Hi guys.
I kinda looked at my stories from before, and I feel like they have like, no suspense or anything. Feel kinda bummed out about it :/
I wanna try adding in some suspense in here. Better late than never!
Edit:Noticed that I put in a lot of info about my-I mean Glace's past. Gonna shorten it! And to those who know:Don't be a spoiler ;)

I was lying on a hard layer of sand. The faint sound of a trumpet blaring resonated in the distance, waking me from my sleep.

''Where...where am I?''I mumbled.''Is this a dream?'' I tried to get up, but I felt that invisible hands were forcing me down, making me immobilized, just like...Disable.
''Where...is this place?''A wall of stone encircled the sand, extending outwards. It looked like an arena.

Someone coughed. I strained my neck to find him, but I was completely stuck.
"For goodness sakes, stop restraining him.''I felt the bonds on my body loosen, and I quickly got up.

''Erm...thanks! Where am I?''I took a better look at this arena. The walls were cracked and in some places, there were small holes in the stone. The sand was completely covered in blood, as if no one had bothered to replace the sand after a few hundred gladiator battles.

''Yikes!''I jumped away from the sand, but the whole arena floor was covered. I hate blood.

''If you are done.''The figure held his head in his hands, sitting on the grand seat overlooking the entire arena. Well, it was the only seat available. The rest were either destroyed or half-broken. He sounded serious and foreboding.

''Er...yes.''I bowed to him. I didn't know how, or why, but I got a feeling he isn't the kind of guy you would want on your bad side. I scrunched my eyes as I looked down. I would probably faint on the spot if I didn't.

The man stood up, breaking the last working stone seat. He cursed at the debris.''Daddy, I don't like it! Make it go away!''The man said in a childish tone.


''Of course, dear! Anything for you!''The man said in his serious voice, and suddenly blew fire on the stone seat. It cracked under the high temperature and melted into a puddle of goo. I suddenly felt the sudden urge to bow deeper. Please let this be a dream...

He turned to me.''Daddy, that boy is cute! Can I play with him?''His childish voice projected.

''Not today, Miku. Go to sleep now.''He looked like he was pushing someone away and closed the door. He suddenly turned serious and stared at me, flames dancing in his eyes.

''Please don't melt me!''I pleaded quickly, getting down on all fours. It didn't feel like a dream anymore.

''Perhaps he is the one.''He seemed to be talking to himself.''He can barely stop himself from trembling, Xang. What chance do you think he has against Ladon?''

''Never judge a book by it's cover, Xin. It is only a matter of time before he realizes his true potential. The Guardian Shard calls out to him, drawing him closer to his destiny.''

Okay, so he has two...three alter egos. I need to wake up. Now. I pinched myself hard in my tail. It hurt, but nothing changed. So I decided to get answers while I was here anyway.

''Hey!''The man turned to me.''The Guardian speaks with audacity! Maybe he does have a chance.''Xin nodded in appreciation.''Speak your mind and be with it.''

''Uhh...I'm a guardian?''I mumbled. Xin roared with laughter.''He does not even know his calling! May I judge now, Xang?!''

This is getting weird. It looked like the man was half laughing, half facepalming. I squinted my eyes, and I could see very faint silhouettes of two people in a suit of armor. The top half of their body was human, but the bottom half was like a snake's, and their tails seemed to be stuck in the suit's mouth.

Xang was white while Xin was red. I blinked. Wait...how did I know which was which? And how did I see them when I couldn't before?

''The boy has seen through the Mystic Veil. He has even seen through our disguises. Do you realize your potential, Khione?''Xang gazed at me intently.

''Uh...my name is Glace.''I replied nervously. Xang looked even more gobsmacked while Xin hollered.''What a joke, Xang. Just admit it. You chose the wrong person!''He laid a meaty hand on Xang's shoulder.

''Hey!''I yelled. Both of them recoiled from my sudden outburst, but I didn't care. I felt like Xang was my angel, the one that had been guiding me throughout my adventure. Now I just watched as he got repeatedly shamed again and again by Xin. I couldn't take it. I didn't want to. I raised a shaking hand at Xin.''You can ridicule me all you want. But I won't let you touch a finger on Xang!''I raised my hands, and my swords materialized from nowhere. I grabbed them and pointed them both at Xin.

