A.N. thanks to all those who are continuing to read this and to both of my very patient, understanding, and helpful betas!
DISCLAIMER: I own nothing!
It had been two days since Pluto's visit, and they had gathered together, after school, this warm early autumn day to discuss the ramifications of all she had revealed to them. The meaning of it all and how it tied into Raye's vision, along with what the next steps in their plans should be were also topics of discussion at this meeting. Because understanding the information they had, and how it all related to each other, will allow them to more clearly plan their future actions. The meeting went on for about two hours, but even with all the memories they had regained they were still seriously lacking in vital information. All they knew for sure was that they would soon have to journey to America to find the missing pieces of their team, and pray that they would not be too late in doing so.
Just as the meeting was breaking up at the temple and they were all starting to get ready to go their separate ways Amy comes up to Darien and Serena as they are about to leave and says, " I think I have found a way to narrow down the search field for Tranquility and Terra."
"How Amy?" asked Darien.
"By searching for their energy signatures." answered Amy.
"What the heck is an energy signature?" asked Serena in a confused tone.
"Each living thing gives off energy. Different types depending on what kind of being the thing in question is. The strongest coming from humans." explained Amy.
"This is why the monsters that collected energy that we fought with went mainly after humans." commented Darien.
"Exactly." replied Amy.
"So how does that help us?" asked Serena.
Both Darien and Amy shook their heads a bit at Serena's comment but let it go, and continued on with conversation.
"Well it helps us because like fingerprints a person's energy signature is unique to them." answered Amy.
"So you mean something like an aura, and everyone has one?" asked Serena
"For lack of a better word, yes." answered Amy.
"So if these signatures are unique to each person how can we help?" asked Darien.
"How do we look for something, when we don't know what it is we are looking for?" asked Serena.
"That is easy to explain, we just have to look for something similar. By using you two as reference samples, I can give my computer something to compare to. Since for all of us that hold planetary powers, that leaves a distinctive distortion or mark upon our auras. Since you each hold powers from the same planet as those we are looking for, I just need to find auras that bare similar distortions. All I need to be able to do that, is to record an energy reading from each of you with the computer." answered Amy.
"Do we need to transform?" Darien asked.
"No, actually it is better to do this in your civilian forms." answered Amy.
"How long will this take? My mother is going to be expecting me home soon." asked Serena.
"Not long at all. With the program I created it should only take about five to ten minutes each." answered Amy.
"I asked Raye if we could use her room for privacy while we do this and she agreed. She even said she make sure we weren't disturbed." commented Amy.
They walked back into Raye's room and sat back down around the little table in the middle of the room.
"So how will this work?" asked Darien.
"Simple, just sit still for a few minutes as I have the computer take scans of the energy you naturally give off." answered Amy.
"That is it?" asked Serena.
"Yeah that is it. Once I have the scans completed I should be able to get the computer to narrow the search area down to one town, five to ten miles at least. That will be the best that I can manage and even that will take a few days." answered Amy.
"It will be more than enough Amy. I'm sure we can manage one town." said Serena.
"That is good to hear." replied Amy.
With that Amy set the mercury computer up on the table and pointed it at Darien first. She reached up and squeezed her right earing and her visor appeared. She typed at quick speed on the computer's keyboard as she analyzed the reading she was receiving on the visor. After about five minutes Amy looked up and said, "Ok I've got what I need from you Darien."
She shifted the computer to point at Serena and said, "Ok, now for you Serena. Now remember for this to work correctly you have to hold still until I tell you." said Amy.
"Ok" said Serena.
As Amy was preforming the scan on Serena, she managed to stay still but her face seemed to scrunch up as if there was something wrong.
"Are you ok Serena?" asked Darien.
"Mm-hum." responded Serena without moving.
As time ticked slowly on while Amy conducted the scan, Serena's face scrunched up more and more.
Finally Amy said, "Ok, I'm done Serena you can move now if you want."
