Events that happened earlier:

Chapter 16: Darkness, my friend

Robin is trapped fighting Grima as she starts to accept that she might die. But she isn't worried as she is convinced that if she dies Grima will not hurt anymore of her children. So just about Grima was going to kill her Chrom saves his wife and causes Grima to run away and hunt after Lucina. Chrom hugs Robin and begs her not to risk her life again as she can't handle that pain again or anymore. Robin promises as she and Chrom invited Morgan and Cynthia to them. Chrom speaks to Cynthia and says sorry for not understanding her feelings and Cynthia is touched by her father's words. Chrom then mentions that Sumia is planning to see her again and this makes Cynthia very happy before they all leave to catch up with Lucina.

Meanwhile at school Lucina is annoyed she cannot do the steps to the dance right after Mrs Olivia showed them in class. She hears dancing not too far from her and sees it was Inigo. She was caught by the beauty of his dance and was left in awe. Inigo sees her and stutters his dance before Lucina asks some tips from him and the two agree to dance with one another.

They dance before Lucina notices something odd with Inigo but before she could she felt a sharp pain in her stomach and felt it was all wet. She soon noticed it was her own blood and fainted to the ground. Owain enters the stage in looking for Inigo before seeing the bloody sight. He tries to wake up Inigo from his state and tries to help Lucina when Grima finds him and she tells her how she was about to stab and kill Lucina by taking over Inigo's body.

So just as Grima was going to kill Owain Sumia's spirit comes from the darkest part of Grima's mind and holds the demon in place and uses her powers to knock Grima away from the stage. She then sees Lucina bleeding to her death and as Robin and the others come in to mourn Lucina's death Sumia states that she can revive Lucina for the price of her own life. She asks permission from Chrom and her only child and they both agree. When Lucina is revived she says sorry for dying on everyone like that and she didn't mean to let her step-mother's life be wasted for her own. Cynthia then says its alright as long she doesn't go dying on them again.

Lucina soon notices Inigo is under a black magic spell that will never make him wake up ever again. With permission from her family she uses a charge on the Book of Naga tome to wake Inigo up. She then explains what and how her family reached the modern world and says that when Grima is defeated she will forget about him and their friends and the memories they all had of the new world. This convinces Lucina to kiss Inigo and tells him he isn't so bad to fall in love with. Then as they leave they promise that they would look for each other with or without their memories of each other. Owain and Cynthia promise the same thing before the boys leave and Owain goes and try to patch things up with his father before the world would end.

Owain asks if he really believes in faith and Inigo nods. He would find her no matter what happens next.

Chapter Seventeen: Lost but not forgotten

"It is believed that original sin can only be cleansed by the waters of baptism. But it is the sins that follow that are not so easily washed away. And since forgiveness of trespasses only granted the truly penitent, pure evil can never be erased."

The sky was dull, dark and as grim as Grima herself. The streets were covered in a blanket of screams and panic and the whimpering of the young and old. The roads were blocked and every car was pressing on their horns loudly as if that would make the flow of traffic go faster. Chrom and Robin held onto the hands of their children tightly as they focused their eyes to the giant black-purple portal hovering high in the sky. Thunder was seen escaping the portal and on a high skyscraper building was the shadow of Grima herself. Her purple eyes beaming as she watched them like ants - marching their way to her. Her smiles resembled the devil itself as she laughed as Robin held the Book of Naga tightly in her arms before slipping it into her bag.

Their path to Grima got easier as less people were seen in the area. The portal above them was pouring out magic – magic of their era as more thunderbolts were escaping it and the giant claps of thunder ringed in their ears.

"What on earth." Robin spoke. "Magic is pouring out of that portal?"

Grima saw her sister at the ground level of the skyscraper and twirled in her spot and instantly teleported herself to the level where her sister's family stood in shock.

"Yes, that portal you see is in fact the gate where we all came from." Grima's haunting voice caused Morgan and Cynthia to hold onto their parent's hands tighter. "Because your dear Lucina died it was just enough for the gate to open, even if she was dead for a minute or two. It was enough for me to raise the army of Risen under my command to destroy the future you work so hard to protect."

"Damn you!" Chrom cussed. "Did Robin's death do nothing to you?!" He yelled.

