Literary Sin

Oh God, forgive me, for my literary sin,

For the slash, smut, and lemon

That I fiercely long to pen,

For the devil is my muse, and inspires what I write,

And the ideas that come to haunt me,

In the middle of the night.

I watch the episodes and movies and take all that I see,

And convert in my mind,

To a detailed fantasy,

And I know I'm not the only one to see it in this way,

For those of us that write yaoi,

And watch our anime.

Websites fill with our shounen-ai, limes, fluff, and lemon.

Passwords crop up on our laptops,

To protect the slash we pen.

I know you all agree that two bishies are better than one,

What do you think when you hear the words

"Bed", "yami", and "fun"?

I keep it all inside my head and let it out in prose,

Of all my sins, this is the one,

That God most surely knows,

So when the dawn is breaking and I atone for mind and pen,

Oh God, please forgive me,

For my literary sin.

Random stuff lurking in my mind. Review if you want to, I just put it here for the heck of it. LMR