I'm truly deeply sorry for the wait, just been preoccupied with school. I'm truly sorry I couldn't update sooner. But summer break is upcoming so expect more updates.

Japanese Lover- Thanks for the comment.

GalaxyPegasus14- I didn't know how old the characters were during Metal Fusion, sorry.

dreamlily- Thanks for the review.

InuyashaXKagome- Thanks.

Lover- Um, okay? Thanks for the review.

Beybladerprincess11- Thanks.

I only got a few words! LET IT RIP!

I don't own Beyblade.

Gingka states, he spins his Launcher Grip and attaches his String Launcher onto it and loads Pegasus onto it! Madoka does something similar to Gingka. "READY!" both yell in unison.

"3! 2! 1! Let It Rip!"

Both Beys launch at the same time, they hit each-other for a little bit, however, due to being launched a few seconds before his opponent, Pegasus manages to get some more speed and rotation, but Mad Gasher was in better condition then Pegasus, and they both hit, and spin, the rotation speed of Pegasus being slightly faster, making Pegasus able to beat Mad Gasher! With Gingka winning the battle and the bet!

Mad Gasher returns to Madoka, the Bey being slightly scorched from the megaton amount of speed and heat from the fight. Madoka simply looks at her Beyblade, now on her knees saddened. "That was a great fight Madoka." Gingka comments, walking over to her, his Bey spinning up and stopping, landing inside of the holster that Gingka typically puts his Beyblade in.

"To be truthful, I've never battled before." Madoka says, Gingka then extends a hand to help her get up. "For a first battle, you did pretty good!" Gingka tells her "You beat Pegasus, that's not something done easily. Great job Madoka."

Madoka takes Gingka's hand and stands up, and then Madoka says "Well, what's our date going to be?"

"I've already got something planed. Plus, I wanna surprise you, Okay?" Gingka asks, locking arms with Madoka, who begins to blush a red color similar to Gingka's hair color, though Gingka doesn't seem to notice.

"Alright." Madoka replies, noticing the sun beginning to set for the day, and the moon beginning to rise, changing the sky's color to an orange/purple.


Later that night

Gingka walks over to Madoka's room, and knocks on the door. And she simply walks out, trying hard not to blush out of excitement. The two begin to walk outside, and Gingka simply begins to hold Madoka's hand, causing her to blush even more! The two reach their destination, a beautiful hilltop overlooking all of BeyCity, and a perfect view of the stars.

"I come up here a lot when I need to think, or just to enjoy the stars. You know, they say that the Beys originated from shooting stars." Gingka tells Madoka. The two begin to hold hands again, and watch the stars come flying by, seeing them shoot down even a few down to Earth. It was simply quiet between the two, watching the stars, though something about the shooting stars seemed to be... unique, almost.

A small blue speck appears in the sky, it continues to become bigger and bigger in diameter. "Is that a meteor heading right for us?" Madoka asks, Gingka takes a look at the meteor as it draws closer and closer, Madoka simply stands in fear, unable to move at all, her Beyblade falling out of it's holder, Gingka quickly grabs it and fires it at the meteor, hoping to slow it down, but it continues to draw closer, blue wisps of energy flying around the meteor, and now it begins to circle around Mad Gasher, and the meteor simply continues to draw closer to Madoka and Gingka.

Mad Gasher continues to spin as long and as fast as it can, but it ultimately shatters into pieces, the light blue wisps of energy still flowing in a circular motion similar to a Beyblade. "Madoka, watch out!" Gingka yells, shoving her out of the way of the meteor, as it hits the hilltop, in a blinding light-blue flash of light!

How's this for a chapter, huh? Was it good?

Well, don't forget to leave a review.