![]() Author has written 35 stories for Pokémon, Mega Man, Transformers/Beast Wars, Super Smash Brothers, Atlantis, Sonic the Hedgehog, One Piece, X-overs, Gravity Falls, Avengers, Trigun, Log Horizon/ログ・ホライズン, Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Kingdom Hearts, Justice League, and Rising of the Shield Hero/盾の勇者の成り上がり. Hi! FourthWallBreaker here! Fan fiction writer and Observer of Multiverses! The stories I've got written out here aren't necessarily perfect; I admit that. I kind of treat Fanfiction as something that's just practice-writing; it works out pretty well in that way so that I can work on my original ideas. So if you've got anything that you want to suggest that I work on, don't be afraid to tell me in a review or a PM! OCs in stories I'm presently working on: Khrista: Eyes: Blue; Hair: Dark Brown; Age: about 15 or 16; first World Jump: the Pokemon World. Known relatives: Joshua (cousin); Abilities: access to abilities of Pokemon, but can only access one or two Types at a time, visibly shifting between them. Not necessarily a Mew, but could be considered one under the right circumstances. Theme: "I Will Not Bow" by Breaking Benjamin Joshua: Eyes: indigo (previously hazel with green specks); Hair: Brown; Age: about 15 or 16; first World Jump: the Pokemon World. Known relatives: Khrista (blood cousin), Maria (Reploid relation); Abilities: some Psychic abilities and more brain power. Has been turned into a Reploid with blue and green armor, and is a pretty decent inventor. Theme: "Awake and Alive" (remix) by Skillet Chosen Code Name (as of Patrols): Spark (Deceased as of Smoking Gun) Scribe: Hair: black; Eyes: green; Age: appears to be about 16; no known relatives and no dimension to properly call home. Recently appeared in Chapter 18 of World Collision, revealing that her dimension was destroyed by the Dark Arms, as it was her home world and theirs. Presently works as a historian for her counterparts (Maria and all the rest), and can see past, present, and possible futures. Serves a being she calls "the Axolotl." Appeared previously in Smash Worlds Tournament to Maria and Khrista, but only long enough to introduce herself. Appears to be able to tap into and use Chaos Energy. (Note: Was among the first batch of OCs I made before I came up with Maria. I'm just reworking her abilities to make them seem less over-powered.) Maria: Hair: Brown; Eyes: Blue; Age: was about 16 before getting transferred into her Reploid form, presently 40; First World Jump: Disney Kingdom; Known Relatives: Matthew (older brother), Liz (little sister), Collin (younger brother), Joshua (Reploid relation), Robot Masters/Reploids in the Capcom Kingdom (only because of her new form -- something like cousins 3 times removed); Abilities: Fire "magic," for the most part. Because she is presently a Reploid in red, orange, and gray armor, she has access to the Buster and has added retractable blades in her arms. Theme: "Hearts on Fire" by John Cafferty. Chosen Code Name (as of Transformers!): Flare-Up Wanted Poster Name and Bounty in One Piece: User of the 'Staff Staff Fruit Model: Magician';"Fire Storm" Maria, 235 million Beri Protocol: After the events of the SWT, it has been revealed to the rest of the multiverse that Maria has a program within her that she can give a password for to certain people. This code, when activated, bonds Maria to the activator until the code for deactivation is spoken aloud. During this time, Maria will take orders without question and assist the activator in any way that she can. It has also been shown that her list of attack techniques changes with whoever speaks the activation code. Recorded occurrences: Captain America (SWT); Orion Pax (Transformers!); Wildfire (Returning Fire); Joshua (Returning Fire; Patrols); Stanford Pines (Patrols). After the World Collision, it seems to have taken a different form, but the extent of that change is unknown. Wildfire: A femme Cybertronian with an orange and red "flamejob;" Autobot. Can control fire to some extent, and is also armed with vibroblades and a pair of cannons. Was previously in the demolition caste, can be considered a front-line fighter. Theme: "Hearts on Fire" by John Cafferty (Deceased as of Interdimensional Investigations) Jolt: A mech Cybertronian colored in blues; Autobot (formerly a Decepticon). Can control electricity, but this also disabled his other weapon systems. Not to be confused with the Jolt of the "Bayverse." Originally worked in a power plant under Iacon. Works as a mechanic