The Unexpected: Episode 1

"It's blue!" Serena screeched, happily! But, then, remembering Darien in his office upstairs, she shushed herself. "It's blue!" she whispered.

They were just getting settled in their new house. In fact, they had just returned from their honeymoon to America. They had gone to New York. It was a great trip.

"In more ways than one!" Serena laughed to herself.

She quietly made her way to the kitchen and put some tea on the stove. She heard the keyboard going steadily. She smiled softly. Even when he wasn't on call, he was still working.

"How am I going to tell him?" She twisted a strand of sunshine hair on her index finger while thinking. A few moments later, she shrugged. "Oh, well. It'll come to me!" She began cooking a simple dinner, silently thanking Lita for her diligent training and dogged patience.

The teakettle went off. It's whistle brought down Artemis and Luna. They alternated monthly between Serena's house and Mina's. The two cats finally wanted to live together, but neither wanted to leave their ward. They had adjusted to the Shields household routine quite well. When the teakettle went off, almost always at precisely five, it was time for supper. The cats always came down when it whistled, because some times, Darien wouldn't be there to keep her company because of his unpredictable hours as a doctor.

Serena smiled. She heard Darien's firm footsteps coming down the stairs. She quickly finished supper and set the table before he reached her. Most other humans couldn't do anything that fast and still graceful.

Darien laughed when he got to the table. He'd watched Serena's hurried preparations with a light heart. He greeted her with a kiss. "How'd you manage this wonderful meal in such good time?" he asked with a laugh.

Serena smiled secretively, though she knew he had seen her. "I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you."

He backed off, mock scared. He held his hands up. "Ok, I never asked!" They laughed, and sat. They ate with joking chatter and soft whispers and the occasional comfortable silence.

Suddenly, Serena held up her hand for silence. The cats and Darien weren't quite used to her new dominant air. It took a few seconds for them to quiet.

Serena closed her eyes. Darien wasn't sure if she was listening or just trying to sense something. Finally, she opened them. "Something isn't right."

Just as soon as she had voiced this, her communicator went off. She reluctantly pulled it up to her face. "Yes, Amara?"

"Princess, I hate to interrupt, but pressing business urges me. We got a youma at 3rd and Main. Michelle and I are on our way and she's calling the others right now."

"Be right there, Amara. Thanks." Serena lowered her wrist. "Let's go, then!" It wasn't excitement in her voice, it was eagerness to defeat the foe and restore the peace that hadn't been broken for almost a year. As she and Darien were about to run out the door, she seemed to think of something. "You guys go on ahead, I gotta run get my brooch."

Darien and the cats nodded, and started to run out.

Luna! You stay!

Luna stopped, and allowed the guys ahead. When they were gone, Serena ran up to get her brooch. Luna followed, puzzled. After retrieving it, Serena paused.

"Tell me, Serena, quick! The others are fighting by now!" Luna urged with a small smile.

Serena tried her best to look serious. "Luna... Tell me. What kind of effect do the Senshi powers have on a... pregnant woman?"

Luna looked confused. "Why? Is one of the girls pregnant?"

Serena fought to keep a straight face. This answer wasn't too surprising since all of the Inners were married. Amy to Greg, Raye to Chad, Lita to Ken, and Mina to Andrew, who hadn't been able to keep up his long distance relationship to Rita. And not only this, all four guys knew their wives were Sailor Scouts. The Outers shared a large apartment, but were still a family in their own way.

"Yes," Serena answered, "And I'm worried about her baby."

Luna smiled. "Which one, quick! I have to know!"

Serena scolded her. "Luna, my question!"

Luna pouted, but answered obediently. "Any pregnant Senshi is better off being a Senshi because the powers, especially when fighting. Although it's slightly exhausting for the mother, the powers will not allow any harm to come to the baby. In fact, it's almost better to be transformed than not to be because the power not only completely protects the baby, it takes away some of the annoying symptoms of pregnancy. No matter what happens to a Senshi, the baby is totally safe. And not only this, the disguise magic on the power makes it appear that the Senshi isn't pregnant, but flat like normal. The only drawback is that the mother will be slightly exhausted after powering down.