Grima burst into laughter, "I might or might not have played some magic to us both as I was 'dying'" She teased.

She raised her arms into the dark lit sky as the portal above them started to show an image of a horrible creature. Its eyes glow a piercing purple as its roar haunted the family of five. Before they could rush over and slay the dragon once again the dark aura seeping from the ground up soon raised into the Risen. There were knights, archers, and mages and nearly every class was summoned.

And the dark aura that raised the Risen army wrapped themselves around Chrom and his family not to hold them in place, but rather return their armor and powers they once had. It was clear Grima didn't like that her twin sister was back to her full strength but she had no control over the huge amount of magic that was pouring out of the gate.

Chrom tightened his fist as he reminded himself of the feeling of wearing such heavy armor as he pulled out the legendary sword that had been passed down to him. He held the sword with both of his hands as his eyes glared into Grima's.

"You will die tonight I swear."

Grima wasn't convinced, "You know if you strike the last blow I'll only go back to sleep. You killing me will only do me a favor. I don't mind having my terror being held back for another 1000 years." She teased.

"Damn this woman." Chrom whispered. "Damn her."

With his legendary sword Chrom rushed over to strike the woman but Grima easily faded to dodge the attack. Her laughter sent chills down his spine as she reappeared on the roof of the skyscraper.

"That won't work the second time Exalt."

Chrom looked at the woman irritated as the dragon from the gate finally made its way through and stood at the top of the skyscraper with its master. Its roar shook the ground and shook fear right into them.

The sudden screams of his children caused him to turn as he noticed the Risen coming in closer and Robin was finding it hard to catch up to them. They couldn't be stuck here fighting of Risen while Grima flew away on her dragon to destroy the only place they had left that they could call home. The King looked down at his sword and swallowed hard.

He couldn't leave his children defenseless.

"Lucina," Chrom called his eldest child. "Here, take this."

The princess who was embracing her two siblings tightly looked up to her father and saw the legendary Falchion being offered to her. Her eyes widen as she looked her father in the eye. "B-But father, I do not know how to wield such a sword."

"Don't worry." Chrom smiled. "Once you hold Falchion you'll instantly know how."

Lucina reached out her hand to grab the sword and was surprise to see how light it felt. She felt guilty that she would have to use such a beautiful sword to kill Risen and have it be stained with their blood. But there were bigger issues to worry about than beauty or blood stains.

Finally clearing the Risen in the area for a moment Robin reached for her bag and pulled out a tome or two. Morgan watched and felt like he knew what was going to happen next. He pulled his bag off and stood by his mother's side.

"Take these tomes. Not all Risen can be easily defeated with a sword." Robin placed a few basic magic tomes into her son's backpack.

"Yes mother." Morgan nodded as he let her mother place the tomes into his bag and even zip it up for him. Robin noticed her son's hands were shaking. She placed her warm hands over them to calm them down. "It will be alright Morgan. Your father and I will return safely. This will all be over soon."

"I know but…but what if one of us dies in the end like you mother. You never returned home the last time you went up against Grima."

Robin embraced her son tightly. "I promise you all, I will return home this time. There will be no excuses."

Cynthia looked as both her siblings were both given a weapon to fight with. She looked down at the lance pendant her late mother had given her and pulled it off. She held it in her hands and looked at it intensely. A breeze blew in her direction as the perfume of her mother was in the air which the pendant responded to. A light escaped the pendant and the lance that was only an accessory soon formed into a weapon.

She rubbed her eyes and smiled. "Oh mother…"

Chrom looked at all his children and smiled to see they were ready to fight this war with them. They looked at the entrance of the skyscraper and was ready to enter before more Risen rose from their feet.

"We'll never reach Grima at this rate." Robin spoke as she quickly got out one of her tomes.

"Mother," Lucina spoke. "We'll hold them back. When we are done we'll come after you."

"Lucina, I can't!" Robin screamed. "I can't handle to lose you or anyone else because of me."

"Don't worry Miss Robin." Cynthia spoke. "As the hero here I promise Lucy or my twin won't die tonight!"

Morgan rolled his eyes. "You're not my twin…" He insisted.

Robin smiled and nodded before looking at her husband. He held his hand out and she reached for it and held it tight. Both parents looked back at their children proudly.

