Author has written 16 stories for Pokémon, Gravity Falls, Portal, and Fire Emblem.
Hi world!
So, you want to know about me, then? OK. I'm a guy and my favorite hobbies are playing Pokémon and watching TV.
I like watching people play video games and play lots of Pokémon myself, so most of my stories will be rewrites of the games giving the player characters dialogue and personalities. My biggest accomplishment is the Pokedex Adventures series I write with my oldest sister as editor/co-author.
I also like implying couples and never really doing much with them. The weirder or less loved the pairing, the better it is. The ones involving at least one player character were probably the least unusual ones.
So, sit back and enjoy these stories, because we sure enjoyed writing them.
UPDATE: We have finally set up a Tumblr, where we will be posting our works that are better off as comics than fanfiction. Fandoms are the usual ones, and we're adding Yu-Gi-Oh and Marvel, among others. Username is still runswithscizors, but it's all small letters this time. Story comics will start being posted in September 2020 at the latest, but we hope to have small ones up soon. (Also, the editor can barely draw, so you might want to take the time to make fun of her and watch her improve.)
Portal - Still Alive: Friendships are weird. Chell doesn't know what to do when an oddly British core wakes her from a nap, but he's too cute to argue with. She doesn't know where Doug is, but she knows she's naming her first child after him. And then there's her new friend, the friend that really, really wants her gone. (Sequel to For Science.)
Legend of Zelda - Why Me?: Link was picked on his entire life, while Princess Zelda has been spoiled rotten. It's up to these two to save the kingdom of Hyrule from Ganondorf, assisted only by seven strange people calling themselves 'Sages,' a magical talking tree, and a fairy with a gambling problem. The goddesses must be crazy, indeed. (An Ocarina of Time abridged musical. All songs are parodies, not all parodies are Disney.)
Ace Attorney - Turnabout Nonsense: When things go wrong and you need a defense lawyer, you can always count on Phoenix Wright! With lawyering talents such as dramatic pointing, there's no way he'll let you down. Unless, of course, he does. (The first game gets its story told like it was part of Pokedex Adventures, and everyone ships Phoenix and Maya except Phoenix and Maya.)
Fire Emblem - Law and Disorder: A Fates modern AU with both Corrins, who have non-canon names, and it is influenced by Ace Attorney. Stars a law student named Rowena, illegally adopted by Garon as a child, and her gaming nerd twin brother Revan, who remained with the family he belonged to. They're reunited by tragedy and betrayal, but those things are quickly replaced with insanity and love. A oneshot collection with the occasional two-parter. Ships are the same as in I Stole the King. Will update whenever we finish one.
The Pokedex Adventures Election Collection: Oneshots with the characters from completed stories, that we think up and you vote for. Name is likely to change because we're American and the word 'election' is not a good one, but Editor likes fun titles.
Not Always Black and White
- Hilbert and Hilda's last name is Grey.
- Hilda's Zebstrika was originally going to be named Maximus, after the noble steed in Tangled. We decided not to because some people might not get the reference.
- Hilbert was originally going to be the only protagonist, and the story would have been him stumbling through Unova with Tommy while having no idea what he was doing 90% of the time. Then we became Ferriswheelshippers.
- The incident that made Hilda afraid of Darmanitan was when she and Hilbert went to a classmate's birthday party when they were little. They went on a nature hike/Pokémon hunt and about five of the monsters decided to kidnap her as a joke, right under the supervisor's nose. They returned her at the end of the line, but she was scarred for life.
- What Burgh apologized to Elesa for will never be explained.
- N is not a werewolf. He's not a were-Zoroark, either. Or a regular Zoroark.
- Anthea and Concordia are still Ferriswheelshippers, and will be until they die.
Shades of Gray
- "Gorgeous science babies" started as an in-joke for us, inspired by the other writer having dreams about the "parents" on a monthly basis. She made the offhand comment that they would make pretty babies, I used the phrase, and then we put it in Shades of Gray.
- On a related note, as of 7/16/2016, she has tried combining their genes on Sims 4's create-a-sim. The results are just as pretty as the Shadow Triad imagined them, once they get a decent hairstyle. Hair color and facial features are left alone. (Except 'Amanda.' Then she changed the hair color.)
- Hugh's little sister now ships her brother with Gym Leader Roxie.
- Hugh eventually got Liepard to come out of its ball.
- Nate got a job working on a horror movie. He started out as prop manager, not director.
- Colress actually grew up in Kalos, and lived there until an experiment went wrong while he was an intern in a questionable lab. An experiment that was his idea...
- Ghetsis went completely insane and now suffers from a crippling fear of teenagers.
- Rosa's last name is White, and Nate's is Green.
One-Hit KO
- The protagonists' names are Ethan Morrow, Lyra Hart, and Kristina (Kris) Elm.
- Kris's father is the Johto professor's much less notable older brother, who works at the Pewter City museum.
- Professor Elm's first name is Brian. Kris doesn't use it because she doesn't want her friends to think they can.
- Lyra focused her attention on art, not fashion design.
- Kris and Lyra eventually did catch the Legendary Beasts that they resembled, though they were put through tests to prove their worth first.
- Whitney's crush on Morty is very real. And it's not just known, it's mutual, though Morty spends so little time with the living that he doesn't actually know what to do about it.
