![]() Author has written 2 stories for Gravity Falls, and Warriors. 1. Jayfeather 2. Stonefur 3. Ivypool 4. Feathertail 5. Hollyleaf 6. Moonflower 7. Mosskit 8. Bluestar 9. Fallen Leaves 10. Snowfur 11. Bumblestripe 12. Crowfeather 2)What would you think about a name with 1's beginning and 4's ending? Jaytail. What? Is that cat part bird? 3)Would you consider naming a cat in your story 2's first name and 3's last name? Stonepool. Probably not 4)Would you make fun of a cat named 5's first name & 2's last name? Hollyfur. Nah, they seem pretty cool 5)What genre would a story be with a cat named 1's first name & 5's last name as the main character? Jayleaf... adventure? 6)What would you name a story with 2's last name &1's last name and 3's first name & 5's first name? Starfur and Ivyleaf. Umm.. hurt/comfort(hey let Starfur become leader and make it a comedy) 7)Write a prophecy meaning 1's last name and 3's first name will save the Clan from dogs? Featherpool. Nope 8)What would 4's last name and 2's last name look like? Tailfur. Brown tom with a long fur. Or alternatively, a cat with only fur on it's tail. 9)What can you tell about 3's first name and 1's first name just from their name? Ivyjay. Loner, good fighter. 10)Could you see 5 and 3 as a pairing? Hollyleaf and Ivypool. Uhh.. no. They're best friends(little did I know this is a popular ship). 11)If 9 was looking for a mate, would they choose 6 or 4? Fallen Leaves choose Moonflower and Feathertail. Well, if they could make a long distance relationship work, Feathertail 12) it appears 12 is gone, so just make up a question it'll be fine Jayfeather and Snowfur fighting over Mosskit? Well, yea saying that Snowfur is related to Mosskit. 13)Think of a plot for a love story involving 2 and 8. Stonefur and Bluestar. I think there's already a good enough one in the books 14)What would happen if 7 walked in on 5 and 10 making out? Mosskit walk in on Hollyleaf and Snowfur. Mosskit: ???? 15)Would 4 rather make out with 8 or slap 3? Feathertail make out with Bluestar or slap Ivypool? Guess who is getting slapped today? 16)Has there ever been a fanfic about 1 and 2 Jayfeather and Stonefur? Mmmm dunno 17)What would kits between 6 and 8 look like? Moonflower and Bluestar? Saying they're mother and daughter, that's even weirder than usual. But they'd be blueish gray and skinny as all get out. 18)What is a pickup line would 4 use on 7? Feathertail and Mosskit? "What was it like to die?" #worstpickuplineever 19)If 3 and 6 got in a fight, who would 8 side with? Ivypool and Moonflower. Bluestar would side with Moonflower cause that's her mother. 20)Have you ever read a 6/11 fanfiction before? Moonflower and Bumblestripe? No, that'd be interesting, actually. 21)Do you think 4 is hot? How hot? Feathertail? Well I would love to have her as a pet... 22)What would happen if 12 and 8 started going out? Crowfeather and Bluestar? Well aside from breaking space and time laws, that would also be breaking the Warrior code for the second time. 23)Do you recall any fics about 9? Fallen Leaves. I just wrote one.:P 24)Would 2 and 6 make a good couple? Stonefur and Moonflower. Well if they won't both dead 25)5/9 or 5/10? Hollyleaf and Fallen Leaves or Hollyleaf and Snowfur? Fallen Leaves, obviously. 26)What would happen if 7 walked in on 2 and 8 kissing? Why must this happen to Mosskit?! 27)Make up a summary of a 3/10 fanfic. Ivypool and Snowfur Ivypool find herself in the forest territory, and ends up saving Snowfur's life. How will this affect the future? 28)Is there any thing as 1/8 fluff? Jayfeather and Bluestar? No. 29)Suggest a title for a 7/12 hurt/comfort fic? Mosskit and Crowfeather(wut?). Lost in the snow. 30)What might 10 scream at a great moment of passion? Snowfur "I know you better than that!" Bluestar's prophecy, pg. 347 31)If you wrote a songfic about 8, what song would you use? Bluestar. Little Talks(oh boy aren't I original) 32)If you wrote a 1/6/12 fic, what would the warning be? Jayfeather/Moonflower/Crowfeather. Father, son, and that one dead cat. 33)What would be a good pick up line for 10 to use on 2? Snowfur and Stonefur. 34)1 and 8 are in a happy relationship until 5 runs off with 9. After 8 dumps 1 for 12, 6 gets upset and retaliates by dating 12. Alone and broken-hearted, 1 travels in search of a friend. Finally, 1 meets 4 and 7. The three loners meet 10, who tells each of them to look for love. 4 finds 3, 7 gets 11, but now 1 is stuck in a never-ending love triangle with 6 and 2! Jayfeather and Bluestar are in a happy relationship until Hollyleaf runs off with Fallen Leaves. After Bluestar dumps Jayfeather for Crowfeather, Moonflower retaliates by dating Crowfeather. Alone and broken hearted, Jayfeather travels in search of a friend. Finally, Jayfeather meets Feathertail and Mosskit. The three loners meet Snowfur, who tells them to look for love. Feathertail finds Ivypool, and Mosskit gets Bumblestripe, but now Jayfeather is stuck in a never ending love triangle with Moonflower and Leafstar! 35)What would be a good title for this? Why Warrior cats shouldn't have TARDISes 36)What would the genre(s) be? Humur and Romance. 37)The end! By the way, I set you up on a date with 1! Yas. |