Chapter 8: Time to End It
Information: Read the Authors Note at the bottom for important details!
We spent this new day recovering, me and Luffy I mean, Chopper was constantly fretting over our arrow wounds as he continued to bandage me up.
I finally made myself fully acquainted with the family as well! They were known as the Tearoom Pirates. I already knew Daisy, then there was Papa, I don't need to tell you what position he held, Rosa was the teen girl and Rick was the little boy.
They invited us all to their picnic, it was a quaint little gathering, with nothing more then snacks and tea that Sanji had made, but we still had a lot of fun, almost enough to make up for the terrible ordeal me and Luffy had gone through. Almost.
Eventually though, it was time to leave. Zoro and Sanji carried Luffy and me respectively to the Merry due to our injuries. "Are you sure you don't wanna lift?" Luffy asked Brief.
"I told you I'm fine, Strawhat." Brief grinned. "Now that the Baron is gone, I plan to make this island a true paradise, in the name of the Toothbrush Moustache Pirates!"
"And the Tearoom Pirates will help you achieve that dream!" Papa declared as his family cheered.
"Really? Shishishi! Then we'll come back here once I'm the Pirate King!" Luffy laughed.
Brief laughed as well. "...Rokushiki!"
"Huh?" I slumped over the railing to look at him.
"You were never really Toothbrush Moustache Pirate truly belong in that crew only."
I smiled. "Thanks Brief."
"Alright! Is everyone ready?" Nami asked.
"Yeah!" We all cheered.
"Yosh! Let's set sail!" Luffy cheered as we finally departed the island.
"Strawhat! Rokushiki!" We all looked back at Brief. "Thank you...for everything! Please take the honourable sendoff...of the Toothbrush Moustache Pirates!" He put his finger under his nose. "Moustache!"
"Moustache!" The Tearoom Pirates copied him.
"Shishishi! Moustache!" Luffy also copied.
"Moustache!" I copied too.
"What are you bakas doing?" Zoro sweatdropped.
"Hey! You guys do it too!" I encouraged.
"It's simple! Like this!" Luffy demonstrated.
Our nakama looked at us as if we'd just turned purple, except for Robin, who merely giggled. "Moustache." She said as she did it.
"Usopp Moustache!" Usopp yelled as he did it overdramatically.
"Moustache!" Chopper exclaimed happily.
"Moustache." Nami did it as well, but still with a confused look.
"Moustache." Sanji knew there was no getting out of this.
"Moustache..." Zoro grumbled after Luffy shoved his own finger under his nose.
We sent each other off with that honourable farewell...
That's it. My tale has been told...well, not quiet.
The nights after exiting the island, I began to have nightmares. Horridly vivid nightmares about Omatsuri, the Lily Carnation and the Rose Carnation. Three times a night I would wake up screaming and drenched in sweat, and Luffy seemed to have the same problem.
It eventually got so bad that our nakama forced us to get sedatives from Chopper to sleep, and I'll admit that it worked, but memories you can't erase.
They often pestered us about why we were having nightmares so much, and whilst Luffy just shrugged it off withhis giant grin, I made up an elaborate story about having nightmares as a kid and then them returning. It wasn't good enough to star in a play, but it gave them an answer to their questions.
I've tried to discuss with Luffy ways about telling the crew about it, but like with them, he just shrugged the subject off. I believe he is just happy that his nakama are safe, but I'm not, its like a huge black hole in my chest that is sucking in all my happiness.
After our events in Skypiea and in G-8, the burden was almost too much to bear, so I resorted to drastic measures. I cornered Luffy and told him about my battle with the Rose Carnation. What I saw, and how it hurt me to not tell them that dark secret.
"...Give me some time."
That was his answer, and I don't think I've ever seen my captain more serious about a decision all the time I've known him. At the time of writing this, I'm still waiting for an answer.
And now that is my tale told. And now you know all the things I have suffered.
To be honest, I don't know if anyone WILL actually fing this letter, but if you have, and are reading this, please let me give you one piece of advice.
Nakama are like a web, the bonds are strong, but they can still be stretched, tensed, and broken. But, if you are willing to put in the time and the effort, those bonds can always be fixed, no matter how broken they are.
To who reads this letter...thank you.
Wodos T. Ellix.
I picked up the several sheets of paper that was my letter, and sighed with a heavy heart. I wrapped them all together and stuffed them into a bottle, plugging it up before opening my window. I felt the bottle in my hand before throwing it out as hard as I could, watching as it fell into the ocean with a 'plop' and floated there.
I closed the window and leaned back on my chair. That was that. And it did make me feel a little better.
I looked over my shoulder to see the man I had been waiting for, Luffy. He had a serious expression on his face. "Do you...really think they'll forgive me...?"
I just looked at him with a small smile. "I should be worried about that more then you...but if you have faith in them, they will."
"I do believe in them." Luffy nodded, keeping his serious expression. "But..." He held out his hand. "...I don't think I can do it on my own..."
I gained a serious expression as well, and took his hand. "I'm with you Captain."
Ellix's journey goes Ellix vs. Hanta, One Piece OC Film Strong World, and One Piece OC Saga Summit War.
And coming soon...One Piece OC Movie: Episode of Ellix Plus-The Crystallized Fortress Beyond the Portals.
And that is it, Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island is officially done!
What he said. Thank you to ThiefofStealth, TheRealEvanSG, Zusenheim and Hikarilight99 especially for your reviews and support! See you at Marineford! And thank you to everyone else who has read this!