too different, that our history with eachother couldn't conquer it after all?

Okay, I needed to stop being so melodramatic.

I bit my lip automatically, before remembering that Levi had told me not to do that. I released the poor lip from my teeth's grip, letting my tongue slide over it instead. I could feel all the small wounds and bumps on it, which made me shiver. I seriously needed to stop with that horrible habit. It made my mouth so unattractive, I couldn't even believe that Levi still wanted to kiss me.

Still frightened by the text message, I decided to call Armin.


"Hey Armin, it's Eren. I need your advice,"

"Oh, hi! That's fine, what's going on?"

"Levi just wrote me a text message, saying that we need to talk. What does that mean?"

"Um … That he wants to talk about something, probably,"

Okay, maybe asking Armin for advice hadn't been the greatest idea. He had no experience with relationships after all.

"Yeah, but … Doesn't it sound like he wants to talk about our relationship? That he wants to break up?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a moment, before he sighed loudly.

"How can you get all that out of such a simple sentence?"

"Um, well, I don't know … It just feels like –"

"Eren, stop right there. Don't overthink it so much. Just talk to him and see what he wants, instead of thinking of the worst scenario there is, okay?"

I nodded, and silence grew between us until I remembered that he couldn't see me.

"Oh, okay, yeah. Thanks Armin," I mumbled, before hanging up and putting the phone back into my pocket.

Maybe I should listen to Armin's advice, and not think of the negative. Maybe I should just be happy to see Levi again after so long?

I truly was.

I could feel how the knot in my stomach disappeared, and instead it was filled with butterflies.

I quickly sent a text to Levi, saying that I would be there in less than an hour, before putting it in my pocket again and leaning back in my seat.

I was going to see Levi again.

I would be able to talk to him again, and touch him, and kiss him … I closed my eyes for a second, imagining how our reunion would be.

Let's just say, it was nothing I had imagined, yet it was everything.


Ring Ring.

Riiiiii –


"It's Eren," I said to the speaker in front of the building door. Levi didn't answer any further, yet I heard a loud Click and I knew that I was able to open the door now.

Excited, I ran up the stairs, just to see Levi standing in the doorway.

"Levi!" I exclaimed, wrapping my arms around him in a tight embrace. Not expecting it, Levi lost his balance, and we both fell to the floor.

"God damn it, Eren!" He said in an irritated voice, yet he didn't push me away. Afraid that the fall might have hurt him, I quickly got on my feet, helping him up on his as well.

"You can't just jump me like that … Ugh," He placed a hand on his lower back, groaning.

"I'm sorry. I had forgotten old men aren't in as good form as they used to be," I teased. I was sure that he would just get more mad, but I couldn't help myself. It was too good a joke to just waste.

He sent me a horrific stare, grabbing my collar and pulled me close to him. Even though he was shorter than me, he still managed to almost get me on my knees.

"Who are you calling old?" He growled terrifyingly.

"Is this a trick question?" I joked, not even sure how to shut myself up. I was just digging myself into a deeper hole here.

Silence mixed with a death glare was the only thing I received.

"Brat," He finally muttered, before bending down to kiss me. "Don't ever do that again,"

"I won't," I grinned, standing up again after he released my collar. He turned around to walk to the kitchen. He didn't even have to say anything, as I quickly followed after leaving my shoes and jacket at the door.

He had cooked dinner for us, even lit candles in the middle of the table. All doubt and insecurity left me when I saw everything he had prepared for us.

"Don't get used to it," Levi said irritated, as soon as he noticed my face expression. I ignored his annoyance and wrapped my arms around him once more, this time in a more relaxed manner.

"This is amazing," I said, kissing him once, twice. "You are amazing," The third kiss was a longer one, and I felt how his tense body slowly started to ease up a bit.

When that happened, he gently pushed me away.

"Sit down," He ordered, and I did as he wanted. The plates were already filled out with delicious food, and I started to eat while he poured us both some red wine. I looked up at him, raising an eyebrow.

"Are you trying to get me drunk, old man?"

"Shut up," He said, yet I clearly saw a smile appearing shortly on his face.

There was silence for a moment while we ate our food, but it wasn't long until he started talking again.

"Eren," He said in a more serious tone, and I immidiately focused on him, suddenly nervous again.

"Y-Yes?" I muttered, biting my lip, afraid of what he was going to say.

"Stop doing that,"

He grabbed my chin, pulling my face towards his so he could kiss me.