"We'll be back soon kids, don't push yourselves too much." Chrom spoke to all his children and when he saw all his children smiling and nodding back in determination that was when Chrom felt it was right to leave them in order to defeat Grima.

The lights above them flashed them, on and off every second or two. Any windows they passed were either cracked or shattered. Doors were slammed down as each Risen appeared. Holding onto Robin's hand tightly they both rushed down the tight hallways and down each sharp corner that they believed would led them to the top.

There would be times where their hands would slip to cast a spell or cut a Risen in half with the Levin Sword Robin had given to her husband. Even if he wasn't using it the right way it still dealt damage and that was what mattered in the end.

Elevators were shut tight as they rushed up the piles of stairs but Grima's magic was evident as the stairs would something be too slippery to climb or that a sudden Risen would appear right in front of them.

"Come on." Chrom reached out his hand to his wife. "We can make it."

Robin reached for her husband's hand and held it tight. Chrom could feel her hand shaking.

"How do we know it will be real this time?"

Chrom paused for a moment. "Because I believe faith won't let our love end here."

His warm words gave confidence to her, just enough to convince that what they were going to do was right. Holding hands they both continued to climb the stairs for their last confrontation with Grima. The higher they went the more demanding it became. More Risen blocked their path and more of Grima's dark magic could be felt and seen.

The door to the rooftops was in their grasp as they both rushed with what they had left. Chrom being in front reached his hand and held onto the doorknob and twist to open it. As he pulled the door to him his eyes widen in shock.

Grima – the dragon was standing right at the door.

"Chrom!" Robin screamed.

And with the element of surprise the dragon blew fire right into them. The pure wind pushed them back and the fire burnt most of Robin's tomes. Their backs slammed onto the wall and fly down one flight of stairs. Chrom's arms protecting his wife as they both tried to wake up and understand what had just happened.

Grima appeared at the door with her pet dragon by her side. Chrom hated she took the exactly look of his wife. She smiled with the devil as she untied her piggy tails that made her look so alike to Robin. Her long pale yellow hair covered her shoulders as she swayed them left to right in a teasing manner.


Chrom looked down at the Levin sword that was by his feet and then to the woman in his arms that was starting to wake up. While he let Robin rest on one of his arms he used his other to reach for the magical Levin Sword. He raised his sword up into the air and then pointed the sword at Grima. With his quick action Chrom was able to knock the woman onto the rooftop as her dragon raged.

The dragon poured another set of fire towards them as Chrom embraced his wife and threw them in order to dodge the attack. Chrom couldn't risk Robin's tomes getting even more burnt then they already were.

"You little brat!" Grima screamed in the distance.

"Robin, wake up." Chrom shook his wife a little. "I don't think my magic can pull back Grima much more."

Finally sitting up Robin looked at what was happening to them. Grima could be seen coming towards the door's entrance once again and her dragon was ready to shoot another blast of fire at them both. Robin carefully pulled out the tome, the Book of Naga while still having her eyes stuck on her evil twin.

"Chrom… cast it." Robin whispered.

"What? But I'm not good in magic." Chrom whispered back as Grima's shadow was starting to become more and more visible to them both. He looked back at Robin and could see she was in no mood to discuss the issue any longer.

Robin soon slipped the tome into her husband's lap and as soon Grima reached the entrance she instantly saw the deadly book in the hands of Chrom. She flinched as her dragon mimicked her actions for a second.

"Quick, burn that book!" She screamed.

As the flames began to escape Grima's dragon mouth Chrom placed all of his luck and hope into the book. Opening to some random page he slammed his hand onto the book.

"By the power of Naga help me banish the evil with this realm!" Chrom yelled.

And as if the book heard his words bright golden light escaped the tome and turned into hundreds of golden swords the pierced through the wall and the dragon itself. The dragon's roar could even be heard from the ground level where Lucina and her siblings fought.

"Father!" Cynthia screamed after seeing the aftermath above them. "Father!"

"Cynthia, watch out!" Morgan's voice caused her to turn around as a Risen with an axe in his hands were ready to chop her up into two.

All the little girl could do was close her eyes and hold her lance tightly as fear froze her in her place. Opening her eyes a few seconds later she could see a fireball was heading to the Risen and had quickly knocked him out of course. The Risen soon faded away into the darkness after the attack.