Serena exhaled loudly, as one hand went quickly to her nose and the other to her upper back, as she started to scratch.
"I had the worst itch, and it was so hard to resist moving to scratch it while you were doing the scan." said Serena.
Both Amy and Darien just looked at her then started laughing out loud.
"What? What's so funny?" ask Serena confused.
This only made them both laugh even harder.
A Week has passed since everyone regained their memories and a few days since Amy had completed the scans of Serena and Darien. In that time the scouts and Darien had made much progress, starting with the fact that Amy was able to access the locked files on her mercury computer, which held all the known history and knowledge of Terra and Tranquility. Also Amy used the scans she took of Serena and Darien a few days ago to start the search with her computer. In the hopes that the energy signatures were close enough to who they were seeking to act as an effective baseline in her scans of the west coast of North America. With the hope that they would be able to narrow down the search area to a more manageable sized area to more closely search, like a city or town. This way both Raye and Darien's powers could be of some use as well.
Raye had spent countless hours in front of her temple's flame trying to get any more answers from it, but it was to no avail.
The rest of the scouts spent as much time as possible coaching Serena on her English. So by the time they finally left for America she would be fluent enough to get by without any help. And slowly but surely it was starting to pay off.
In fact they were going to meet at Amy's place today for their meeting. Cause her mother was on call at the hospital and wouldn't be home till late tonight. And Raye was starting to suspect her grandfather was beginning to get suspicious of their daily meetings. In light of the fact that the feelings of dread were becoming stronger and he was picking up on them more and more. The last thing she needed was for him to overhear scout business on top of that.
"So find anything yet?" asked Lita.
"Well according to the data I've compiled so far I've managed to narrow it down to the state of California, but that is about it for now." answered Amy with a sigh.
"Well that is progress right?" asked Lita as she looked around the room at the others.
"Not very much I'm afraid. California is a very big place." answered Amy not once looking up from her computer screen.
Serena's laughter caught the attention of the room. They all turned to look over to see her reading a comic book.
"Serena! You're supposed to be practicing your English." Raye snapped as she snatched the book from Serena's hands.
"I was Raye!" Whined Serena as she reached for the book and missed as Raye pulled it out her reach.
"How is this practicing?" Raye questioned as she flipped thru the pages of the book, and all she saw were pictures. "What is this? It's in English." commented Raye when she realized that the print was not in Japanese.
"I told you I was practicing. Mina gave it to me." Serena said as she managed to snatch the book back from Raye. She then stuck her tongue out at Raye. This caused Raye to do the same in return. Everyone else in the room just shook their heads at the display. This was nothing new to them and they had learned to just let them fight it out.
"They were all the rage in England when I was there, and I figured this would be a great way to get Serena to practice her English reading skills as well." said Mina commented with a smile.
All the others looked at Mina highly impressed.
"That was great thinking Mina" replied Darien looking from Mina to Serena who was sitting back down and reading her English comic book. He turned back to his sketch pad when he saw that Serena was occupied.
"Thank you." replied Mina with a bright smile.
"What are you doing?" Raye asked Darien he looked up from his sketch pad.
"I'm trying to come up with a sketch of Terra. But I just can't seem to make it come out right. I can see her so clearly in my mind now, but when I go to put it on paper, it just disappears." Darien answered with a frustrated sigh. He gripped the pencil willing it to draw the picture that he saw in his head.
"Disappears how?" Serena asks as she puts the comic book down and walks over to look at what Darien had, which wasn't much just a few lines here and there.
"It's like it clouds over and is obscured by fog." Darien answered looking up at Serena standing at his side.
"Interesting, could it be that the uncertainty of her present form is clouding your ability to record her past one?" asked Lita drawing everyone's attention.
"What do you mean?" asked Mina.
"Well it is said that twins have an almost physic connection to each other. What if since Terra isn't awake enough to know what she currently looks like, and it is that confusion that is transferring to Darien prohibiting him from drawing what Terra looks like." answered Lita.
