Skylark: Hey all! So yeah this is my second fic to post today and just like the first one it was unpublished in one of my journals.

I just found out that my classes are suspended for tomorrow, again. I admit that I screamed my head off the first I heard it but dudes…I AM SO FREAKING BORED!

P.S. To all Filipino writers out there and foreigners currently in Philippines please stay safe. Most people are evacuating their homes now because they're places are flooded. The only reason I'm here typing is because I live in another region. So please, stay safe you guys. Pray to the Lord that this will be over soon. Amen.

Disclaimer: I don't own MFB. BTW I apologize in advance for all Kyoya lovers. I wrote this around the episode where Kyoya begins training under Doji so I was kinda hating on him a bit before I found out he joins Ginga.


Warning! Before you attempt any of the said pranks we would like to point out that that the authoress is not withheld responsible for any injuries and traumas you may experience after the prank is pulled. We do recommend that you change your name and move to another country prefebly those farther away from Japan and Africa. After 7 years it'll be safe to come back.

Prank#1: Take his launcher and ask Madoka to unscrew a few…screws. Put it back and go LOL as it falls apart in his hands during a BeyBattle.

Prank#2: Place crab decorations around his house or wherever the dude lives in and tell Tetsuya he's having 'Crab Appreciation Day' and all the crabs are invited. Warning! We are not responsible for any injuries done to the participants. They are a sacrifice we must take for the sake of victory! Enjoy your fried crab!

Prank#3: Tell Ryo that Ginga is gay and is currently on a date with Kyoya who you 'saw' buying a ring awhile ago. Oh What joy does family bring.

Prank#4: Tell him that there is a second Battle Bladers Tournament somewhere. (Read: Justin Bieber concert. *shudders*)

Prank#5: Arrange him on blind dates with any male Blader of your choice. For added effect drug him, put on dress and make up and sit back, relax and watch the sparks (and other stuff) fly.

Prank#6: Do the same as #5 only do it with female Bladers. But spice his story up a bit. Tell them he's rich (which he's not), He's smart (which he's not) and he's hot. (which he is!) For bonus points arrange it after a battle so he'll look sweaty. Either they'll be disgusted or….more drawn to him. *drools at the image*

Prank#7: Tell Kyoya that Ginga wants to battle him at any high place to give him advantage then tell Benkei that Kyoya is planning to jump off a building.

Prank#8: Place girly stickers at the back of his jacket while he's not looking.

Prank#9: Print out a picture of a lion club and write the words 'Have you seen my brother?" along with Kyoya's number and address. For added bonus add a reward. Let's say….$1,000,000?

Prank#10:Place one of those target mats on the back of Kyoya's jacket and tell a bunch of kids that you'll give them a piece of candy for every arrow (sticky ones of course) that they land on the target.

Prank#11: Secretly place bunny ears and tell kids that the Easter bunny has chocolate eggs In his jacket.

And thus concludes another fic resulting from boredom.

Again everyone please stay safe. According to an FB Post today 7-12 is the part in the Bible where Noah built an ark. Please everyone, stay safe.

~SkylarkOfTheMoon #sleepybutdon'twannasleep