"M-Morgan…sorry," Cynthia barely spoke. "I-I just saw that attack and father…"

"Shhh." Morgan comforted. "Just a few more and we'll be able to help and join them," Morgan glanced over his shoulder. "That alright with you?"

Cynthia smiled at admired her brother's confidence. "Yes, that would be just fine." She turned to her eldest sister and saw how hard and though she was as she slain through one Risen and onto another.

"I keep telling myself I'm a hero yet…I can't even slay a Risen without freezing on the spot." She looked at Morgan and saw how quickly he would turn from one tome to another. Cynthia held onto her lance a little tighter. "But I can't give up. If Lucy and Morgan won't, then I can't either."

She looked up at the sky scraper, "And plus, father needs me up there."

The roar of the dragon's pain ringed in their ears. The golden swords that pierced its skin were in deep as blood could be seen escaping every wound. It kept on backtracking as Chrom and Robin ran their way onto the rooftop where Grima was trying to save the life of her pet dragon but the golden swords of light from the Book of Naga was magic that she could not compete with as she watched her dragon wither away.

Her purple eyes turned to an intense red as she suddenly shot black-purple orbs and threw at Chrom and Robin recklessly but they easily dodged them both.

"I should have killed you when I got the chance!" She screamed as she kept on throwing her attacks at the couple.

Chrom reached for his sword as she sliced one orb in half. "You only have your ignorance to blame Grima." Chrom raced forward to Grima. The dark mage quickly moved her arms to cast a spell. As Chrom was ready to strike a powerful blow the woman was able to create a sword out of the darkness and block the attack. Chrom was pushed a few steps back.

The king didn't stop after one attack, he raced forward again and Grima did the same. They exchanged blows as they were both at how equally skilled they were both. When one thought they had an opening the other would quickly defend and counter-attack. Robin watched on with a tome in her hand, watching carefully at where she could strike.

With the Book of Naga in her hands she took in a deep breath and opened the book. The book reacted differently under her command compared to the rest of her family. The book floated as the pages stopped flipping. The book glowed as she recited the words of the accident text. Then there it was an opening that was left Grima open for just a second. She slammed her hand on the book, waiting for an attack to be released.

But instead the book completely rejected her command and sent the woman into mid air before crashing back down. Her sudden scream caused Chrom to look back and let Grima deal a heavy strike to him, sending him flying back and onto the ground.

Robin held her sore hand and looked at the book. "It…rejected me?"

Grima laughed at her twin sister's petty attempt to use the book. "You honestly though you could use that book? And you call yourself a tactician." Robin made a disgusted noise after hearing those words from Grima as Grima continued.

"We are both the same. We both hold the darkness of our father and the fathers before him. You can believe that your nothing like us but your blood is not. The very same thing you disgust from me and father runs through you too. That is why you cannot use that book dear sister because you hold the very darkness that book despises of."

"How dare you compare my mother to a lowly as you!" Lucina's voice was heard in the distance. Both their parents looked back and saw their children had made it like they would. They equally spread themselves to both parents. "Father!" Lucina rushed over to her father's aid. "Here,"

The golden sword was placed into Chrom's hand as he sat up and held the grip of his sword tight. In that moment he could feel the power of the legendary sword that had been passed down through the years.

"Thank you Lucina." Chrom thanked his child. "Now, we can defeat Grima for good."

On his feet once more Chrom held his sword with two hands as Robin healed her sore hand as her children watched on from a distance. As much they wanted to help they only knew they would only get in the way. Grima smiled as she taunted the man to come forward in which he did.

Robin watched as she thought about the words her sister has spoken of. She could see the heavy blow from earlier was messing Chrom's timing and Grima was able to land a few hits but they were not as major as earlier.

"I'm part of the darkness huh?" She asked herself. "Well…I'll embrace it if it means we'll win."

Knowing the Book of Naga wasn't going to respond to another call of hers she pulled out her Levin Sword. The zigzag sword that was able to strike from a distance. She held the sword with both of her hands and muttered words as if she was praying to the Gods above.

Darkness from the ground answered to her call as it soon wrapped around her whole body as her eyes remained closed. Her two children watched on trying not to interfere with their parents battles. Opening her eyes they mirrored the same colour of Grima and eerie feeling. She rose her Levin sword to the as thunder clouds covered the whole area.

