"Please dad!" cried Gingka.

Gingka was on his knees now, clasping his hands together like a beggar.

"I don't know, Gingka!"

"PLEASE?! Kyoya has a Wii, so why can't I?!"

"Well, I don't see how a Wii will help you."

"Well, you get to save the world or get fit or play sports or cook! See how helpful it can be?"

"Okay, then why do you think you deserve a Wii?"

"Aw, come on! I won Battle Bladers, won the World Championships, became a Legend Blader and stopped Nemesis from taking over the world!"

"Yes, but that doesn't mean you can have a Wii. What about your studies?"

"I got a B+ on my math test!"

"Gingka…after your interim report comes, I'll think about it."

"FINE." Gingka huffed.

Gingka had gone over to Kyoya's house yesterday and the boys had played Wii. Amazed by it, Gingka had been begging his dad to buy him one since. His only hope to get that console was to have a good interim report.


"Dad! Dad! My interim report is here!" Gingka said, flinging his bag across the living room and shoving the envelope into Ryo's hands.

"Hmm…78% in English, 95% in Japanese studies, 75% in Mathematics, 72% in Geography, 82% in History, 70% in Art, 70% in Music, 90% in Dramatic Arts, 72% in Science and a 65% in Physical Education." Ryo said, reading the report.

"So…can I get a Wii now?"

"Well…you have improved since last year but your Phys Ed mark is horrifying."


"Okay. You can have a Wii."

"YES!" Gingka started to jump around the house screaming like a monkey. In the process, he knocked over his dad's most beloved vase. Ryo smacked his forehead.

"I knew video games affected children's brains in a negative way…"

Gingka heard but did not care. He grabbed the phone and dialed Kyoya's number.

"Hello?" Kyoya answered the phone.

"Is that you Kyoya?"


"Oh. KYOYA!" Gingka screamed.

"WHAT?!" Kyoya yelled back as he tried to make sure his ears weren't permanently damaged.


"You and Madoka are going out."

"Yes! Wait, what?! NO! I mean…not yet…but…" Gingka was red in the face.

"Gingka, what's this I hear about going out? I told you already, you're too young!" Ryo shouted from the other room. Kyoya was hearing the whole thing on the other line and was snickering.

"But! Oh never mind! Kyoya! I'm getting a Wii!"

"Congrats. What games are you getting?"

"Games? I never thought about the games…"

"Why don't you get the one's we played at my house?"

"Oh! That's a great idea! What games were they again? I have very short-term memory…"

"Super Mario."

"What's a Super Mario?"

"REMEMBER?! The guy in overalls who saves a princess?"

"Oh! You mean that short guy with a mustache who wears overalls, never talks and shouts Mamma Mia when things don't go his way?"

"Sure…also, get Wii Sports, and I think they released some new Beyblading game yesterday."

"Great! Thanks, TateKyo! Oh, got to go! We're going to the store!"