"So her confusion is interfering and causing the fog?" asked Raye to clarify.
"Yeah." responded Lita.
"Well, it is an interesting theory Lita. Too bad there is no real way to test it. At least not until we find Terra and Tranquility." commented Amy as she finally did look up from her computer.
"Well wherever they might be I hope they are together and happy." said Serena in a somewhat wistful tone.
"What were they like?" asked Raye. She wanted to know more about these people that had been a part of her princess and prince's lives so long ago.
"You should remember as well as the rest of us." answered Serena a bit surprised at Raye's question.
"Well we don't have as many memories of them as you two do." answered Raye as she gestured to herself and the others. "The majority of the memories we have are of times of training and other such official formalities. You and Darien have memories of who they were as individuals. I figure that maybe some of their more dominate personality traits might have carried over to their reborn selves. To help give an idea of something to look for when we get to wherever we are going?" responded Raye as the other scouts nodded.
"That's a good idea Raye." commented Mina.
"Ok. Well I remember that we were always referred to as the kingdom's heart and soul, its heir and warrior, her being its heart and me being its soul. She was indeed a fine warrior; we used to train together and with the generals a great deal. It got to a point where we were equally matched. It also got to a point that both Jedite and Zoycite refused to spar with her because she would always beat them." replied Darien with eyes closed. It was almost as if he could see her fighting in front of him now.
"Wow really?" asked Serena. She didn't really have as many memories of Terra like Darien did, but the way he described her made her wish she did.
"Yeah, she was that good. Whether it was hand to hand or with swords she was lethal. But she truly excelled at using a bow and arrows. No one on earth could best her when it came to that." Darien stated with a proud smile as he opened his eyes.
"That's really great to know, but what about the person she was?" asked Raye thinking that being a warrior wouldn't really help them in finding her.
"Oh, of course, well anyway, she was very compassionate person. Always willing to listen to someone's problems, she could be very cheerful and made those around her happy. She was also fiercely loyal to those she cared for. This meant she could be quite protective at times. But she also had a fearful temper, and could be very stubborn. She was also very driven individual. Anything she did it was 100 percent effort. She never accepted anything less either from herself or those around her. She also had a good sense of humor, and the most infectious laugh." answered Darien.
"She sounded like quite a woman." said Mina watching the faraway look in Darien's eyes.
"So she was stubborn, just how much?' asked Lita wanting to know how stubborn Darien's sister really was.
"Oh she was always very stubborn. In fact that was one of the sole reasons she learned how to use a sword. Because someone told her that since she was a girl she would never be able to be any good at it. She was always a bit competitive. Which always made training with her interesting." answered Darien as he looked at Lita.
"Really how so?" asked Amy joining in on the conversation.
"Well no matter what the person she trained with did, she would always try her best to top it. Especially if the other person was me." replied Darien with a chuckle.
"Sounds like you were very close. That you loved each other a great deal." commented Serena.
"Yeah, we did. We were family." replied Darien in a bit of a faraway tone.
Serena placed her hand on his shoulder with a knowing look reflected in her eyes. She knew just what family meant to him. Especially since he couldn't remember his own, and just how long he had been alone till they found each other.
Just then the computer started to beep, and the moment was broken as the scouts remembered that they still had to look for them.
"What does it say Amy?" asked Raye taking a step closer and leaning in to try to see the screen.
"Well it's been able to narrow things down to central California. But that is still a rather big area. I don't know if the computer is going to be able to narrow things down any farther from here with the current parameters." answered Amy as she typed in a few more things.
"Just how are we going to get to wherever we need to go once we figure it out? I mean how are we ever going to explain to our families and to school about picking up and leaving for another country." asked Raye knowing that they couldn't just up and leave.