"I am the wings of despair. I am the breath of ruin. I am the fell dragon Grima!" Robin screamed.

A huge bolt of thunder slammed down between Chrom and Grima's fight and pushed them both apart. Chrom was able to get back onto his feet and rush on forward and strike the woman before she could materialize another sword from the darkness. Grima screamed as the attack caused her to fall from the rooftops.

Chrom wanted to smile but he could see his wife starting to feed into the darkness as she was hardly recognizable to his eyes. He dropped his sword in his moment of panic and rushed to his wife but the aura of darkness whipped him away.

"Stay…away…my king." Robin's voice had turned deep and dry. She closed her eyes as the dark aura around her soon allowed her to form wings that belonged to no other but the Fell dragon herself.

"No…please…you cannot turn into Grima…I won't allow it!" He screamed.

"I won't…allow that."

The sensation of victory was held back when giant dark wings were seen making their way but up towards them. Darkness formed in the shape of fire was climbing up the walls of the sky scraper as the giant dragon made its way up to them.

"ARROGANT MORTALS, HOW DARE YOU CONTEST ME." The dragon's voice echoed loudly every time it spoke. "ACCEPT THAT THIS IS THE END."

With her Levin sword in her hand Robin jumped into the air with her new found wings. Her ruby eyes, staring back at the dragon's six.


Robin spoke no words as she raised her arm in which her weapon was held at and strike the dragon without moving. Grima took in the attack and laughed.


At point blank distance Grima released a huge breathe of fire at the Robin. She did not flinch as she held out her Levin Sword and the darkness around her provided her shield. Chrom and his children hated that all they could do was watch on into the sky.


Robin's eyes showed irritation as she held her sword with both of her hands and pointed it to the thunder clouds above. "Because we are not the same!" She screamed as the clouds answered her call and a huge thunder bolt strike down at the giant dragon.

The roar indicated to her that the attack dealt damage but it wasn't enough to cause the dragon to fade away. While the thunder left Grima in place for a few seconds Robin rushed in closer to strike at much more damage she could before shielding herself from another breath attack from her other half.


"I'll…damn try." Robin raised her sword to the sky as a fury of thunderbolts strike on every body part of the huge dragon. Robin's breathing was getting heavier as the wings of the fell dragon on her were starting to fade. "I don't care how long this will take…you will die…my other half."

Like an eagle Robin swooped in as her sword grew brighter with the more passion and determination to slay her other half. But her wings were giving up on her and so was the darkness that she let in and she started to fall as her body fainted on her.

Falling from the heavens Robin tried to keep on going but the darkness had given up on her. She was too pure for them. Too good and the darkness could not feed on such innocence of good. The darkness that fed on her leaped to the Fell Dragon as she continued to fall.

"Robin!" Chrom rushed as she caught his wife falling from grace. He could see her breathing was heavy and her body weak. "You…daredevil you." He smirked.

Opening her eyes briefly, "Yeah, sorry about that. I kind of got carried away." She teased.

He placed her body down to rest as he picked up his sword. He could see the Book of Naga by his wife's feet and picked it up.

"What…are you planning to do?" She asked, confused.

He smiled at her, "Do what we do best - save the world." He threw the tome back to his children. "I'm counting on you three."

Lucina, Morgan and Cynthia looked puzzled at their father as Chrom placed his sword over his shoulder as he walked up to the giant dragon. He noticed burnt marks from the numerous thunder attacks from Robin and the flapping of Grima's wings were slowing down. Maybe, just maybe his idea could work.

"I was never a tactician but there is a first time for everything, isn't it?"

The children quickly looked through the book but couldn't understand a word of the ancient text but on one page was a golden sword against what seems an old representation of Grima. That sword was no other but the Falchion. The siblings looked at one another and nodded. They could see their father could no longer hold the fight any longer as he dodged a few attacks but also received some as well.

"For mother!" Morgan yelled as he placed his hand on the book first.

"For father!" Cynthia added as she soon followed suit.

"And for the future!" Lucina said as she was the last to place her hand on the book.

"Hear our call Naga and grant us one last wish. Give the wielded of your holy sword the power to defeat Grima once and for all!" They all spoke with passion and determination.

