A/N: So I was on Tumblr, and I was reading about this thing called "Reverse Pines" and I thought it would be awesome for Gideon and the twins to trade places. So enjoy!"

Gideon Pines jumped out of the truck, his brown shoes making a soft thud on the dusty ground. He fixed his blue t-shirt and combed his light golden hair; he wanted to look his best. Soos pulled the keys out of the ignition and joined him. "Here we are, dude. The Telepathy Inn!"

A large, light blue tent stood in front of them, as tall as the oak trees surrounding it. A large billboard showed two human-shaped shadows dancing across a lit stage, with "MYSTERY TWINS" written in dark green below. Gideon put his comb away. "Looks nice."

The two walked toward a large opening. A large man in a pink t-shirt welcomed them. "Care to put some money in the special Physic Sack?" Gideon rolled his eyes as Soos put a twenty dollar bill in. "Have fun!" The man yelled as the two walked in.

The duo sat down on a long wooden bench. Gideon looked at the crowd, mostly made up of gullible tourists. He spotted the cop who called him adorable and wouldn't solve the murder of Wax Stan, and frowned. "Dude, it's starting!" Soos said excitedly.

Gideon stared at the stage, waiting for the curtain to be pulled away. "Let's who these monsters are." A large drum roll started, and everybody gazed excitedly. A final beat was sounded, and the curtain was withdrawn-revealing two adorable brown-haired twins. Gideon's mouth dropped. "What? But they're so...adorable."

They wore matching baby blue suits on, with a large white cape tied to the back. The two walked to the front of the stage, with the female one waving at the audience excitedly. "Hello America! My name's Dipper!" The male twin pulled off his cap with a blue star in the center and held up the front of his hair, revealing a series a dots and birthmarks that formed the Big Dipper. Gideon gawked at the sight.

"And my name's Mabel!" Mabel threw her hands to the sky, and 6 doves flew away. Everybody gasped in awe, even Gideon.

"And we are-" The twins shouted in unison, "The Mystery Twins!" Several fireworks exploded behind them, leaving a spectacular sight of light blue and red.

"We have quite a show for you tonight," Dipper told them.

"Hit it dad!" Mabel declared. The twins threw their capes to the audience. Soos rocketed forward, hurtling over nearly 5 benches. He knocked over several people, then dove. He caught the cape in a cloud of dust, and held it like it was the most precious thing in the world. Gideon chuckled, then saw nearly ten women were fighting over Dipper's.

The same man in the pink shirt started playing the piano. Mabel did a giddy twirl and the two starting dancing to an oddly catchy tune.

"Oh, we can see-" Dipper started singing.

"-What others can't see," Mabel finished.

"It ain't some sideshow trick-"

"-It's a neat ability!" Gideon reckoned it was odd, them finishing each others sentences. But the tune was quite nice, and he found himself clapping along.

"Where others are blind-"

"We are futurely inclined!"

"And you to could win-"

"If you had a twin!"

Dipper walked to the front of the stage, grabbing a teal orb that hung around his neck for just a moment. "C'mon everybody, rise up!" Gideon suddenly stood up.

"What-how the?" Gideon stuttered. It was odd; he had stood up, as if somebody had forced him to.

"Let's keep it going!" Mabel yelled eagerly. "Keep it going!" The twins hopped off the stage and pranced around the tent. Soos stared in awe as Dipper placed his hands on his own head and looked as if he was reading his mind.

"I sense that you eat a lot!" Dipper sang. Soos could only nod.

Mabel pointed at Sherrif Blubs. "I sense that you are a cop!"

Blubs clapped enthusiastically, forgetting the fact he had a large golden badge on his right shoulder. "What gave it away?" He chuckled. Gideon face palmed and rolled his eyes.

Mabel then spun around and leaped next to Gideon. She grabbed his hands and stared into his eyes. "I don't mean to stare...but something tells me, you just combed your hair!" Gideon blinked as she and Dipper happily bounced back on to the stage.

Soos whisperered into Gideon's ear, "How do you think she knew that?"

"So we welcome you as kin-" Dipper sang slowly.

"In our Telepathy Inn!" Mabel did a polite curtsy.

"And thank's for visiting..." Dipper winked at the crowd.

Together, they sang, "The Mystery Twins!" More fireworks exploded behind them, but they were nearly drowned out by how loud the audience was clapping. Soos was probably the loudest, and it felt like gunshots in Gideon's ear.

"Seriously though, thanks for visiting!" Mabel cheered. Everybody soon stood up, some of them going to the twins to get fortunes. Gideon and Soos left, but no before the manchild left another twenty in the Physic Sack.

Gideon opened the truck door and climbed into the passenger seat, then buckled the seat belt. Soos hopped in as well, the truck shaking as he did so. "So, what do you think, hambone?"

Gideon chuckled. "They're bigger frauds than Stan. No wonder he's jealous!" The two laughed loudly as Soos drove home.

Dipper stared at the truck until it passed the horizon. He turned away and faced his twin sister, who was combing her hair. "We got to keep an eye on that boy."

"Why?" Mabel responded. "Because he's adorable and awesome!"

"What, n-no! He's Stan's great nephew!" Realization soon struck Dipper. "Mabel, do you...have a crush on him?"

"Well, the only way I can respond to that is I think my epic summer romance is back on track!" Mabel jumped and skipped giddily toward the RV.

Dipper sat down on a stool to think about this, but only sighed. Love and magic never mixed well.