Reviews for Bittersweet Secret
Suspian 4evr chapter 32 . 5/28
I don’t know what to say I was almost crying because I love the couple so much and I was so happy that you Incorporated everything from the movies so well can’t wait to see what happened In the next chapters you make,Awesome Job
Tudorica Mihaela chapter 27 . 1/1
I hate Susan's mother! All of this happens because of her!
Tudorica Mihaela chapter 18 . 12/23/2019
What a stupid woman! I hate Susan's and Lucy's mother! They should never go with her! And they left pour Edmund behind!
Trekkerpoet29 chapter 34 . 1/9/2018
Hope you finish this!
King Edmund chapter 26 . 7/24/2017
Honestly, being a living bib is more of a reason to keep you up at night rather than her wailing..
brdese chapter 34 . 7/24/2017
update nOW
Brdese chapter 17 . 7/24/2017
You must take High King Peter the Magnificent seriously when he rides that damn unicorn.
iBallistic Cat chapter 32 . 2/7/2017
Lol,did you know that 'crys' I'd Welsh for 'shirt'?
Guest chapter 34 . 11/3/2016
Please! She continues writing the history, is very entertaining and has me very put with what is going to happen.
Guest chapter 34 . 1/10/2016
Are you going to add more chapters? This story has me at the edge of my seat! Luv your work! Would it be possible to have more Crystal/Peter? Thanks!
Guest chapter 34 . 1/7/2016
I love the history that you made.
I hope that you'll be able to finish it, I would love to know how the war will go, if Peter is really going to die, a lovestory betwen Crystal and Peter (I would love to see Them staying together), and of course I want to know with susan and caspian will stay together in Nárnia with their childs.
I kind os have a question you wrote in this chapter something like caspian and his "wife", I would like you to kind of explain me that.
Well, but you are an amaizing writer, and I hope you to have a lot of plajer while doing it.
peterandcrystal chapter 34 . 7/1/2015
marie chapter 17 . 4/4/2015
This story is great it grals you and won,t let go I can,t for the next
Rebekah D. Author chapter 1 . 1/27/2015
Nice I like your story can't wait for the next chapter!
Guest chapter 34 . 1/19/2015
Oh my gosh I litteraly spent an hour reading this whole story it is so good please update as soon as possible I know it's been a while but I love this story so much.
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