"I've been working on that. I think I came up with an answer but it does mean perpetrating a rather large deception on everyone, our families, and the schools here and in America. But I think I've managed to work it out in such a way as for nobody to catch on to it. It did call for me to hack into the schools computers and set up a false exchange program which has chosen all of us as the recipients. There is all the documentation needed to back this up for all of us. Once we find the town to start looking more closely in I will choose a school and hack into their computers and setup the same thing there so they will expect us. I have attained copies of all of our records and have transferred them all into English, making modifications as necessary." answered Amy as she looked up at all of them.
All of the others looked stunned at Amy, and at the fact that Amy was capable of masterminding such an elaborate yet foolproof ruse for them to use, seemed in direct contrast with the girl they knew, the honorable yet somewhat shy bookworm who never broke the rules if she could help it.
"Man, am I glad she on our side!" commented Mina.
After a few moments Mina spoke up to ask, "Where exactly are we going to be staying once we get there?" It was something everyone wanted to know. They didn't know anyone in California.
"I'll explain." stated Amy. She then got up and walked into another room, then returning a few moments later with a medium sized box. "My father is an artist who likes to travel the world. He sent me this package just a week ago. There was also a letter, in which he told me that he has spent the last 2 months in California working on a massive public monument. He found one town that he thought was so beautiful, and inspired him so much he bought a home there, so as to return there every so often, with the hopes that one day mother and I could come visit him. He also sent me several of the painting he did in his spare time in different locations. He also mentioned how he was soon to leave for Paris, France, to help a friend of his with his art show. So the house will be empty now, and free for us to use." answered Amy.
"Well that answers that question." remarked Mina.
As the others looked upon the different paintings, one in particular stood out to Dairen. It was one set at sunset, overlooking a beautiful lake. With a large bolder off to the right and in front of the bolder is the silhouette of a young couple locked in a passionate embrace the light dancing off the lake throwing the young lovers into the shadows. He felt an unexplainable draw to this painting and reached out for it. As his fingers connected with it he felt a sudden charge like an electrical shock. Followed by the sudden urge to be there, to find that place in the picture, he knew without a doubt this was where they needed to go. He didn't even question his reaction.
"Darien?" Serena called out to him and it broke him from his trance and back to table where all the others were staring at him.
"Are you alright?' Serena asked looking very concerned about him. He didn't normally act like this.
He shook his head to clear his mind then answered, "Yes I'm alright. In fact I know where we have to go. We have to go here. Whatever town this is, it is where we need to be. "He stated somewhat urgently, while looking at the others.
"The name of the location should be on the back of the painting." mentioned Amy in a matter of faculty tone.
Darien quickly flipped the painting over to read the handwriting on the back of the frame. "Angel Grove, California" He read aloud.
Everyone looked from Darien to Amy, who quickly went to her computer.
"That is in the boundary of the area the computer narrowed it down to. Directly in the middle to be exact and it is the same town my father bought the house in." commented Amy.
"So we finally know where we are going? That is great!" said Serena with a smile.
The others nodded their heads in agreement.
"With this information I should have us ready to go in a few days." said Amy turning back to her computer.
With that being said they all knew that in this moment their adventure had truly begun, and the next battle was one step closer. And while they did not relish a return to battle, the drive and determination to find those lost members of their team outweighed it all. So with that in mind they were ready to face anything to achieve that goal.
The sound of clashing swords rang out thru out the training area. Everyone in the immediate area was watching in awe as the two princes spared against each other. They matched each other at practically every turn. Both were drenched in sweat from the exertion of the past hour, till finally the match ended in a draw.
"We seem to be evenly matched." Commented Endymion as he held his hand out to shake his opponent's hand.
"It would seem so and thank you so much for the opportunity to do this. I haven't had such good workout since before I left home. Yet you seemed to have the more enthusiastic cheerleader." Responded Prince Tranquility, as he shook Prince Endymion's hand, with an amused smirk upon his face.
"Well she is my twin, she kind of has to." laughed Endymion, as he looked over at his sister, who had been watching from the sidelines the whole time.