"Does this satisfy you? Now tell me who it is so I can kill them for not telling me!" Luna threatened, momentarily forgetting the fight.

Serena grinned and grabbed her brooch. She began to run down the stairs and out the door. "Why, Luna! It's me!" she cried before transforming.

Luna gasped for joy and shock and raced after Serena. "When I get my hands on you--!" she cried before being cut off.

"Moon Eternal, Make up!"

The winged Senshi continued running toward 3rd and Main. "But Luna, you have no hands!"

Luna hissed, mostly out of glee.

When they reached the battle, it seemed the Senshi were in need of her help, but had the situation under control. Testing the youma, Sailor Moon threw several tiaras at it. It dodged easily but did not attack. She shrugged, pulled out her scepter and destroyed it.

Sailor Mars approached menacingly. Sailor Moon couldn't help but grin.

"Sailor Moon, I won't even ask why you were late because that would just ruin my whole day because it's been a nice quiet day at the shrine, and I don't want to jinx it. But next time, do try to be punctual."

Sailor Moon bowed. "Of course, great Princess of Mars!"

Mars sniffed. "And don't you ever forget it!"

Uranus stepped forward. "Well if you won't ask, I will. Sailor Moon?"

Sailor Moon tried to keep a straight face. "Darned brooch, couldn't find the dang thing. I swear it has legs."

Tuxedo Mask laughed, for she was obviously lying and wasn't very good at it. He wondered what she was hiding.

"Sailor Moon, what are you up to?" Venus demanded, backed by eight curious Senshi.

"What? Me? Up to something? Why, you know me not, dear Senshi, what secret could I keep from you?"

They rolled their eyes. "Fine, keep your secrets!" Jupiter challenged.

"We'll find out for sure. We have our ways," Neptune stated secretively.

"Ok! You do that."

They laughed, frustrated but happy. After detransforming in a grove of trees, they all headed to the arcade for a late night shake. Serena and Darien hung back. "Was it me, or was that too easy?" Serena asked suddenly. Darien didn't notice how hard she was breathing or how heavily she leaned on him.

Darien nodded, silently agreeing. "It was almost like the youma didn't want to attack us. Or at least you. It tried a few things on us before you came. Strange for a new enemy."

"Hmmm." Serena pondered. Not for long though. "Oh well! Let's go."

**Later that night**

On the balcony of their home, Serena and Darien snuggled close together on the swing. Looking over the city, Darien pulled Serena close. She sighed contently in his warmth.



"Tell me what's up. I can't wait anymore."

Serena smiled. She had made some... adjustments to their bedroom while Darien had showered. She grinned.

"I'll tell you everything in the bedroom."

He looked puzzled, but smiled nonetheless. Hand in hand, they walked inside. Serena made him close his eyes, which he did faithfully, as she readied a few items. When he opened them, he gasped. A crib, assembled a little sloppily, sat beside their bed. A mobile hang over it. The crib was filled with blankets, toys, pillows, and baby clothes. There was also a baby changing station, a rocking chair, and a cradle.

"Wha...?" Darien gaped. Then he seemed to snap. He grabbed her and whirled her around. Then he gasped and sat her down purposefully on the bed. "Omigosh! We're going to have a baby! Are you okay? Did I hurt you? How do you feel? Are you comfortable? Can I get you anything? What about the battle? Why were you fighting? You are not leaving this bed for the next nine months!"

Serena laughed hysterically. Then she thought for a moment. "Yes, we are, isn't it great? I'm fine, of course not, I feel great, yes, no, what about it, because you needed me, and I don't think you can do that!"

Darien took all that in, then flopped down on the bed, exhausted. Then he promptly asked if she was ok. She laughed.

"Darien, I'm pregnant but I'm not going to break." She wondered why he was acting so weird since he was a doctor and should know enough about pregnancy. That caused her to laugh again to herself.

He blushed. "What about the fight? Is it bad for you to fight?"

Serena explained patiently what Luna had told her. He looked relieved. "Well, that's good news."

They curled up into bed. "May I feel?" Darien asked.

She giggled. "There's nothing to feel, silly! But sure, why not?"

She curled into his arms, and he let one hand rest on her stomach, and in this position, they slept.