I let him, enjoying the familiar feeling of his lips against mine. It had been way too long since we last had kissed. I felt the same way, as he lingered over me more than usual. When he finally pulled away, I could swear I saw his cheeks turn a slighty deeper shade of pink.

He grabbed my hand, intertwining his fingers with mine, and then just stared at them for a moment.

"Move in with me," He whispered at last, slowly lifting his head to look me in the eyes.

" …. Eh?" Was all I could answer, before my jaw dropped and my eyes got big as I stared back at him.

What had he just said?

Something about moving?

With … Him?

Whaaaaaaaa –

"Wh-What?" I pulled my hand away and pushed the chair beneath me away, when I got up. I stumbled a little when I tried backing away, but luckily, I kept my balance.

My head was taking a down long time to process his words.

He wanted me to live with him?


Me, with him.



"This was what you wanted to talk about?" I finally said, resting my hands on my hips, and looked at him.

"Yes?" He said, looking like a big question mark. He probably couldn't understand my strong reaction to this.

Annoyed by this, I grabbed a napkin, coiled it up, and threw it at him.

"Jesus Christ!" I exclaimed, when it hit him softly in the face. He snorted, still confused.

"I thought you wanted to break up with me,"

I started to laugh like a crazy person, when I finally realised what was happening.

Levi stood up, now with a worried look in his eyes.

"Eren, what made you think that?"

"Because we never spend time together! Our lives are so different, we can't make time for each other!" I said, my laughter quickly fading away.

Levi, now looking very serious at me, grabbed both my hands, pulling me towards him.

"And that is exactly why it's so perfect. Hanji is in Germany, so there is enough space for us both, and then we would be able to see eachother everyday. We wouldn't have to be apart anymore,"

It seemed almost too perfect. I tried pulling away again, but his grip only tightened around my wrist this time, keeping me in place.

"But … It's too soon," I mumbled, looking down.

"How is it too soon? It's not like we've just met. We have known eachother for over 10 years, – "

"But we weren't together for 9 of them," I quickly commented, though he chose to ignore that and continue.

" – and I love you,"

I gulped, when he released my hands to wrap his arms around my waist instead.

We were suddenly so close to eachother, I felt like I couldn't breathe properly.

He looked at me for a long time, studying me face, and even though I felt so uncomfortable, I didn't look away.

"And I know you love me too," He added in the end, staring at me to see my reaction.

I couldn't stop what happened next. My whole face started flustering, and when I tried looking away he grabbed my chin to hold my face in place. His other arm tightened his grip around my waist, pressing my body close to his.

His face was so close now, I could feel his warm breath on me. I felt the lump in my throat, preventing me from being able to breathe regularly.

"B-But … I never s-said th-that!" I panted, as I felt my cheeks burn up.

No, actually my whole body was burning up. My arms was caught between my chest and his, making me unable to move, so the only thing I could do was returning his gaze.

And it was mesmerizing.

"Do you remember what I promised you in the beginning of summer?" He asked lowly, tilting his head a bit. I shook my head slowly, still trying to swallow the lump in my throat.

"I said that I was going to make you say it again,"

He finally broke our eye contact, but he gave me no pause to get myself together. His lips hit my neck immidiately after, attacking me with a series of kisses, both sucking and licking. I started trembling in his arms, my hands grabbing the soft fabric of his shirt to hold onto, as if I was afraid I would fall down if not.

"Say what?" I whispered, even though I knew perfectly well.

"That you love me,"

He said it so lowly, under his breath, so that I almost didn't hear it. He then moved down to kiss my collarbones, while his hands proceeded to grab the end of my shirt.

This was finally the moment were I could push him away. I did, forcing my body away from him, making me stumble a bit backwards.

There was at least 2-3 metres between us, but Levi didn't move anymore. I placed both hands on my stomach, as if it would help in controlling my breathing.

As I finally felt able to breathe again, I sucked in a great portion of air and filled my lungs up. Relieved, I breathed out again, and then repeated a few times.

Levi started at me the whole time, though he didn't say anything. When I finally returned his gaze, I had no idea what was on his mind. Did he think that I had rejected him?

I hoped not, since it was the complete opposite that I had in mind.

I had just needed to … Prepare myself.

My fingers grabbed the end of my shirt, and I very slowly started to lift it, revealing the hint of abs that were on my stomach in the process. I locked my eyes with Levi's just to see them being filled with lust before the shirt was pulled over my head.

I threw it on the floor, as if I had no regards for it anymore, and then walked over to Levi. He didn't move a muscle, as I grabbed his shirt and started to unbutton it.

He let me take it off him completely, throwing it over to join my shirt on the floor.

