Dipper huffed and stormed back inside, after saving Mabel. Again. She never appreciated what I do, he thought hatefully. He made to the attic, flopping on his bed, hat falling off.

He thought about the old rickety shack that he was living in over the summer. It was called the Mystery Shack, but it was more like the Mystery Hack since the "S" fell off the sign. Great-uncle Stan ran the place, but Dipper and Mabel were told to call him "Grunkle" Stan.

Dipper pulled out a old maroon book, with a gold six fingered hand, with the number three on it. He flipped to the page he had studied over and over again. Bill Cipher. The page contained a picture, and black triangle with a top hat and bow tie, although, Dipper thought they forgot his cane. This page was splattered with blood, and in the corner, written in blood, were the words "DO NOT SUMMON AT ALL COSTS." And, yes a triangle with a cane, bowtie, and top hat is one of the scariest things in the world. Especially when it can possess you, and corrupt your mind.

But, since the idiot Gideon had summoned him, he just sort of stalked you. Actually, one of the last times Dipper saw he even said "I've been watching you," because you need to feel even safer in this paranormal town.

Dipper groaned as he let the open book fall to his outstretched knees, bringing his hand up to his face. "I wish could show people there is magic in this town," talking out loud. "To figure out who wrote the journals." Even quieter he said, "I would give anything." Whispers filled the air, and the world began to become devid of color, turning into a black and white movie.

An eye appeared with a black split for a pupil. A pulsing yellow triangle appeared around the eye, wearing a bow tie and top hat, and holding a cane. Arms and legs like black spaghetti dangled. Instead of making small talk, as he usually does he stuck out his hand saying, "You made the deal, shake on it."

Dipper threw himself back, into a sitting position, let out a small shriek. Dipper glanced at the book, still open to the page on Bill, scanning the words reading to trust Bill, that were violently scratched out. "Aww c 'mon, you can trust me," Bill said as he flipped upside down.

Dipper began to say no, but was interrupted by the pounding of feet coming up the stairs. "Dipper, guess what, Dipper, Dipper!" Mabel shouted as she ran up the stairs. Bill thrust out his arm again whispering, "What has she done for yoou?" Out of the corner of his eye, Dipper saw Mabel slide to a stop at the room's entrance, still screaming.

Mabel's voice hushed when she saw Bill, and his hand engulfed in blue flame, signaling the sign for a deal. Seeing Mabel, Dipper took Bill's hand and shook it. The glowing triangle disappeared, and the color returned to the shack.

A chill went through his body, and Dipper's vision blurred. He knew his body was sidling down onto his bed, but he felt nothing. The last thing he saw was Mabel screaming noiselessly over him.