Author has written 3 stories for Metal Fight Beyblade/メタルファイト ベイブレード, and Elsword.
Hello! So... My name is Camilla. I am currently 15 years. I'm interested in manga, anime, Japanese culture, writing stories, music and many other things. My favourite book is Harry Potter. I read all the parts and watched all the movies. My favourite manga is Full Metal Alchemist (but I love Brotherhood too ). When it comes to anime I love Metal Fight Beyblade (and Explosion and 4D). In the cartoons I like the most Adventure Time. And game- Elsword.
My favourite pairings (still in the process)
-Edward and Winry (FMA)
-Alphonse and Mei Mei (FMA)
-Roy and Riza (FMA)
-Ginga and Madoka(MFB)
-Kyoya and Hikaru (MFB)
-Nile and Madoka (MFB)
-Kyoya and Madoka (MFB)
-Finn and Flame Princess (Adventure Time)
-Harry and Ginny (HP)
-Ron and Hermiona (HP)
-Kirito and Asuna (SAO)
-Haruyuki and Kuroyukihime (Accel World)
-Elsword and Aisha (Elsword)
-Raven and Rena (Elsword)
-Chung and Eve (Elsword)
-Yoh and Anna (Shaman King)
I don't know why but I like pairing Madoka Amano. xD
I'm not to acknowledge yaoi/yuri! I'm tolerating homosexuality, but this is an exaggeration...
You're a true MFB fan when
You've bought at least one MFB video game.
You've given your friends nicknames now, just like Yu.
You've eaten jellybeans and thought of Masamune.
You see a lion and think of Kyoya.
You've raided the toy section just to see the beyblades.
Whenever someone says, "Let it rip!" you think of Beyblade.
You're beginning to say, 'What!' Masamune style.
You can recite entire episodes.
You have a new appreciation for unicorns.
You've actually sipped orange juice from a wine glass.
When you see an eagle, you think of Tsubasa.
You crack up hysterically when someone says, "Little boy."
Ice cream is your new best friend.
You compare MFB characters to people you know or other TV/book characters.
You never miss the new episodes. Ever.
At McDonald's, you've looked for a triple beef burger.
You sometimes say 'Crab-a-what!'.
Dragons make you think of Ryuga.
Your current desktop background is MFB.
You've written at least one MFB fanfiction.
When someone steps on your foot you yell at them for being "foot-stomping maniacs!".
You've spent over $50 on Beyblade merchandise.
People notice that you say, "Ya follow?".
You've gotten weird looks because you've worn a band-aid on your nose just to feel like Gingka.
You freaked out at the Zero-G preview. Season 4!
You check Beyblade websites frequently.
You've drawn fanart.
You ship couples even though there's no mentioned romance in the entire show.
You've actually worn goggles in your hair like Madoka.
You've tried fish on a stick just because Tsubasa and Gingka liked it.
When you're annoyed at someone you yell, "You're in my way!".
Pegasus' are cool now.
You've had dreams about the anime.
At least one stuffed animal has been named after a favorite character (I have big teddy bear Ginga and cute lion Kyoya ).
You want a pet eagle. Badly.
Peacocks are creepy.
When someone's going insane you say that they're, "Having a Tsubasa moment''.
You find yourself going, "la la la la la," like Yu, a lot.
You've tried to find the meaning of the word Lovushka.
You're obsessed with Pheonix's.
When you eat steak you immediately say, "Best steak ever!"
If you've done or thought more than one of these things, copy and paste this into your profile.