And a miracle was granted. The legendary sword that Chrom wielded was granted the book's holy power as it grew in strength. The King slowly rose to his feet with the aid of his holy sword. He had cuts everywhere and bruises. Blood was starting to show on some of his deeper cuts but mainly from his earlier blow from Grima was the one that was causing him so much pain.


Chrom looked up at the dragon and walked up the huge dragon. "Then so be it!" He screamed. "I'm so sick and tired of people dying on my behalf - first my sister, Sumia and then Robin. If my death will keep them safe for the rest of their lives then so be it!"


Robin held her stomach as she raced to her husband but tripped as soon she reached him. She clenched her fists at how weak and frail she was. Before she could do anything else she felt Chrom pull her onto her feet and into his arms.

"Chrom…" Robin finally spoke. "Please…don't." She could feel his blood staining onto her own outfit.

The king had his sword pointed at Grima and his eyes glued onto her. "Before I die I want to share this moment with you." He briefly looked at his beautiful wife. She was trying so hard not to cry but the longer he held her the more tears fell. "I'll always love you. No matter what lifetime it may be we'll always find each other and fall in love. I won't stop until I find you again." He closed his eyes and kissed his dear wife on the forehead. He then lifted his sword to the heavens as Chrom could feel Robin trying to stop him and escape his grasp but it was already too late.

Chrom has struck his sword down to the ground and a huge wave of light crashed into the Fell Dragon. Its body burnt as if it was hit with acid as the burning light started to melt it away.


The dragon melted away in front of their eyes as the darkness and the thunder clouds above vanished. The blue sky and the rays of sunlight poured all over the city as the people slowly surfaced from their sheltered homes. Silence came over them all.

"No…he isn't!" Robin yelled at the empty sky until she heard the Falchion drop from her husband's grasp.

With a soft and whispering voice. "...I'm sorry...Robin." This took the attention of his wife. "I can't seem to keep my promise to you after all."

Soon his balance gave up on him as well as Robin caught her falling husband into her arms. They both fell onto their knees as their children ran up to them.

They were screaming their father's name as they ran up to him. The blood on his clothes was getting more evident. His beautiful blue hair covered his eyes and he slowly closed them. He could hear the calls of his family, begging him to wake up but his body was slowly shutting down and there was nothing he could do. He wanted to tell them all how much he loved them but his lips had already forgotten how to speak. He wanted to hold them tightly before he lost his sensation but he too, had forgotten how.

He felt his body rest against his wife body as his head landed onto Robin's shoulder and with the last seconds he had he knew she was hugging hid tightly and being in her arms would have been so comforting.

"Chrom, please, please say something."

But her faithful husband didn't move. He didn't move no more.

Robin couldn't believe it. She had now watched her husband die a second time; first by her own hands and now by her other half. Tears flooded her face as she could no longer stay strong for her own children. They all embraced one another for support as Robin just kept on crying.

She was a curse to him, which was what Robin finally convinced herself to be. Back in their era she killed him there because she was not strong enough to control her own body and now, her other half had. Her other half forced him to use the last spell of the book knowing his condition could not handle the power.

And for the next couple of minutes, as their memories of everyone they met slowly started to melt away from them Robin held her husband and as the minutes went by she could feel her passion for him was slipping away too. She couldn't do anything about it and knew the rules of the contract.

When defeating Grima they would all forget anyone they met expect family. She was not blood related to Chrom and so, she expected as much that they would forget each other. Chrom knew it yet he still fought for her – he fought for a memory that wouldn't last a lifetime.

And when that moment came Robin held the man in her arms emotionless. As people made their way to them she looked at her children before the stranger in her arms.

She didn't know him but deep down in her heart knew that she loved him very much.

Time passed them all by quicker than they had all expected especially Robin. Life was looking well for them all. Her children, though for one where she kept on forgetting was one of her own were proceeding through their schooling life very well. New Ylisse was becoming a boom for tourism and the traffic was heavy because of it.

The day shined bright as that they her and her kids were on that rooftop for some off reason. That moment did not leave her mind as it was too puzzling not to. She couldn't forget that handsome man in her arms that day. As the police took him away from her she could feel his tears escaping for the last time.

Father were the words her children called him as they could do nothing but watch the police take him away and concealed them from their sights. Her children were crying uncontrollably yet she wasn't shedding a single tear. But as she ran her fingers down her cheeks she felt how dry they were.

