Leodas: Yep. I back with another update. It's kind of a smallish update since I was busy but a small update is better than no update, right? ^^
Hikaru: no.
Leodas: Hey! Who said who could be in my author's notes?!
Hikaru: Me, since most of this story is probably going to be in my point of view.
Leodas: Good point. So as the results of the questions… Team voted for were teams' Wild fang, Wang Hu Zong, and Star breaker (lol I like team star breaker too!) With team wild fang seeing be the most popular out of the people here. :D
Hikaru: And as you know Leodas does not own Beyblade or the characters.
Aw man… My head hurts.
I think I may have blacked out for a minute.
After a second I realized I was lying on the floor, but it's strange, because I feel something poking my cheek.
So I opened my eyes to see what it was. Big mistake. It was that boy again…
He looked at me and went wide eyed, I knew what was coming. "Aaaaaaaah! It's alive! It's going to eat me!"
Yeah… that. -_- He ran away screaming again. What is it about me that scares him?
After that I heard the opening of doors, which sounded like the same ones from before.
But the plane couldn't have landed already could it? Was I really out that long? Well at least I didn't have to endure having to roam around the cargo waiting until it landed.
So I stood up and made my way through all the scrambled luggage, and soon stepped out of the doors of the plane.
The boy was no where in sight, but I was sure I'd see him later… Then have a word or two with him.
But I also noticed that it was awfully sunny outside… okay, first things first. First I find out where in the world I am, hope that I'm not to far away from Japan, contact Ryusei, and then try to get that kid and go home.
That's a plan, right?
So I decided to walk over to the airport while easily avoiding any securities. (Seriously this place has even worse security than the one in the last airport!)
I walked around for a little bit, making my way around the small crowds of people that must have come from the incoming plane/planes.
I eventually got to a counter with a woman behind it.
She has dark skin and jet black hair and seemed to be a little busy… I hope this isn't going to bother her…
"Um… excuse me? Could you tell me where I am?" I asked.
She stopped what she was doing for a second and looked down at me and stared blankly. Did I do something wrong?
"Africa." She finally replied. "You are in Africa."
I just stood there and blinked. I was in Africa? Wow, I was out for a while… But of all places why Africa? And why would someone try and sneak onboard a plane to get here?
Well, whatever the reason I needed to let Ryusei know where I was…
"Hey, is there a phone a can use around here?" I asked her.
She nodded and pointed over not to far behind me where some phone booths were. "Thanks." I said.
I went over and punched in the numbers to his office. I sure hope he is in the room right now…
After a few seconds I heard someone pick up the phone on the other end. "Hello?" He asked. It was Ryusei, thank goodness… maybe…
"Hey." I replied. "It's me Hikaru."
"Hikaru?!" I heard Ryusei shout on the other end. "Where are you?! Everyone has been looking for you for hours!" He exclaimed. I had to pull the phone a little ways from my ears to keep him from busting my ear drums.
"I'm uh… At the Africa airport." I replied.
"…" There a moment of silence for a second. "Africa? How in the world did you get there?"
I shrugged, and then realized that he obviously couldn't see me because we were on the phone. "It's a long story…" I sighed. I wasn't going any further than that at the moment.
"Well whatever happened, could you tell me which airport you were sent to? So I can have someone pick you up." He asked.
"Sure, just give me a minute to see." So now all I had to do was find out which airport I was at.
I leaned back against the wall and looked around for some sort of logo or something to show where I was at.
I even looked out the window, but it was mostly sand except for a pine green haired boy out in the distance.
Wait, what?
I narrowed my eyes as to try and make it out better… yeah, that was definitely Kyoya.
I mentally facepalmed. He must have taken the plane! Of course, why hadn't I guessed it! Even he can't just walk to somewhere this far.
Well… He could but it would take a while. But why Africa? And where was he going?
"Hikaru?" I heard Ryusei ask on the other end.
"Yeah, just a second, hold on." I replied then looked over back to the woman. "Hey!" I said getting her attention. "What's in that direction?" I asked pointing in the direction Kyoya was heading.
"To the stadiums." She replied. "They are picking representatives for the African team." She explained.
That explains it. Kyoya said that he was going to form his own team, so he was. With the African team…
"Uh, Hikaru?" I heard Ryusei ask again, but I didn't reply.
Why was I suddenly so interested in where Kyoya was going all of a sudden? It's not like it's my problem.
"Hikaru? Are you still there?"
Was it even any of my business? Probably not, but I want to go see what happens… And where he's going…
Maybe I could even help some. I may not be a blader anymore but maybe I could do something…
"Hello?!" Ryusei asked again.
"… Um, Ryusei, I have to go. So don't worry about me, I'll be fine." I said.
"Wait-" I hung up and went outside.
There was no turning back now. I was going out, into Africa to follow Kyoya.
"Kyoya!" I yelled as I ran out in the direction where he went. I new he didn't hear me though; he couldn't with him that far. Oh well…
I don't know why I hung up on Ryusei and I don't know why I decided to follow Kyoya. But I did know one; that I was now following him… To where ever he's going.
Leodas: Yes, now this is where Hikaru follows him. :D
Hikaru: You make no sense.
Leodas: I thought you said this was your point on view. :P
Hikaru: …whatever. Just review so you get to help me hit Leodas with a plane.
Leodas: Hey! 0.0 ... And i almost forgot! Question time! How did you react when you found out Demure was a girl in the manga and a boy in the anime? And if you didn't know, what's your reaction? xD I was like; isn't that gender bending a little bit? 0.o