- As much as he hates to admit it, Silver is a friend to the trio. They stopped Team Rocket, after all. It doesn't stop him and Ethan from picking on each other.
- If you want a somewhat-accurate representation of my sister doing her part for the song, type 'Sesame Street Don Music' into a search engine, click a video, and remember that I was her Kermit.
Critical Hit
- Lucas ended up with a legendary of his own - Mesprit. He needed Dawn's obscene luck to track her down, and she often invites her 'brothers' to his house to party.
- Professor Rowan was almost a con man when he was in his early 20s, but he had a change of heart shortly after he started his first scheme. He ended up getting a real job and used legally-obtained money to pay for his college education.
- Lucas's last name is Hawthorn, which was the main reason Rowan took him and his father as assistants. Dawn's is Bennett.
- Lucas met Professor Sycamore about a year after the epilogue. It was an interesting experience involving a three-hour interview about Mega Evolution that mainly consisted of Lucas saying, "I don't know" and Alakazam failing to communicate telepathically with two people who did not have psychic powers.
- Dawn offered to be interviewed, as long as her Gallade could fill in the details from his end. They were rejected because their plan involved dragging the Kalos professor to the Distortion World.
- Rowan, on the other hand, has gone to the Distortion World to interview Pokémon on what evolution was like.
- The cookie coupon was expired. Dawn still hasn't forgiven the professor for that.
Super Effective/Dragon Ascent
- Archie and Shelly are a couple in the postgame story. Archie just has a mental block on putting things into words.
- The editor has a Hogwarts house and wand woods, using Pottermore, for all player characters, since it's easier for us to write them if we know their main traits. It's on their 'in case of fanfic' sheet, with their names, flaws, likely end team, and motivations.
- We do have the story about the soda. We just haven't written it down.
- Wally got his embarrassing codename from a time he and Brendan wound up in a tag battle against a pair of obnoxious college-age guys. Wally used the term "Broface" to taunt them, and Brendan thought it was hilarious. The codename is partially used to credit Wally, not just to be mean.
- Liza's codename, Rainbow Sprinkles, comes from a time where she threatened to shove Brendan's face into an ice cream sundae so that he'd "be sneezing rainbow sprinkles for a month."
- Tate had no funny taunt or threat. His codename came from generic spy movies.
- The editor does ship Wallace and Flannery. And Wallace and Winona. And Winona and Steven, Steven and Flannery, etc. (Not all at once)
- The in-universe reason Lisia's father is not in the Christmas special is not due to the "Incident" Wallace mentioned, but because he knew his wife's family and he could only deal with three at a time, counting her and their daughter. It's said he was the only sane person to marry into this family in years, and that position hasn't changed. If you asked anyone who was in that special, they'd agree.
Destiny Bond/Case Closed
- Eddie's nickname came from one of the possums in the Ice Age series.
- The Magic 8 Ball that we use to make unimportant decisions said that yes, Sycamore and Diantha do have a baby. We won't stop you from imagining otherwise, but they're an official couple either way. We may or may not bring it up in future Kalos stories, but if we do, you don't have to assume they're part of the true timeline.
- That same Magic 8 Ball told us that Lysandre survived. I'm not sure if that's a good thing, but you can imagine he died if it makes you feel better.
- Shauna met her boyfriend at a video game convention and they bonded over puzzle games. We plan to give him an appearance or two in Kalos stories.
- Tierno became a big star in Unova's musicals. Bianca's a fan, and occasionally drags Cheren away from the Gym to watch them with her.
- Trevor completed the Kalos Pokedex. It took him a while to find out what he wanted to do after that.
- Emma did take Calem's offer of a Pokémon journey. She had the former gang and Xerosic's Pokémon guard the city for her while she and Mimi explored the rest of Kalos, but told them to call her if they needed a real detective.
- There was a joke in the plotting stages about an out-of-order toilet in the League's bathroom that, when flushed, would return lost items. Not items that were flushed down it when it worked, but items, and on one occasion, a baby that Serena had been left in charge of for half a chapter. It was immediately rejected by my editor, but I had never seen someone literally fall on the ground laughing until then. The babysitting plot became Phantump and Pumpkaboo.
To Be A Master
- Sorry, shippers. None of the three main characters are romantically interested in another.
- Red's not romantically interested in anything, really. Not even the girl who is rumored to like him.
- There was a scene in the planning stages for the Champion chapter where Leaf got her trampoline. The editor was working on her own for that one and forgot it. She blames her war on the internet.
- The "Editor vs. Internet" thing was real. It cut off her internet mid-writing session every single day. That's why Kanto wasn't up to our Kalos standards. Internet is better now.
- Early, pre-Internet War chapters were Kalos standard, though. Brock and the forest gods were great. We'll rewrite the story someday.
- The answers to Blaine's non-Murkrow riddles were "tomorrow" and "a glove." We like Red and Leaf's answers better.
- By the time of the epilogue, Leaf's powers are more limited than she lets on. It's fine.
- In the epilogue, Diana does not remember hitting Red for making a pun, but she doesn't doubt it. She still scares both him and Blue, after all. Though that might have something to do with the fact that her favorite game is "play in the graveyard and see if Drifloon steal me."