"Well-spoken brother." replied Terra as she approached the two princes dressed in her training uniform, with an almost mischievous twinkle in her eye.
She smiled brightly, and without a word her brother handed over his sword to her and stepped back. Shaking his head almost as if he pitied the Moon Prince for what he was in for. Terra was not someone to be underestimated.
Tranquility looked confused at Princess Terra as she gripped the sword and prepared to use it. He didn't know what was going on, or what exactly she was planning to do.
"I don't understand…" he commented as Terra smiled at him. What was going on? He couldn't help but think to himself.
"You wanted to see what the Earth had to offer, to truly do so you have to face its heart as well as its soul." explained Terra as she got into her fighting stance.
"You want me to fight you?" The Moon prince asks of her, as recognition of her intentions dawned upon him. He knew she was training as a soldier but, they couldn't possibly fight each other. He didn't want to hurt the Princess.
"Naturally." answered Terra.
This was soon followed by a loud round of laughter from Endymion and his generals.
It was then followed by cat calls from said generals.
"Afraid to fight a girl?" one of them called out.
"Fearful she too much of a challenge?" another said.
"Or not enough of one?" a third called out.
"Coward" A fourth said with a laugh.
"On the contrary, where I come from the fiercest warriors are women, and they guard my sister." responded Tranquility, as he addressed the generals as a whole, while keeping his eye on the Princess.
"Wisely put, Young Prince. You are a man who speaks from experience." remarked Terra from her place in the training ring. A smug smile rose to her lips and drew the amusement up into her features.
"But will you now be brave enough to show us some of that experience in action?" asked Endymion. Struggling to keep the humor out of his voice while doing so and not quite managing it. The Moon Prince didn't know what he was getting into with his sister.
"It seems that the situation does call for it, if only to humor both your Highnesses." Answered Tranquility with the same amused manner and bowing slightly while speaking.
"Oh, believe me it does." commented Terra. Her eyes practically dancing with delight.
With that the match commenced in a flurry of motion, the air filled once again with the clanging of sword upon sword. Only this time there was a much quicker and aggressive pace to the fight, as the opponents were little more than blurs to the eye. Those that were in awe at the first match were utterly astonished at the current one. The excitement of those watching grew to a fevered pitch as the fight continued. For the next two hours those watching were just astonished at what they were seeing. Then finally a cry of pain was heard as a sword went flying off to the side away from the sparing pair. In the next moment Prince Tranquility was flat on his back with Princess Terra's sword at his throat.
"I believe I win!" said Terra as she stood there breathing heavy but still wearing her smile.
"You certainly have!" exclaimed an exhausted yet amazed Tranquility, While breathing just as heavily as she currently was; he was quite impressed with her skills.
As they made eye contact the charged looked that passed between the two went completely unnoticed by all the others in their company. The connection between the two was only broken when Endymion picked up his sister in celebration and twirled her around. While one of the generals helped Tranquility up off the floor and he brushed himself off.
Fog started to quickly obscure the scene as it faded away leaving only an empty fog strewn space. In the extreme distance the shape of a human form could just be recognized. She shouted out "Please brother, you must hurry! Time is running out. You must find me before it is too late!"
"Hold on I'm coming! I'm bringing help with me." She just barely heard him over the vast distance. The voice was so faint and yet the pleading in its tone was still clear. It filled her with Hope as everything went dark.
Kim suddenly awoke to find herself slumped over a table surrounded by books and papers. For a moment she didn't know quite where she was. Only that her head was pounding like crazy. She then suddenly heard her name called and warmth upon her right shoulder. She slowly turned in that direction as she sat up in her chair and away from the table. As her eyes focused she found Rocky sitting next to her. "What's going on? Where am I?" asked Kim as she looked at him and rubbed her eyes.
"You're at the Youth Center, Sleeping Beauty." He joked in answer to her question while sitting down beside her.
"And I've come to waken the fair maiden, since Prince Charming seems to be running late, as usual." He continued on to say and building on his previous joke, smirking as he did so.