I could see his fingers starting to twitch, as if they were only merely holding back from touching me.

As I didn't want that, I quickly went down on my knees to escape them. I knew that if I stood there for very much longer, he wouldn't be able to stop himself.

And I wanted to tease him just a little bit longer.

I unbuckled his belt, slowly removing it from his pants, tilting my head backwards so I was able to hold the eye contact with Levi for as long as possible.

I could see the surprise in his eyes, and how his mouth was slighty parted, revealing his loud panting.

"Eren," He said lowly, breaking the long silence where only our breathing could have been heard before.

I didn't answer, as I again started to focus on rolling down the zipper and then pulling down his pants and underwear as well.

Now it was my turn to be surprised.

I looked at his hard, throbbing member in front of me, both shocked and baffled at the same time. Of course, this only lasted a short moment, before I got myself together.

I lifted a finger and started to gently caress the top with my fingertip. The precum made the movements easier, and as I heard Levi starting panting more heavily, I had to look up.

His eyes were slightly closed, and his mouth was more open now. Satisfied with what I was seeing, I let all my fingers grap his member, slowly moving back and forth. I could feel Levi's body trembling, and knowing that I would be in full control over him with this, I leaned in and let my tongue lick his forehead.

His head tilted back as he let out a loud moan.

"F-Fuck, Eren," He said, gasping for air, as I let my tongue tease him a little more.

When I finally thought he had gotten enough, I removed my hand so that I could completely put him into my mouth.

"A-Ahh!" He gasped, as I started sucking intensively. I placed both my hands on his hips to hold him in place as his knees started to shake tremendously. His hands suddenly grabbed my hair, holding it in place, wanting to regain the lost control.

"I-I can't," Was the only words he could say, his breathing becoming too overpowering. "H-Hold it – "

He began thrusting into my mouth, filling me up and almost hitting the back of my throat. My hands holding his hips was little help now, so the only thing I could do was to just keep sucking.

He came shortly after that, pulling out as it happened. Not fast enough though, as I was forced to swallow. Not that I minded, though. I closed my eyes as the rest came over my face, though mostly on my chest. He fell to his knees in front of me, not able to hold himself up any longer, and while I was coughing, he was trying to get control over his breathing again. We both sat there for a moment, the only sound to be heard was our panting.

"Levi," I said hesitantly, reaching out for him, but he was faster than me, pushing my hand away.

"Don't ever do that again!" He suddenly exclaimed, quickly getting back on his feet and then proceeding to pull me up as well.

"Wh-What?" I asked confused, not understanding why he was suddenly so … I couldn't even tell.

Was he angry?

He grabbed my wrist, forcing me to follow him into the bedroom, where he immidiately threw me onto the bed.

Already completely naked, with an exception of his socks, he climbed on top of me, sitting down on my legs.

"Throwing my damn shirt on the disgusting, dirty floor, taking control … " His fingers started to fumble with my zipper. " … doing that without my permission? Overall, just being a damn brat,"

He pulled my pants and underwear halfway down, so I had to move and kick with my legs a few awkward times, before getting them off completely.

He hovered over me, grabbing my wrist to hold me down, even though he didn't really have to do that.

I wouldn't protest.

"And still you won't even say you love me,"

He started kissing me before I could answer, pressing his lips roughly against mine to coax my mouth open. He succeeded, as I just ignored my bottom lip burning up in pain. His tongue slided in, teasing and playing with mine passionately.

I moaned into his mouth, while my hips unconsciously started to move from side to side, as my own erection started throbbing in lust. I could immidiately feel it when he got hard again as well, as it started to cause friction. This resulted in even more moaning from my side, until it was so distracting that Levi had to pull away.

I gasped for air, and feeling Levi's eyes on me, I instantly felt my cheeks blushing.

Why the hell was I getting embarrassed now?

I felt Levi's small fingers wrap around my member for a short moment, sliding them up and down. I held my breath in excitement, before getting rather disappointed when he removed his hand just as quickly again. Confused to why he had done that, I looked down, only to see his two fingertips glide over my forehead once more. I tilted my head back in a loud moan, feeling my whole body shiver with anticipation.

Why was he teasing me so much?

Levi suddenly removed himself from me completely, and after waiting a few seconds for him to come back, I sat up in confusement.

"L-Levi?" I asked, looking at his naked back in front of me, that was bend over the night stand. I heard a little click sound, and when he turned around again, I saw how his fingers were covered in some kind of cream.

"Spread your legs," He ordered, surprisingly calm again, and I did what I was told.

