![]() Author has written 18 stories for Dark Angel, Sailor Moon X-overs, Tru Calling, Charmed, Sailor Moon, Power Rangers, Quantum Leap, Chronicles of Narnia, and Tuck Everlasting. I'm female. I'm 38 yrs.old and an american! I love to watch tv, read, watch movies, talk to friends and surf the net! I consider myself to have a good sense of humor.(i'm also told that by my family) I love to laugh and to make people laugh. I try to be sweet and kind to those around me! I'm a terrible speller (but I'm working on it) I have a vivid imagination. I'm creative. I'm also a forgiving person. I have a little bit of a temper but i'm working on controlling that. I try to follow the golden rule: treat others the way you like to be treated! I consider myself somewhat open minded. I'm also very inquisitive so I ask a lot of questions! My favorite shows are: other shows that I enjoy are the four CSI's, Tru calling, dollhouse, ghost whisperer, without a trace, numbers, the mentalist, the big bang theory, the the new version of hawaii 5-0, bones, two and a half men (the first 8 years) , mike and molly, criminal minds, the sopranos, mythbutsers, cake boss, pawn stars, american pickers, joan of arcaida, power rangers, night court, the wb's tarzan (even if it only lasted 8 eispodes), house, flashpoint, daria, law and order svu, Quantum leap, and a few others... as far as books: I totally adore the Chronicles of Narnia, as well as the the wicked lovely series, the mortal instruments series, the wondrously strange trilogy, rachel vinncent's shifters series, the faerie path series, harry potter series, kingdom keepers series, the twilight saga, the heirs of watson island series, the Stoker and Holmes series, as well as many, many other stand alone books. if you want too know ask, i'll be happy to answer!!! I like to read charmed books, the dark angel books (I hope there are more to come) harry potter books (got into the books thru the movie) and just started reading CSI and CSI: Maimi books. as far as movies that is way to long a list to put here. but if you want to ask i'll be more than happy to answer! as far as fan fics I like to read: sailor moon fics, sailor moon crossover fics. I'm starting to explore other fics like Dark Angel, charmed, harry potter, x-men evolution, power rangers, twilight, etc. I can honestly say that in fics I tend to go for the traditional/cannon (from the show/anmie/book/movie) couple. Like max and logan, or serena and darien, or piper and leo, etc. but there are a few rare exceptions... I guess its just the part of me that's says they belong together kinda thing. that and I think to be a little bit of a romantic at heart and really enjoy getting to see those couples getting to be together after all the struggle they went thru or are still going thru! I have to say that my range of interests in the fics i read has expanded. :) I enjoy crossovers both to read and write. and i enjoy sharing my ideas with friends, even if they never make it to the page and/or screen. After being given this idea by a friend of mine, I thought I would add this little part so I could share a few ideas I had for a few stories before I actually start them. Cause I'm am just horrible about updating the stories I already have started. But let me know what you think of these Ideas and who knows just maybe they will get started one day. stories that might come up in the future: Playmate A charmed lll Harry potter crossover. set within the season where Paige was in charge of magic school. (which I think is season seven) which would be after Pheobe got her power of premonition back and Leo was an avatar but before zanku came into the picture. I think it would make wyatt about 2 years old. will most likely be somewhere in book 5 for harry potter. While Paige and piper are talking in the library of magic school, wyatt is supposedly playing quietly with his toys at a table nearby. after getting bored with his toys wyatt starts to search for something or someone else to play with. even though this search goes unnoticed by his mother and aunt, wyatt doesn't have to go far or look for long to find something to catch his interest. The 2 sisters suddenly hear a crash close by. upon investigation they find someone has tripped and fallen into a book return cart full of books knocking it over. they go on to discover that the person under the pile of books is none other than harry Potter.and shortly after that they discover that Piper's son was the one to conger him out of his book. So now the Charmed Ones not only have to balance defeating the monster they are currently fighting with,While trying to figure out a way to get Harry back where he belongs, along with everything else going on in there lives at the moment. During this time Harry gets the chance to learn about a whole new type of magic, do a little fighting, and becoming part of another family. Potential A Charmed lll WB's Tarzan crossover. set about the beginning of season seven. (expect pheobe didn't lose her active powers during the trial towards the end of the 6th season and the avatars haven't started harassing Leo yet.) and would be set sometime after the last episode of tarzan. During the clean up of yet another vanquish in the attic, Pheobe gets a premonition. She sees a young red haired woman and a bare footed blonde man encircled in a dark alley by a bunch of guys in black suits and white ties. Each guy is about the size of a bodybuilder. The biggest of all the men steps forward and forms a gigantic energy ball in his hand. A twisted sort of grin appears on his face and then throws the energy ball at the young couple annihilating them. after telling her sisters and Leo about the vision, they after much debate realize they have no choice but to ask the elders. After Leo returns he informs the sisters that the woman is a future Whitelighter and that she was a member of NYPD. and that her name was Jane Porter. That she was in a tug-of-war of sorts over an innocent she was trying to help. and that her involvement with this innocent is bringing her to a crossroads. that the sisters need to go to Manhattan and help guide and protect the woman and her innocent. (which happens to be the guy in pheobe's vision.) and when the sister ask why pheobe would get a premonition about a person in new york when they live in californa. Leo answers with the fact that the demon they just vanquished was working with a bigger group who are helping the person who is on the other side of the tug of war over the woman's innocent, because he runs a larger corporation that the demons are trying to infiltrate, in order to gain power and try to tip the scales between good and evil. So The sisters, along with Leo and the boys pack up and head to New York. once there things get complicated as the sisters get pulled in to the fight over the woman's innocent. an author challenge: hey Peeps! I've got the greatest idea of a story that I know that someone else would do more justice to then I ever could. so here it is: a Dead zone / quantum leap crossover. sam jumps into the life of a man in Maine. who is employed under sheriff walt bannerman. As Sam tries to figure out, with Al's help, what exactly he needs to do on this leap. He runs into one major complication named Johnny Smith. As johnny keeps getting conflicting visions of things that are going to happen on a case that both walt and the entire sheriff's department are working on, and of a Man he never seen talking about something called quantum leap, and other strange things, to another man who seems to be able to sometimes pass right thru things. So as each man keeps changing the course of current and forth coming events, and johnny keeps getting closer to the truth, will some rules have to be broken along the way and alliances formed to be able to fix what needs to be fixed and set things right. Set somewhere in the middle of season 4 of dead zone. and maybe season 5 of quantum leap. so would make the year 2000. (I think.) Johnny smith would be able to see and hear Al in visions, but not in real time. if your interested please P.M. me and we'll talk about it. Sincerely, Mae-E |