"In your dreams Ape Man!" she replied in an amused tone, one that caused him to laugh out loud.
He looked over at her papers as she reached over for her purse.
"What are you looking for?" He asked her as saw her searching around for something in her bag. It wasn't weird for her to be searching her bag since he always thought it was too big for her.
"The bottle of aspirin I usually keep in here. I got a pounding headache." She answered him as she managed to find the small bottle and pull it out from the depths of her bag.
"Homework can be a pain but I've never seen anyone take that literally before. "He commented as he saw her open the bottle and take out two pills. He had rarely seen Kim take anything before even when she had taken a beating from the putties and whatever monster Zedd and Rita had sent that day.
She gave him a glare that seemed to communicate the thought, that's not funny, as she popped the pills into her mouth and then sipped from her glass. In that moment he could see just how exhausted she appeared, and was suddenly concerned about the girl he considered like a little sister to him. Something was going on.
"Kim, are you alright?" He asks her in a now serious and concerned tone.
"I'm fine aside from the headache. Why do you ask?" She asked avoiding eye contact with him.
"Well, you look so tired. Not just now, but for the last 3 weeks. I heard you been falling asleep in classes, as well which isn't like you, and you seemed to have lost your spark as if you just going thru the motions of your day. In fact now that I think about it Tommy has been the same way as well." He said cocking his head to the side.
She watched as he fell into thought after his statement, as if he was trying to puzzle it out. And by the way his facial expression suddenly changed into a somewhat shocked look, the conclusion that he arrived at was easy for her to guess.
"That is SO not it Rocky!" she exclaimed as she slapped him on the arm. Rocky's mind was so dirty sometimes.
"OW!" he said as he rubbed his arm.
"Oh please." She said as she rolled her eyes and shook her head. She knew that she didn't hit him hard enough to actually hurt him.
"So then what is the cause?" He asked her turning serious.
"I'm not really sure. The only thing I can think of is that it is right around the time I started having these weird dreams. I always feel so drained afterwards when I wake up." she answeredd truthfully.
"Were you having one just now?" He asked her.
She thought about it for a minute then answered," Yeah, I was but it was a little different this time."
"How so?" he asked her, clearly, very worried for her.
"Well it has always been like I'm lost in a fog and calling out to someone, but never getting an answer. This time I got one." She answered keeping her voice low. She didn't want anyone to hear what she was saying because there was a part of her that thought she was crazy.
"What do you think it means?" He asked.
"I don't know but this time I felt hopeful." She answered.
Before the conversation could go any further their communicators went off.
"Are you up to this?" He asked her placing his hand on top of hers. He knew that Tommy would not take it well if Kimberly got hurt because she was exhausted.
"I have to be. Let's go." She said with a nod.
With that being said they got up and walked over to a secluded corner of the Youth Center that was completely out of earshot and sight, so that they could answer their communicators to see that was going on.
"We read you Zordon," stated Rocky as he raised his wrist to his mouth and answered his communicator.
"Putties have been detected in the park. Meet the others there immediately." Their mentor informed them in a calm tone.
"Right away." said Rocky, and then ended the transmission, then him and Kim teleported to the park to help the others.
Upon arriving at the park they see the others fighting with at least a dozen putties and also see that they are sorely out numbered.
"Think they could use our help?" asked Rocky in a joking manor, forgetting all about his conversation with Kimberly.
"I suppose so." responded Kim, with a smile, as they quickly joined the fray.
Kim flipped over to where Aisha was quickly being cornered by three putties. With A few quick kicks two of the putties were knocked down. And soon after broke apart in to little clay pieces before disappearing completely.
"Thanks girl." Replied Aisha as another putty rushed up on her.
"No problem." said Kim with a smile.
Aisha quickly finished off the third putty with a kick to the chest, hitting the Z dead on. They quickly left to help the others.
Rocky and Adam were tag teaming the putties and quickly dealing with them.