for his team. Theme: "Awake and Alive" (remix) by Skillet Sparkseer: One of Wildfire's allies. A mech colored in blues; always seen carrying around a golden spear to dispel extra, unneeded energy. Can see Spark energies and their reaction to some events. Former occupation was a lower-caste scientist, but that has long since been abandoned. Theme: "The Moment of Truth" by Survivor Shape-Change: Cybertronian femme colored in gray with a single red stripe and a single yellow stripe. Shifter-gladiator. Former occupation unknown. Theme: "I Will Not Bow" by Breaking Benjamin First Aid: medic. Femme. Friend of Wildfire's. Colored in red and white. Not to be confused with G1 mech/Animated femme. Considered to be a good friend of Ratchet's. Theme: "Dare" by Stan Bush Coil: sparkling; mech; triple-changer; colored in yellow with glowing blue Energon lines. An experiment done by Shockwave to see if it is possible to create a Cybertronian that grows and matures like some organic species. Theme: "Birdland" by Maynard Ferguson Matthew: eyes: blue; hair: brown; age: year older than Maria; first World Jump (forced): Nintendo Kingdom; (voluntary) Hasbro/DC Cross; Known relatives: Maria and Liz (sisters); Collin (brother); Katie and Morgen (parents); Abilities: the same kind of Aura Sight and abilities that a Lucario has. Theme: "The Moment of Truth" by Survivor;Chosen Code Name (as of Patrols): Aura Seeker (Deceased as of Smoking Gun) Collin: eyes: blue; hair: blond; age: youngest Carlsdale, probably about 12-14; first World Jump (forced): Nintendo Kingdom; Known Relatives: Matthew, Maria, Liz (older siblings), Katie, Morgen (parents); Abilities: Has some control over electrical power, but because he hasn't been involved in any trips to other worlds voluntarily, he hasn't had the chance to get to know his abilities. Theme: "Birdland" by Maynard Ferguson (Deceased as of Smoking Gun) Liz: eyes: blue; hair: brown; age: 1-2 years younger than Maria; first World Jump: Disney Kingdom; Known Relatives: Matthew (older brother); Maria (older sister); Collin (younger brother); Morgen and Katie (Dad and Mom, respectively); Abilities: can summon a curved sword (scimitar) for battle, and has some control over water. Theme: "Dare" by Stan Bush (Currently on FMA/FMA:B world with no way home) Myra: A strange girl with a purple theme who probably comes from a FFVII world, if what memories she's recovered are anything to go by. Ran into Liz, as well as Maria's parents, sometime before World Collision. Appears to have fate working with her, rather than against. For a time, she took on the persona of an evil counterpart of Maria's named Airam, revealing that Myra is a counterpart of Maria's. Currently resides in a One Piece dimension with her crew the Purple Pirates, and a dimensionally displaced Portgas D. Ace. Crystal: Eyes: Blue; Hair: Blond; Age: 10, but looks and acts like a teenager of about 15 years, added characteristics: Mew ears/tail. Known relatives: Rosa (Mew, adoptive sister); Catzin (blue Mew; adoptive brother); Mythos (Mewtwo; adoptive brother) The main character in Legends; looks like Khrista's Mew Forme, and has been deemed "Mewthree" by Team Rocket. As a Mew clone, she has access to only the moves a Mew can learn naturally. There seems to be some sort of connection between her and Khrista... Emberstar: 19-year-old main character in the story Emberstar; considers herself to be pretty knowledgeable of the Transformers universes, but not to the point of full-blown Transfan. Red and orange flame-painted triple-changer. Formerly known as Aria. Vaportrail: green-eyed 19-year-old; friend of Emberstar's. Stopped watching Transformers when the movies came out, but still knows enough about them to get by with TF-oriented conversations. Why he lost interest is anyone's guess, but the others suspect it has something to do with how Michael Bay went around with the plot of the movies. Bulky Seeker colored in red, black, and silver. Formerly known as Matt. Nightwing: Emberstar's 23-year-old older brother; de-facto leader of the group because of his calm exterior in the face of danger. Has been an on-and-off fan, but hasn't been able to keep up with the recent shows as of late. Dark blue and black triple-changer with a clear visor over his optics. Formerly known as Aaron. BombBlast: Nightwing's and Emberstar's 20-year-old friend; also a TF fanatic. When given the chance, he and Emberstar can talk for hours on the subject. Dark blue grounder with white stripes running across his doorwings. Formerly