Sorry todays-eherm, yesterday's- story came so late! I'll try and get another one in ASAP to make up for it!

Sorry again! Life has been so hectic lately. XP

Tigerstar got up and stretched. Then warily he walked over to the group of cats huddled around someone –most likely Brokenstar- in the center of the clearing, Darkstripe following closely behind.

When they reached the gaggle of cats they couldn't hear or see anything the cat in the center was doing. "I got this" Darkstripe said. Tigerstar moved out of his way, sat down with narrowed eyes and watched. Darkstripe walked up to a small brown tom and tapped him on the shoulder. "Um, excuse me Antfur? Would you kindly move out of the way so Tigerstar and I can see?" Antfur whirled around. When he saw Darkstripe he snorted and lashed his tail. "Sorry Darkstripe, but I prefer to keep this spot." Then he turned his back and ignored them.

Tigerstar slapped his face. "These are dark forest cats we're dealing with; not prissy little kittypets!" He sighed, exasperated. "Lemme show you how it's done." Darkstripe backed up and Tigerstar advanced to the mound of cats. He cleared his throat and then said, "MOVE." The cats in front of him spun to see who was talking to them. Tigerstar growled, claws unsheathed. The cats' eyes widened and backed up, first slowly then scampering at top speed. Darkstripe gaped in total awe as Tigerstar flounces to the center. Without waiting for Darkstripe, the cats that parted went right back into their position.

Darkstripe just stared.

Tigerstar reached the center of the mound. All the cats turned around –even Brokenstar- and stared at him. Very happy at himself for getting all this newfound attention, Tigerstar decided to take this change and make a scene. "Sorry Brokenstar, but you said you needed me? Of course being as fabulous as I am I expect a good explanation. I was having quite a nice dream!"

All the cats around him gasped. He dared to challenge their leader? Brokenstar, quite embarrassed growled and pounced. Suddenly grabbing a random dinosaur plushie he started hitting Tigerstar vengefully on the head. Tigerstar spat out stuffing and ducked. Then, out of nowhere he grabbed a magic broomstick and started chasing Brokenstar it poised over his head. The other cats 'Oohed' and 'Aahed' as they watched Brockenstar run around, arms flailing and screaming like a little girl.

"I SHALL PREVAIL AND FINALLY BECOME LEEEEEADER!" Tigerstar screamed, viciously swatting at Brokenstar with his broom

"NEVER!" Brokenstar yelped barley missing Tigerstar's last attack.

Haha! Finally, starting to get interesting!

Stay tuned to find out what happens next.