Author has written 10 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Undertale, and Dangan Ronpa Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei.
hello lovelies!
you can call me eve. i am 19; i use they/them pronouns; i'm bi; i'm a writer and an artist. i live in tennessee in the US and i can't wait to move away!
i write pretty much, um, whatever i get into. in the past i've written for yugioh dm, undertale, and danganronpa. i may do more of those as time goes on, but i'm also interested in plenty of other stories!
i'm completely revamping this site for 2018, as i figured i should start posting here again since i might be doing a danganronpa fangan syoc at some point soon! that said, i have very little tolerance for bullshit on my stories. if you don't like LGBT characters, please move along! the older i got, the more gay i became, but the genuine reason i stopped writing when i was 14 was because someone said one of my stories was "unrealistically gay." assflash newshole, gay people exist.
anyways, i like writing and also dying. thanks!
A Puzzling Friend
what is this. where am i. this is Old School Eve on their yugioh bullshit. this is genuinely the first story i ever wrote, back when i was 13.
Old and New
as advertised, i started a story then totally ran out of steam because of one (1) mean comment when i was, again, 13 years old. it's gay as hell and if you are at all inspired by it, please take it. it's yours now.
Heavenly Witch
my 13/14 year old self's magnum opus. the only thing i knew about romance came from fanfiction. this was very formative to me in feeling comfortable with how i expressed my ideas. something i'm genuinely fond of, though not necessarily proud of. it has a lot of generalizations and mistakes and shit, but if you want a cheesy, silly yugioh story written by a baby gay, go ahead and give it a whirl.
more recent
all undertale one-shots
it's a process, if it does right by you, I Found Brimstone in My Garden, Undertale Poems, and how to help friends and betray monsters.
i stand by all of these (i think) as being indicitive of how i write now. i'm rather proud of them as well.
Future Rust, Future Dust
indefinite hiatus. however, this is something i'm very, very proud of. i genuinely want to finish it because it was really important to me to write it; to be able to write it, plan it, and share it with others, and also in how it helped shape how i convey ideas and how i expressed myself through writing. it's personal and it's angsty and, if i do say so myself, has some genuinely funny parts. it's about a mentally ill kid who's in this weird world. and i stand by that feeling most of all.
whoa eve this is like now
The Mechanics of Compromise
completed bmc fic that's my current magnum opus! i am incredibly proud of the plot, the conflict, the pacing, the characterization - everything! it's easily my most popular fic.
Danganronpa: Foundations of Disparity
current project! it's entirely full of original characters; it has an original setting and plot. you don't need to be familiar with the games to read it! it only takes the premise of the danganronpa games. sixteen "ultimate" teenagers are trapped somewhere, and a killing game takes place. i'm working super hard on it, so consider giving it a look!
ao3 account [archiveofourown dot org forwardslash users forwardslash eatreadandsleeprepeat]
personal tumblr [eras-r dot tumblr dot com]
art tumblr [kotohiko dot tumblr dot com]
any questions, i'm just a pm away! have a great day!
best, eve