
Blame School.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this! :D

In Which More of Zachary's Past is Revealed

The girl froze and immediately let out a fear-scent.

Shit. Was it a mistake to say hi?

"Who are you?"she asked carefully.

"Zachary," I replied.

Her fear-scent became even more pronounced. Maybe one of her ex-boyfriends had that name or something. She didn't smell like a WindClan or ThunderClan cat. Maybe she was from one of the other Clans Brambleclaw mentioned to me. However, she smelled like the forest around here. I'm just going to assume that she lives around here.

"Ava," she responded, not turning around. "My name is Ava."

"That's a very pretty name," I said smoothly. "I'd say that it suits someone as pretty as you, but I can't see your face. May you do me a favor and turn around so that I can see your face?"

She stiffened. Had I said something wrong? No, I couldn't have. This was a fool-proof pick-up line. At least, I hope it is.


"No? May I ask why not?"

"Because I don't trust you."

"Yet you trust me seeing your backside? I'm very sorry, but I don't see how that makes sense."

Ava sighed. "Can you just leave? I don't want to talk or see anyone right now."

I slowly walked towards her. "Is something wrong?" I asked her softly.

Her fur bristled. "Nothing is wrong. I just don't want to have to deal with a guy in this moment. So, could you just like, I dunno, leave?"

"If that's what you want," I said smoothly. I turned around and walked away, frustration eating my stomach.

Shit, what was going on? It felt like my whole world was crumbling down around me. When I talk to girls, most of them swoon over me. I've gotten so used to it that rejection is something new to me. Well, I've been rejected before. But, not with girls.

It seems that all this bad luck traces down to that day in the woods; the day I meet Stacey. She was the first girl that hadn't responded in a positive way. I had flirted and kissed her. She had recoiled and hit me with a frying pan.

And that's why she's been branded in my head. She was the first girl that rejected me in all my life.

I'll be honest with you, I hated her for a while.

Here are the reasons why:

1. She had hit me with a frying pan and rejected me.

2. She had been part of the group that had helped prisoners escape.

3. It was because of her I was starting to remember the past me.

I stopped under a pine tree and sat down. The past me... No... That doesn't describe him. The real me. Yeah, that's it. The real me.

The real me is quiet and humble. He always carries a camera around and takes pictures. He loves and cares for his family. He's kind. He can barely talk to girls without messing something up. He's gentle. He's sarcastic.

I looked at my paws miserably. How could I have changed so much?


It's all her fault.

Or is it mine?

I shook my head. No. I can't blame her. Or, can I? She's one that cheated. She's the one that left without a trace. She's the one that changed me. But, I was the one that overacted. I was one who allowed himself to be changed.

Why... why did it all have to be so complicated? I stared glumly at my paws. Why?


And why had Stacey been the one to reawaken my past? Why her?

Yeah, I thought that she was kinda cute when I first saw her. However, I've flirted much prettier girls than her, so she was supposed to be just another girl I'd flirt with. And, well, you saw how that turned out.

But, still. Why her?

I shook my head. There's no need to wrap myself up in those kind of thoughts. Later, maybe. Not now. I can't lose my cool now. Especially not now, since I'm in a competition for a girl's affections.

But... what if I do get her love? What do I do? Dump her? For some odd reason, that made my stomach feel queasy. Stacey was almost like an angel. It was hard to not like her just a little bit. I would feel kinda bad to just dump her.

I winced.

No. This is not okay. I can't start having thoughts like that. If I do get her love, I'll just dump her a while afterward. Since she'll be heart-broken, Blaise will comfort her, she'll fall in love with him. There, happily ever after.

Then why was the thought of seeing Blaise and Stacey as a couple make me feel jealous?

I shook my head. Screw emotions. Love is nothing. It's always been nothing. Veronica has showed me that.

However, does it mean that she was right?

I got up. I've been thinking too much. I have to do something else, something that won't make me think as much.


Yeah, I don't have to think while I'm hunting.

I walked to where I knew the prey was most plentiful. As I walked through familiar territory, I switched into hunter mood. I tasted the air. Just near where I was standing were three mice and a vole. Since the mice seemed to be the closest to each other, I decided that going for them would be the best choice.

I crouched down in a hunter's position and crawled to where the mice's scent was. As I got closer, I vaguely registered that someone else was around. I should have remembered that scent for later. I really should have stopped and really sniffed it. Maybe then Stacey wouldn't have suffered so much.

Maybe, just maybe.

At any rate, I simply shook the scent away and concentrated on the mice. I quickly found them and laid low, observing them. A pang of sadness hit me as I realized that this was a family. I watched as one of them scuttled around, collecting food. Another mouse was twitching it's whispers and licking the little mouse. The little mouse squirmed under his mother's tongue. I smile crossed my lips as I was reminded of a similar experience.