known as Will. Viospark: Nightwing's and Emberstar's 18-year-old younger sister; can be known to panic when something unexpected happens, but can calm down after a while. Something of a TF fan, but not as immersed as her older siblings. Purple grounder with bright blue, lightning-bolt designs crisscrossing her armor. Formerly known as Jenna. Skyblade: 18-year-old friend of Viospark's; calmer and more "go with the flow;" less likely to scream when something unexpected happens. Something of a TF fan, but not as immersed as the others. Neon blue and white grounder, with wingletts and a spike of red on the front of her helm. Formerly known as Mara. Stories (listed in chronological order): Khrista Chronicles: I Choose You! (Take 2) (complete) Khrista Chronicles: Second Mobius (complete) Maria's Adventures (Title of first nine: Age of Exploration): Disney Kingdom (Take 2) (complete) Nintendo Kingdom (complete; am thinking about possibly rewriting it sometime in the future) Pokemon OneShots (extras; has no consequence with the rest of the series (for the most part) -- can be passed by if you don't want to hear about Maria's adventures before Nintendo Kingdom) Capcom Kingdom (complete) Smash Worlds Tournament (complete) Transformers! (complete) Axiom Nexus (complete) Returning Fire (complete) Patrols (complete) If anyone asks, this one ends the exact moment that Puppet AU starts. (MA: Age of War) World Collision (complete) If anyone asks, the white flash at the end of this story is the same shockwave Ford sees in the 12th chapter of the Puppet AU. (MA: Exploration Neo) Homeworld Bound (complete) Maria's Adventures: New Status Quo (complete) Maria's Adventures: One Piece Titles of arcs: "The City of Water;" "Halloween Isle;" "Strong World;" "Saobody and Marineford Mashup;" "Training-In-Progress" (One-Shot); "Second Half Start! Fishman Island!;" "Dark Tech" (complete) Maria's Adventures: The Smoking Gun (complete) Maria's Adventures: Gravity Falls Mashup (complete) One Piece Special: Magical Misfits (OP; little short chapters of what-if scenarios that I've written up at random.) Legends (complete) Myths (complete) Rebuilding (Transformers; a one-shot that could turn into something more; title could change. Expect edits) Wildfire: Origins (complete) Emberstar (TF; just messing around with the idea of a human-turned-Cybertronian fic. Kind of something to do just for fun ;) Don't expect to see updates as often as the others) From One Support To Another (Log Horizon/Shield Hero crossover one-shot. Just a chance encounter/what-if scenario that popped into my head.) Ghoulish Falls (complete) A Little Extra Floof (GF; one shot; based on an idea that I came across on Tumblr involving Ford and his floofy hair. :3) Puppet AU and Puppet AU: Recovery (GF; an AU of my own making! Basically the idea is that Bill Cipher doesn't give the Pines a chance to use the memory gun -- he rips their free will right out of their souls and turns them into his servants/slaves/puppets instead! With a few...modifications. Horribly angsty, terribly depressing, and will leave you weeping for fluff and pleading for a happy ending! RATED M BECAUSE OF LOTS OF VIOLENCE AND SOME EXTREMELY ADULT THINGS AT THE END OF CHAPTER 4 AND THE BEGINNING OF CHAPTER 5 IN PUPPET AU, AND IN CHAPTER 12 OF RECOVERY. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. COMPLETE.) Interdimensional Investigations (GF; aftermath of the Puppet AU/Maria Adventures stories -- Maria and Sixer try to find a way to return the Pines' willpower to them! But do they succeed? Complete!) And more to come! Just to let you know, flames will be eaten by Maria for breakfast. If presented as constructive criticism (or critiques), they will be used to create upgrades for the stories being critiqued...even though it might take a while for the upgrades to be integrated. I would appreciate getting reviews! Getting Favorited and Followed is one thing -- actually getting comments written out by readers is another thing entirely! Now, just to be random... I am on the NaNoWriMo website under Scribe's Voice! I HAVE A TUMBLR! I'm crossroadsdimension! I'm going to start cross-posting fics between there and here. Maria also has a tumblr -- multiversal-excursions. If you want to interact with her and ask her questions, please feel free to! I also have an AO3! I'm CrossingTheFourthWall -- and I don't have everything posted there that's on here, but I've got some things there that aren't here, either. So going there to read my stuff is up to you. |