He crawled over to me again and with his left hand he grabbed my left leg and pushed it towards my chest, and the other leg followed halfway. His right hand reached down to touch my entrance, and I quickly fell back down on my back again to prepare for it, closing my eyes and placing both arms over my head to avoid the shame of having to look.

I could feel how his fingers hesitated, still rubbing lightly on my entrance to make it more accessible.

At last, he pressed a finger inside, and without even stopping to give me a break, he kept moving it back and forth, in different kinds of ways, almost as if he was looking for something …

In the end, he found it.

"Nghhh!" The arm over my mouth luckily muffled the loud moan that I had let out, when I felt insane pleasure overflooding my body for a long moment.

When this happened, Levi immidiately let in a second finger. It hadn't been uncomfortable at all before, but now it was starting to sting a little. That pain was silly though, compared to the pleasure that just kept on coming.

It didn't last long though, before he pulled his fingers out though. Automatically, I removed my arms to look at him with pleading eyes.

"No," I said, reaching out to him. "More,"

I could see him smirking by that, sending my a wink, as his hands were fumbling with something that I couldn't quite see.

"I have something even better," He answered finally, grabbing both of my legs this time, as he slowly leaned in over me. I suddenly felt something bigger and harder than just fingers down at my entrance, and for only a second I looked at him with naïve, unknowing eyes, before realising.

His eyes had followed my obvious thoughtprocess, and sent me a teasing smile as he pressed his whole body forward, thrusting himself inside of me. My mouth formed an O-shape, as he left me breathless. I started moaning like crazy, not even being able to control the sounds coming out of my mouth when his movements started to become regular, moving back and forth, hitting that spot.

"L-Levi," I panted, stretching my arms out to place them loosely around his neck. As if it was an invitation, he leaned himself closer to my face to be able to kiss me. This resulted in him thrusting himself even deeper inside of me, as deep as he could possibly come, and he stayed like that, not moving at all, so he could concentrate on the kiss.

Already breathless from before, I couldn't hold the kiss for long, so when he started to move his hips again, I had to pull back.

I felt my whole body burning up, as he started hitting the same spot as before. He kept at it for what felt like forever, until I almost couldn't take it anymore.

"Faster," I begged him, placing my hands on his upper arms.

He didn't answer, and he certainly didn't do as I asked. Instead, he started to move back and forth even slower, leaving me in a total, pleasurable agony.

"P-Please … " I moaned, boring my fingernails into his arms. He didn't react to that at all, though.

"Then say it," He said, trying to sound calm and collected, even though it was clear that he was out of breath as well.

I shook my head, fully knowing what he was talking about.

"Wh-What? No!"

I gasped loudly, as he did another deep thrust, making my back ache.

I was so close, yet so far away. If he kept at this pace, I would never be allowed to come. And my whole body was shaking in agony, wanting to do it, wanting to reach climax.

"Levi, p-please! This is t-torture!" I groaned, looking up into his sexy grey eyes.

"Not until you – "

"Fuck!" I interrupted him, feeling my whole face fluster once more, as if it was even possible anymore.

"I – " I took a deep breath, wanting to get it right.

"I love you,"

Levi let out a pant, probably in satisfaction, before starting to thrust quicker and quicker once again. Our moans mixed together in the end, until I felt my member twitch erratically before letting it all out.

I gasped, feeling how all air was sucked out of my body for a short second to let the full pleasure in.

Of course, Levi wasn't done yet, though it didn't take long after that. He came only a few moments after me, filling me up completely with his cum, before slowly pulling out of me.

He fell down beside me, and we just lay there a moment, trying to catch our breaths.

"Y-You cheated," I managed to say, turning my head to look at him.

"Hmm … I don't even care," He mumbled, grinning like a smug, little boy who had just got his way. "And Eren?"


His fingers intertwined with mine, and I felt him roll over so his lips could reach mine.

It was a simple kiss, yet there was so much emotion in it. When he finally pulled away, he looked at me with a little smile.

"I love you too,"

So this had to be wrapped up in this chapter as I stopped feeling the joy of writing for the story. I'm sorry, but that's the kill-switch for the writer ... But I wanted to give you guys a happy ending, and I hope I did it to your satisfaction!
Now, if you enjoyed this story, I'm positive that you'll love my other stories about Ereri / Riren as well! I have 2 other stories called 'Inside My Mind' and 'The Band' (I love writing that story right now!) and I have plans for at least 5 other stories containing Ereri, hehe.

So stay tuned, and be sure to stay lovely as well xoxo