Just like that, I was flashed back to the day of my eighth grade graduation. I was looking at myself in the bathroom mirror. I looked okay, I suppose. The only problem was my hair. It was a simple thing, but you know how mothers are.

"Mom, I can do this by myself," I insisted. Either she was too consumed in her work to hear me or she chose to ignore me. I sighed. "Mom. It's okay. I look alright."

"Nonsense!" she said, combing my hair fiercely. I winced as she tugged at it harshly. "Alright it not okay. My baby boy has to look perfect!"

"Mom," I said more sternly. "It's okay. My friends-"

"I don't care about how your friends are going to look like. I want my little boy to look like young man." She stopped combing and sniffed. "My little boy is growing up."

I sighed, half in exasperation, half with love. I turned around and hugged her. "Don't worry, mom. I'll still always going to be your little boy."

Mom wrapped her arms around me and laid her head on my shoulder. Even though I was only fourteen, I was a good three inches taller. However, this wasn't saying much, as she was short; she was around 5'3.

I took in a deep breath, readying myself for the question. "Mom?"

"Yes, Zach?"

"Is... Is Dad coming to my graduation?"

She winced. "Oh, sweetie. I-I don't know. He said he would come, but..." She shook her head. "Quinn, Lindsey, and I will be there."

I snorted. "So, he's not coming." Mixed feeling gnawed my stomach. Anger, because he was my dad and he might not show up at one of the most important points of my life. Sad, because he was my dad and he might not show up at one of the most important points of my life. Relief, because I wouldn't have to find out what new girl he got and hear him go on and on about her. And disappointed, because he had promised me that he would come.

Mom sighed and combed my hair harder. I winced in pain. Shit, this is really hurting me. I tried to read Mom's expression, but she had her poker face on.

Once she was down tearing my hair out of my scalp, she looked up at me with tearful eyes. She wiped away her tears and sniffed. I smile and hug her. "I love you, my baby," I heard her say softly.

"I love you too."

I blinked and I was back at the present, staring at a family of mice. I looked at them sadly, my heart feeling hollow. I can't kill these little guys. I can't. They all need each other. They all play a special role.

I looked at the little mouse.

Be a good son, I thought. You'll regret it forever if you don't.

I gulped and some of the las conversation I had with Mom and Quinn played in my head:

"ZACHARY! What is wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me?! What's wrong with you?!"

"I'm trying to help you!"

"NO YOU'RE NOT! You're just making it worse!"

"Zachary! Your mother just wants to-"

"Shut the hell up, Quinn! I don't care! I don't give a shit!"

I shook my head, trying to block the words out of my head. Guilt and regret made my heart heavy in my chest. I backed away from the mice.

Great, looking at mice is making me have flashbacks.


What's next?


My heart leaped a bit. I turned around so fast, I tripped over my own feet and landed on the ground. I looked up to see Stacey, her eyes full of laughter. I couldn't help but wink at her. "Hey there, cutie."

"Cutie... That's a new one," she mused. She shook her head and I got up and quickly brushed my fur.

"Well, you sure are a cutie," I replied, smiling coquettishly.

She merely blinked and shrugged. It took all my effort to not slip my claws out and dig them into the ground. Did nothing faze this chick?

"Zachary, did something happen? You looked kinda sad before."

"Oh, it's nothing," I said breezily."Just thinking about how much I missed you." Stacey didn't take the bait. She kept looking at me with concern. My smile faded and I left a wall go down. I sighed. "No, I'm fine, really. Nothing I can't handle."

"I'm a girl. Do you know how many times I've ever heard that phrase?"

"Oh, plenty of times, I assume. But, I'm a guy. Whenever a guy says that it means that he can handle it."

"Does it really, Zachary?" she asked.

I thought about it. Well, I guess it means more that I'm too scared to tell anyone and that I feel alone. I guess it means the exact opposite. Even for guys.

I smiled. "It does."

Stacey still didn't look too convinced. She turned around and said, "If you need to talk about something, you can talk to me, okay?"

"I'll keep that in mind," I said. As soon as the words left me my mouth, I realized that I really meant. If I had to trust anyone with my past, I would trust her.

I could almost see her smile. "See you around, Zachary," she said, before sprinting off.

As I watched her go, I felt something in my heart. Suddenly, I wanted to go after her. I wanted to chase her down and just spill everything inside of me. I wanted to release all cooped up feelings inside of me. Maybe she could give me advice.

However, I just stood there.

Now wasn't the time. I had been right before; I could handle this. For now, at least. Plus, I can't give my heart away so fast. That was a mistake I was not willing to make again. Although Stacey and Veronica are very different personality- wise, I don't think that I should trust her readily.

Maybe... Maybe I'll trust her later

D'aww... 3 I hope you guys are starting to see why I really like Zachary. :3

Well, I'm hoping to post the next chapter next week. Wish me luck!

See you guys soon!