Xin roared with laughter.''You do not actually know who we are, do you?!''He gazed at me intently. It was hard taking him seriously with those frenzied eyes and tongue hanging out.

I didn't know what to say, so I just nodded.

''We are the two immortals of the world.''Xang said.''We are what you call gods.''

My ears were ringing. Then again, I'm a half-Pokemon, I have a partner that thinks i'm a girl, and an Umbreon that is actually a boy infected with a virus. I shouldn't be surprised anymore.

''And those puny daggers of yours won't hurt us!''Xin cried with glee. He laughed evilly.

''Forgive Xin, he's been a little...eccentric lately.''Xang said.

''A little.''I knew that swords were no match for a god, but I didn't want to let go of them. Especially around an eccentric god.

''Yes.''Xang winced as Xin grabbed a lying stone leg and ran around the arena yelling ''Death to all Granite supporters!''He started smashing the arena seats.''Okay, a lot.''He admitted.

I watched as he continued to demolish everything in sight.''Please understand. Xin hasn't been acting the same ever since we...well let's just say we came back from an unfortunate experience.''

''So why am I here?''I wanted to know.

Xang sighed.''You are here because the last thing Xin did before he went insane was choose you as his 16th guardian.''He looked at me hopefully.

''You got an overly eccentric god to choose me as your guardian?!''I asked incredulously.

''You didn't hear me correctly, did you?''Xang facepalmed.''Before he was insane, Xin possessed the most intellectual and witty of minds. He always could sense people's potential when he saw them. And he was still sane when he chose you.''He looked at me like he expected me to pull out some kind of magic pill and cure Xin.

''So why am I here?''

''Khione, I want to help you on your quest. When Xin selected your...I mean when he selected the 15th guardian, he had a vision. A vision that told him his next guardian would have the toughest journey of all.''

My mind was reeling.''Wait, did you call me Khione? My name's Glace.''

Xang winced.''Well, look's like the cat's out of the bag.''He waved his hand, and a miniature cloud resembling a santa bag appeared out of nowhere. A cloud cat burst through the sack, deflating the bag.

''Glace, Khione is your real name. That's what your father wanted to call you.''He said.

''Hold up! My father?!''I demanded.

Xang smacked his face.''No wonder Xin never lets me choose a guardian...''He mumbled. A second cat burst out of the bag, so now it looked like a deflated bag with two eyes.

''Khione...your father was the 15th guardian. He completed his quest, and earned his wish.''He stared at me like he expected me to know the story.

''Slow down! My mind is overloading!''I complained.

Xang glanced down at his wrist.''Oh look at the time. Seems like you're about to wake up. No time to answer your questions!''He waved his hand, nd the arena suddenly began to dissolve, starting from the top.

''I still have so many questions!''I protested, but Xang silenced me with his finger.

''Khione, you will find all your questions answered when you find the Guardian Crystal! It will call to you! And don't trust Sora! He's-''Xang never finished his sentence as the arena and the gods all disappeared into the darkness, and I felt myself waking up.

''Wake up!''Sora yelled in my face, furiously shaking me. I woke with a jolt, startling pretty much everyone. Ash was holding a water bucket while Brock was brandishing...a rock.

''Hi guys.''I said weakly, but Sora just hugged me.''Don't scare me like that please, Glace!''Tears streamed from his eyes. I wanted to hug him, but I remembered Xang's warning.

''Sora...my name's not Glace. It's Khione.''I said softly. Sora let go of my shoulder and raised a hand at my forehead.

''I'm not sick. My dad wanted to call me Khione, but he died before he could do so. And let's be honest, Khione sounds much better than Glace.''I said. Ash and Brock nodded almost mechanically.

''All right then, Khione.''Sora said. He smiled softly, and he was the cutest thing i've ever seen. Can he actually betray me?

''I'll pack your bag.''He stood up, but I yelled ''No!''

He turned around, startled.''My bag is full of fragile pokemon dolls. I really don't want any of them to be broken.''I lied. Sora nodded respectfully and let me pack my own bag.

''Gla-I mean Khione, you don't have any dolls!''Ash snapped.''Although it would be really cute if you did.' I ignored him as I quickly packed my bag, then gestured to all of them to come.

''Guys...I had a dream last night. In my dream, there were two gods. And they told me my dad was the 15th guardian, and I'm the 16th.''I explained slowly.

