![]() Author has written 6 stories for Maximum Ride, Fairy Tail, Vampire Knight, Dangan Ronpa Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei, Death Parade/デス・パレード, and Young Justice. Sup. My name's Kay. I write and draw a lot, so I thought why not share them with the world. I'm pretty much inactive on all fanfiction websites. I might update or write something once in a while. Who knows, college might kill me first :D You can also find my art on DeviantArt @firegirl68. Actual Bio Name: Kay Reason for Username: Inspired by the word "caesura" which comes from a joke my Orchestra teacher used to make Age: I am a legal adult here to tell anybody that's not a legal adult to hang in there because you're awesome. Also beware of strangers on the internet. Gender: Lady Preferred Pronouns: Your Majesty Status: HA i'm definitely dead. Hobbies: writing, reading, drawing, playing video games, memeing, annoying my friends with GREAT JOKES AND PUNS, sleeping, and more sleeping If you want to know more about me, feel free to PM me (-w-) Fanfiction: Because 87% of all original endings suck. Fanfiction: Because 95% of all plot twists are either predictable or stupid. Fanfiction: Because my favorite characters always die. Fanfiction: Because sometimes evil deserves to win. Fanfiction: Because sometimes authors just don't know which of their own characters go together best. Fanfiction: Because most authors aren't willing to write multiple versions of their stories just so we can see every possibility that arises. Fanfiction: Because all stories shouldn't have an ending; there should always be another adventure. Fanfiction: Because sometimes there's no one your age and gender who you can relate to. Fanfiction: Because sometimes you want to be in that story yourself. Fanfiction: Because sometimes you have no other way to express the ideas in your head. Fanfiction: Because it's an escape. Progress: Dangan Ronpa: The Animation Super Duper Dangan Ronpa 3 - Discontinued (Possible Revamp) Death Parade Doll - Oneshot Fairy Tail The Next Generation - Discontinued Maximum Ride Dylan's Song - Songfic Vampire Knight All Over Again - Discontinued Young Justice The Dawn Archer - Revamping |