That left just Billy and Tommy, who were each holding their own against their opponents.
As Aisha reached Billy to help him, a putty had managed to grab Kim from behind. She threw her left elbow back managing to hit it in the face and break free. She spun around and kicked out at it, and as she did so her right foot started to take on an odd lavender glow, which grew stronger during impact, and then transferred from her to her opponent. The force of the impact threw the putty back a good ten feet at least, before shattering into a million little clay pieces upon impact with the ground.
She stood their shocked for a few moments. She had no idea how she had managed to do that or what exactly had just happened. The others did not fail to notice this as well, but were too busy to think too much about it at the moment. They had their own putties to deal with.
Kim managed to make her way over to the others and help take down yet another putty before her vision started to blur. She shook her head several times to try to clear it, but to no avail. She dropped to her knees as her head started to spin, bringing on a wave of dizzy and light headedness that she had never felt before in battle.
She heard someone yell out her name, but it sounded so very far away. She grabbed her head as it started to throb intensely.
Tommy turned just in to time to see Kim fall to her knees and grab her head. "Kimberly!" He called out to her but she didn't seem to hear him. The others looked in her direction as soon as they heard him call out to her. They knew that something was really wrong with Kimberly to hear that tone from Tommy.
"We got you covered. Go help her." Adam called to him. He knew that Tommy needed to be at Kim's side now instead of dealing with the putties.
He nodded then made his way over to her as quickly as he could. "Kim, look out!" He called as he saw a putty coming up behind her whom she couldn't see from her crouched position on the ground. She didn't seem able to hear him. Before he could reach her a putty blocked his path. As he fought with it he could see danger creeping closer and closer to her. The need to help her became almost overwhelming, like a physical pull. As he punched the putty in front of him squarely on the Z in the middle of its chest, his fist had started to glow just like Kim's foot had a few moments ago, with the exception that his hand glowed Silver. Just like before the putty was thrown a good 15 feet before hitting the ground and shattering apart. Just as before the others were shocked at this, as was he, but had little time to contemplate its meaning.
As he started to head towards Kim, she was suddenly obscured from sight as this thick cloud of dust seemed to rise up out of nowhere. It quickly spread across the open area they were all currently fighting in. It cut visibility by more than half, and made fighting difficult as they were all starting to cough and wheeze and choke on the heavy dust in the air.
Not letting his now impaired vision of the situation stop him from getting to her, he knew that she was only 2 yards away straight in front of him. He charged forward and just as he was able to make out her outline in the ever thickening dust cloud, he jumped and kicked out, almost blindly at this point, and managed to hit the putty on the Z. Knocking it back away from Kim before it broke apart.
He landed on the other side of Kim's huddled form. He then dropped down and put his hands her shoulders to check on her. As soon as he came into contact with Kim, the dust cloud immediately dissolved away as if it had never been there to begin with. What was going on? Was the first question that sprang to his mind.
"Kim, are you alright?" He asked her wanting to check her over for anything that could have caused this.
She slowly lifted her head from her hands and then turned to look at him. "I honestly don't know, but I don't think so." She said in answer to his question. Her vision was still blurred to the point where she was seeing two of him, and she couldn't focus on either one.
By the time he had managed to get Kim to her feet the fight mercifully was over.
"Exactly what just happened with the two of you?" asked Aisha, clearly concerned for the Pink and White Rangers.
"They seemed to exhibit some form of power surge." suggested Billy, looking from Tommy to Kim.
"If that where the case then why wasn't it flashes of pink and white, instead of lavender and silver?" asked Adam.
To this no one had an answer, or even a clue where to start.
After a moment or two of silence Rocky looked at Kim and asked, "Are you okay Kim? You look kind of pale." He said noticing how much color she had lost in her face.
The question caused the entire group's attention to be turned on her.
"You do look a little drained." Aisha mentioned, stepping closer to her best friend.
