![]() Author has written 5 stories for Harry Potter, and Labyrinth. Crazy information systems engineering student part time illustrator who ships the bad boys with the good boys. I mostly write Harry/Voldemort, half the time in english, la otra mitad en español. I'm from the glorious Peronist republic of Argentina. Nice to meet you. Drawings, pinturas and other yerbas on Deviantart Roulette: a (short) doujin I wrote and drew based on a fic I wrote ages ago. Features a very melancholic Harry talking with prisoner!Voldemort in Azkaban. Cambalache a comic of mine about existentialism and a boys/girls turning into men/women. Also a lot of paranormal things happen. If you're into magical realism, you'll probably like it. On I See Dreams Which Speak...: I normally let one shots stay that way, but I've fallen in love with the possibilities of the AU I'm dealing with in the story. So while I'm not actively working on a follow up, I'm not disregarding the possibility of writing more chapters. It depends on my muse, really. Thank you a lot for the wonderful feedback, I really appreciate it. NOTE!! I'm looking for someone to help me translate Epsilon. Normally I'd do this myself, but because of work and other original stories I'm working on, I just don't have the time to go over a 230,000 word story. If you're interested, please PM me! My idea is to have someone go over the bulk of the text, leaving me to do the beta/go over slang terms/phrases/whatever was left to translate. Arme versiones PDF y MOBI de epsilon, para quien quiera leerlo en su ebook/compu tranquil@. |