Maybe she had already had, but couldn't remember them. Was it for the best that she could not remember this man her children are calling their father? Where was the love she must have felt for this man. Why was it just suddenly taken away from her so quickly?

"At least give me a name." She muttered as she looked up to the sky. "Let me at least remember your name."

Crossing the field of wild long grass and flowers Robin noticed the park was unusually empty for lunch time. There were some people scattered at difference parts of the park – mostly under trees. Maybe she had just come a little early or maybe a new store had opened somewhere and everyone had flocked there.

She opened her phone and was planning to make a call when her thumb accidently opened the gallery. When she was on the rooftop and after being checked by the ambulance she quickly looked through her phone for any photos with the strange man. But it was empty.

She looked through and saw her children. Morgan was looking dashing as he got ready for his prom as his sisters took a photo with his hair badly messed up. Another was Cynthia with her black belt in karate taking a selfie of her and a defeated Owain in the background. Another was her eldest child was Lucina with a man named Inigo. They were hugging each other as she remembered taking the photo of the new couple.

The sun soon came from behind the clouds and gave a glare on her phone, causing her to look away and put her phone away. As she blinked to get her vision back she noticed a strange object in the distance. She walked towards it, thinking it could be a new statute the council had placed in. But as her feet moved her closer she knew it wasn't some new art piece for the city.

Robin suddenly got a strange urge to run towards the strange thing instead. As if she had some purpose to do. Her heart was racing and she was smiling but she had no idea why. She even reached a point where she was laughing like a high school girl in love.

And there, lying in between the long grass and flowers for a stunning man that looked like he was taking a nap under the warm spring sun. She just stared before taking caution steps, hoping not to wake him up.

She kneeled beside him and just kept staring at his sleeping face. He seem he was only a year or two older than her as Robin had a urge to run her fingers through his beautiful hair. It was wonderful and gave a sensation that she had done this once before.

Robin knew that sleeping by themselves in a park could tempt little thieves to pinch his money and ID away so she sat beside him and opened up her lunch until he would wake up. She looked at the view of the city and after many years the view never bore her. Like it always had something new to show her everyday and it was just so interesting compared to something in the past she couldn't remember but she remembered the feeling of it.

The sleeping man soon turned to lie on his back and that was when the single parent noticed a mark on his shoulder. It was a mark of an Exalt. She remembered reading many books about the mark and the founders of Ylisse.

"It's very rare to find royalty just sleeping in the park here." She took another bite of the pie Cynthia had made for her. "I'm surprised he hasn't been picked up by the ladies or the media by now."

Finishing her meal she closed her lunchbox and returned it back into her shoulder bag. The grunting and mumbling from the man caught her attention as she saw him slowly wake up. The way he opened his eyes and how beautiful they were, made a blush come across Robin's face.

He was just so…stunning.

And in that single moment, that second he looked at Robin she felt her heart race and something in within her caused her to cry tears of joy. She was smiling for real in the longest time as she ran into his arms just as he sat up.

"Excuse me Miss, are you alright?"

Pulling apart she noticed how confused the young man was. Robin's smile faded before her face flushed with embarrassment. She twiddled with her fingers as she looked away from his face for a moment or two.

When their eyes locked once again the man's eyes widen as if he had just remembered something very important. Robin smiled and giggled.

"It…really you…Robin."

The mother laughed and then added, "There are better placed to take a nap than on the ground you know…Chrom."

Chrom smiled at the presence of his wife as he reached out to her face before playing around with her long hair. He didn't know how long they had been apart but long enough to know she had aged slightly and her hair was slightly shorter than before. Robin held onto his hand and he smiled.

To finally remember her after a long time gave peace within him. There were a million things he wanted to ask but he knew he had the rest of his life to ask them. This time he was certain.

"Yeah…I know." He paused for a moment. "I know."


A/N: First and for most, I'M SORRY FOR A SIX MONTH NO UPDATE. University sucks out the life of me and any will of mine to write. But holidays are here and I'm ready to write my heart out until school returns in March.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed reading this series. Although not everything went to plan I think I did alright. Anyway please R&R your thoughts and I hoped you enjoyed reading Rewind. Until next time!
