*A.n.* this short story is a birthday gift for falcon4crane. I hope she enjoys this. Also I want to give a big shout out to Scarlet haired slythern. For without her help and betaing this never would have gotten as far as it has. :) So this is a Quantum Leap/power rangers crossover fanfiction. And let me start off by saying that I was unsure of some of the dates and such so I had to take my best guesses, so don't freak out too badly if I'm more than a little off on a few things. With that said enjoy the show!
DISCLAIMER: I own nothing. So don't bug me!
March 10, 1994
As the blinding blue light and electrical charge receded from his senses, Sam found himself lying flat on his back looking up at the ceiling.
"GINA!" A voice called out.
Sam suddenly sees several young girls in leotards and middle aged man in sweats and a whistle around his neck, come into his line of vision.
Overlapping voices of people asking, "What happened?" "Is she hurt?" "How bad is it?" "How did it happen?" Among other things of that nature that would fall into that line of questioning.
Sam feels himself being picked up under the arms and brought to a sitting position. He looks down and sees himself wearing a leotard exactly like the other girls. He feels a touch on his right shoulder, and turns his head in that direction, a petite caramel hued brunette girl looking at him.
"Gina, are you alright?" she asks.
Without thinking the phrase that slips from his mouth was "Oh, Boy!"