Kim was grateful for her friends concern, but was also starting to feel uncomfortable under all of their worried stares. She smiled at them all to try to comfort them and prove she was better than she felt at the moment. In an attempt to ease their worrying she took a few steps forward and started to say, "Don't worry so much I'm fi-" but before she could even get the whole word passed her lips, she fainted.
Rocky and Adam caught her as she pitched forward towards the ground.
"Kim!" They pretty much all chorused. As Tommy started to rush over to Kim's side his vision blurred. He stopped and shook his head trying to clear it. Though it didn't help any he tried to push passed it because he needed to get to her. He only got a couple of steps farther before an intense wave of dizziness hit him hard enough to make his knees buckle. None of his friends saw him actually fall to his knees because they were so focused on Kim, but they heard it and quickly turned to see him on his knees on the ground.
Before any of them could see to him, their communicators went off.
"We read you." said Billy into his communicator, still looking at Tommy and Kimberly while doing so.
"Teleport to the command center immediately." ordered Zordon.
"That could be a bit of a problem. Kim is unconscious and Tommy is in no shape to be able to teleport on his own." responded Billy.
After a moment or two of silence a reply came over the communicator, "Prepare to be teleported." Zordon said.
In the next moment they were all a blur of individual colors, streaking away from the park, toward the Command Center.
As soon as they arrived at the command center both Kim and Tommy were taken to the medic bay to be looked over.
While Alpha ran scans on both of them, Zordon talked to the other rangers.
"Rangers, we have detected sudden energy spikes of an unexplainable origin." He informed them.
"When Zordon?" asked Billy while walking over to the control panel.
"During your fight with the putties." their mentor answered.
"Could that explain what happened to Tommy and Kim during the fight?" asked Aisha.
"If that was part of their powers, would it not have been flashes of pink and white, instead of purple and silver?" Asked Adam, still worried about Tommy and Kim's color change.
"I'm not sure at this time if those incidents were the cause of the spikes, but it is a safe assumption that the two are at least connected in some way. But you are correct Adam, what happened was not connected to their Ranger Powers." answered Zordon.
Alpha walked over to them in that moment with his findings. "I have completed the scans, and apart from low energy levels, I can find nothing wrong with either of them." The little robot said.
Tommy slowly and unsteadily made his way from the medic bay to talk to Zordon. He was still dizzy but he had to find about Kimberly. "What's wrong with Kim? When will she wake up?" He asked.
"According to Alpha's findings, you are both just suffering from different stages of exhaustion. Kimberly should awaken within the hour. It would be best if you remained here until then for further observation." Stated Zordon, as everyone stared at him.
"Exhaustion, it's not like either of you been doing anything exceedingly different than normal lately, even though you both have seemed a bit run down lately." commented Rocky.
"Well I've been having trouble sleeping recently." stated Tommy with a shrug.
"How come?" asked Aisha. She found it hard to believe that Tommy had trouble sleeping. Kim had complained about how he would fall asleep at the drop of a hat once he got still.
"I have been having these really weird dreams lately. So I haven't been getting all the rest I should be." He answered, scratching the back of his head while doing so.
"Has Kim been having the same problem too?" asked Adam. Wondering if that could be the reason for the exhaustion and color flashes.
'Yeah she has she told me the other day about it when we both showed up late for school." answered Tommy.
"Zordon is it possible that these dreams might be some sort of magical ploy to weaken them?" asked Billy, remembering the Crystal of Nightmares that Rita had used against them.
"No, in all the magic I've seen in my lifetime I never seen or learned of any spell of any kind that could extract energy thru dreams. It would seem that the dreams are unrelated." answered Zordon as they all nodded.
All the rangers sighed in relief, if Zordon said it wasn't possible then it was nothing to worry about for they trusted him, and knew that in these matters he would know better than anyone.
They all waited for Kimberly to wake because they didn't want to leave Tommy alone while he waited. They all knew that Tommy wouldn't leave her in the condition she was in.