What I think of You What You Think of Me

Infinity Sword

UnlimitedBladeWorks Profile:

A Little about me: I'm the third choice that Elsword has and part of the "Transform" class branch and by many I'm known as the "dark" class simply because I wear black and have super messy hair and an earring. Like seriously dudes? Really? That's like prejudiced and no… I'm not ghetto nor am I a creeper nor am I a metrosexual derp. Do not call me Infinity Derp or I might just have to kill you. Why am I bothering with this again?

Favorite Color: Black

Hobbies: Slaying demons, sword fighting, annoying Aisha and Aren, and sleeping… Oh, eating's cool to. So is torturing Lord Knight lol.

Likes: Sword fighting, Rock music, sleeping, being lazy, Aren's face when I make the lolicon jokes, Lord Knight's girly scream when I beat him up, and hot girls who dress slutty.

Dislikes: Elemental Master (A grammar Nazi and no bewbs) Rune Slayer (Yeah I have trouble getting along with myself don't say anything or I will kill you!) Dimension Witch's constant singing of girly K-pop songs, and beans. Oh and having to get up early… I'm NOT a morning person.

My thoughts on Everybody

Lord Knight- This guy is a pansy if I ever saw a pansy. What is wrong with me/him?! He's a kill joy and no fun at parties cause all he does is scold us about drinking too much or telling us when to go to bed or some lame shit like that. Honestly man? ARE YOU MY FUCKING SISTER?! NO! I DIDN'T THINK SO! SO STOP NAGGING ME! OH YEAH AND WILL YOU STOP HAVING DIRTY THOUGHTS ABOUT MY-NO I MEAN OUR SISTER! But on the plus side when I torture him his screams are… entertaining… heh heh heh. Almost forgot to add his pants are stupid.

Rune Slayer- I hate him. He's too annoyingly cheerful and he gives me attitude. Also, what's with his outfit? He a hooker or something? I mean seriously, he dresses like one and people have the nerve to give me crap about how I dress? Also what's with his continuous flying around by using runes? Ever since he got that revamp all he does is show off. He once lit the end of my ponytail on fire and then big sis had the nerve to punish ME for it, yeah so I stabbed him repeatedly and put him in the ICU in critical condition…BUT he started it.

Elemental Master- She needs to lighten up. I honestly don't like her. She's a nazi when it comes to grammar and manners and she has no bewbs or hips, but I find her kitty panties cute lol. She says she's annoyed by me but the feeling is mutual kid *Sighs irritably* Do you know how she punishes people? She makes them take calculus tests and read Shakespeare in order to "enrich us" and then she grades us. WTF?

Void Princess- No complaints… She dresses slutty- no I mean loosely! And she has a cool personality, she's not much of a stickler for rules and I respect that. Ah we had so much fun tormenting Iron Princess- Uh I mean Paladin! Yeah, Paladin! *Sighs* Paladin… yeah right… *Mutters* We all know he's a girl…

Dimension Witch- She looks nice and she's really cheerful and all but what's with her constant singing of those girl K-pop songs?! And all those sparkles and stuff! Do you know what she did to me?! She turned all my clothes white and pink! She said I needed to dress more cheerfully, but seriously? I looked like a fucking walking Valentine's Day card until Void Princess, Reckless Fist, and I went over to her house and burned it down. It still hurts from where my sister kicked me repeatedly… you guess where…

Grand Archer- One word: Bewbs

Wind Sneaker- One word again: Bewbs

Night Watcher- Congratulations on finally purchasing your first bra but do you know that you're supposed to wear a shirt over the bra? Oh and you're supposed to wear pants, but I won't complain. She's badass cause she wields a sword. Swords are awesome. I secretly think she went and ripped off Blade Master's Hyper Sonic Stab (It's not just me though, we all think it)

Blade Master- Raven's a cool guy in general and Blade Master is totally chill. He's not as temperamental as Reckless Fist and he's not a total boot camp director like Veteran Commander. He keeps a level head which is nice when we're all trapped in a small enclosed space and water is pouring in threatening to drown us. If it weren't for him we would've drowned but we didn't cause he noticed the trap door on the ceiling and we all survived.

Reckless Fist- Once again, cool guy but he has anger issues. I mean he's fun to hang around and blow stuff up with but still… I fight with him… A LOT

Veteran Commander- Honestly, my least favorite Raven. He's a total drill sergeant and very strict. He's honorable and smart and all that crap and he's really strong and fun to spar with but still I honestly don't think I need to do twenty fucking push-upsevery time I say a fucking swear word. Are you reading this bitch? If so hear me, I'm NOT gonna do those damn push-ups anymore! Still better than EM though…

Code empress- She's a bit of a snob, but she's CUTE. She has really nice legs *Shot* and I find it hilarious when she beats up Oberon. Serves that derp right, I mean seriously those sword techniques seem awfully similar to BM. What's the deal with everyone copying BM? I find her formal behavior funny as she always calls me impudent and fatuous … What does that mean?

Code Nemesis- Awesome… All I have to say. She wears black really well and she's really useful on the battle field. Her atomic shield has come in handy to. One thing FUCK YOU NASOD INSPECTOR! And I find her destructive acts cute in a way… Except when she's chasing after me with her Queen's Throne active… Not so cute then.

Code Battle Seraph- Says she has no emotions and everybody seems to believe her. Well apparently everybody is stupid. She has emotions, when I hugged her once she lazered me… hard. I was out for a week. That ass-Rune Slayer asked me if I was creeping on her. No sir, you'd be FAR more likely to creep on the ladies that I would. I think CBS is sexy with that outfit that reveals her nice back and her undies… Still more than what Night Watcher wears

Iron Paladin- Don't deny it… you're a girl… stop your fucking lying… you're starting to piss me off… you're a girl… just admit it. Lying about something that big adds stress and stress is bad for your health… Just admit that you asked Echo to turn you into a girl cause your daddy disapproved of you being gay… Just admit it.

Deadly Chaser- Nice partner to have when you're running dungeons with that shooting star. He looks like a storm trooper or Ezio which is awesome! Is a bit emo-ish though and not as easy to torture as Iron Princess- I mean Paladin! I once tried to put a demonic tarantula in his bedroom… let's just say my sister had to spoon feed me for a while…

Tactical Trooper- Why you making grenades out of candy man? And where did you purchase a gundam unit at? And what's with your Pikachu ears? You're so confusing it's not even funny… Also what's with all dat smart people talk here? You're giving me a headache…

Ara- She's sexy and cheerful and strong so what's the matter with her? Her brother. I mean she has a small shrine in her bedroom devoted to that creep. And people have the nerve to say that I have a sibling complex? The only version of me that lusts after my sister is Lord Knight. I mean she doesn't even date because she's worried that her boyfriend won't take kindly to her brother. Sorry Ara but your brother is destined to be on the sex offender's registry.

Elsa- She's a cool person despite her continuous tendencies to beat me up. She's always there for me when the time counts and I really appreciate that. She can be a very harsh disciplinarian though and a bit of a hypocrite especially when she's lecturing me about manners but then she goes around and draws a mustache on Aren while he's sleeping.

Aren- This guy is a creep. I mean he's fun to beat up but he's into *cough* little girls *cough* I just have one sentence for you… You still have time to wait before you can tap Sasha.