''So...what's a guardian?''Ash asked. I shook my head.''I don't know. But one of the gods has gone insane for some reason, and the other one told me that I needed to find this thing called a Guardian Crystal, and it's supposed to show me a quest or something. And he said my journey would be the hardest among the guardians...''I sighed.''But I have to do it. Xang said it would give me answers about my past, answers I have wanted throughout my entire life. Answers to this.''I pointed to my tail.

''I understand if you all don't want to follow me.''My head drooped, and I had never felt this lonely and desolate in my life.

''Khione, I would reject my badge, leave Pallet Town forever and strip myself naked if that's what it takes to help you!''Ash said.

''Glace, your journey sounds dangerous. Sounds like an invitation for me!''Sora laughed.

''I'm not Glace! I'm Khione!''I snapped.''I know.''Sora said smugly.

I sighed. I turned to Brock, but he was already nodding his head furiously.

''Thanks guys!''I said. They all hugged me, except for Sora. He seemed to be in deep thought, holding his chin with his hand.

''Sora? Is something bugging you?''I asked. He snapped out of his trance and waved an imaginary fly away.''It's nothing. Don't worry about it.''And he walked back to his spot silently.

''What's gotten him so sad?''Ash asked. I didn't tell them, but I knew that he was being threatened by something...or someone. Blackmailed is the better word for it, actually. I had to help him.

''Glace, do you think you can find out where the crystal is?''Sora turned to me.

''You're never going to stop calling me Glace, are you?''I sighed.


I felt a tingling on my body, and it seemed to focus westwards.''It's there.''I pointed.

''Thanks Khione. You pointed us straight through a jungle.''Ash gestured to the overgrown clump of dense forage in the direction of my finger.

''Khione sounds like a girl's name.''Brock said dreamily.''It is. It's the goddess of snow.''Sora said.

''PERFECT! YOU CAN BE THE SNOW WHILE I BE YOUR PUMPKIN HEAD! Let's make a snowman, Khione.''He grabbed my hands.

''I'll be your snow if you get in the forest first.''Brock practically charged at the overgrown foliage, holding a small pocket knife like a maniac and slashing his way though the thick forest. I looked at the Brock-sized hole we just made through the forest.

''You're a genius, Glace.''Sora said. I resisted the urge to slap him with my ear as I walked past him into the creepy forest, with Ash and Sora following closely behind. A dread was forming a cold lump in my stomach, and I couldn't shake it off. Just like I couldn't shake the feeling that Sora was going to betray us. I just had to hope that it won't come to that.

''Khione, can I hold your tail?''Sora asked softly. And I thought that gods were the weirdest things on my today list.

''...Excuse me?''I didn't really understand what he was trying to do.

''It's just that...Ice cream is my favorite food...''He blushed furiously and stared at the ground.''I'm really scared, okay? I remember the last time I was in a forest. I eat when I'm nervous!''He protested weakly, then shrank back.

He looked so cute and pitiful, it was hard imagining him as some sort of assassin or something.''Fine.''I grumbled.''But don't bite it.''

He took my tail gleefully and started rubbing it. I resisted the urge to giggle every now and then.''Thanks...Khione. For...everything. And the ice cream. I mean your tail!''He exclaimed.

''Woohoo. I'm a girl with an ice cream tail. What else is next.''I grumbled.''Ears that look like a Glaceon's?''

Ash opened his mouth.''Don't answer that question.''He nodded, and his mouth closed.

''For what it's worth, I think your tail is really pretty, Glace.''Sora said softly. He kept fiddling with my tail, and I barely managed to keep a straight face.

''I'm Khione!''I snapped.

''Okay, Glace.''He smiled.

''I hate you.''

Yay finished editing. My hands are about to break.
I want this to be a long standing story...so hope you guys will still read with me. Still trying to be a better writer, sorry if my stories are bland or something! I think i'm getting better at writing stories...I hope.
Also, 1000 total views! I appreciate every one of them, even if you just took a glance at the first sentence and pressed backspace. I appreciate that you took the time to just read my stories. Thanks for your support! :D
Wow, long outro. Anyway, I just thought of another story, since my Percy one expired. It's another Pokemon fanfic(surprise, surprise)

Khione:So you finally gave me a better name! I'm proud of you, man!
Me:Thanks Khione. Now could you stop torturing me with those cute eyes?!
Khione:Never :3
Khione:Don't sleep now! I need a new chapter!