First fanfic, be nice. It says in the book how Zach is glad he was the one trailing Cammie, because he said otherwise he most likely wouldn't have seen her. What if it was Cammie who had to trail Zach? How different would things turn out? Zach's pov and Cammie's.

Summery: Excerpt: "Dude, anyone one of those girls could be the ones who are trailing us." "I know that, Grant. I'm working on it." As boys moved on, hazel eyes glanced up to watch them. They didn't see her, no ever did. Why would they? She was Cammie the Chameleon.

Disclaimer: I don't own Gallagher Girls or anything. I don't even own some sentences in this chapter, which are in fact quoted from the book (With a bit of editing so they fit the story), but are so awesome I had to include them.




It's one thing to know you go to an elite school for boy spies. It's quite another to find there is another school, just like yours, but for girls. Girls, who, in fifteen to twenty minutes, would be trailing us and trying not to be seen. Good luck with that.

You can only sit in a helicopter with a blindfold on for so long, before you get very, very bored. Believe me, I know. Who am I?

I'm Zachary Goode, a spy in training. If anyone was going to complete the test today, it would be me.

We have the upper hand. We know that the girls are a Spy Girl school; they don't know that we are a sky school for boys. They think we're just some normal teenage kids, which have no clue how to get rid of a trail. Right…

We know that they will be following us, even if we don't know what they look like. How hard can it be? Really? Eight teenage girls trailing after us will be pretty easy to spot out.


I sighed as I felt the helicopter descending. Finally! I'd get to talk the blindfold off.

I could feel a soft bump as we hit the ground.

"Alright." Dr. Steve told us. "You can take off your blindfolds and sit up."

Groans of relief could be heard all around the space. As I said, no body likes to have a blindfold on for more than an hour or so.

"Here you go. You will meet Mr. Solomon here at 5:00pm sharp, where he will bring you to your transport to the girls' academy." He handed an envelope to the nearest boy, who happened to be Grant.

Grant and I shared a look. So. Not only were we being tracked by strange girls, who apparently went to a school for girl spies, we got to go visit their school afterwards.

"If you know who is trailing you, make sure to remember what they look like. When you all arrive, we'll see how good you are remembering what people look like." Dr. Steve told them.

The boys all looked at each other and nodded. It sounded really easy.

"Excelled. Right off you go!"

Jonas stepped forward and pulled the door open a bit.

"It's the Mall." He said, sounding shocked.

"Great," I smirked, sharing a glance with Grant. "They'll be too busy looking at clothes to notice us."

"No," Jonas told them as he tugged the door all the way open. "Not that kind of Mall."




Bex and I were walking along, trailing behind the boys we were supposed to be tracking.

Well, I was walking. Bex looked like she was doing some sort of dance. She flung her arms out.

"Don't you just love the view?" She asked me.

I wish I could say she was talking about the Washington Monument or the Capital or any of the other sights that drive tourist to D.C. But I know Bex well enough to she was really talking about the pair of boys we were tracking.

She swung an arm around my shoulder. "After this mission, I want one."

"Bex," I told her, glancing ahead at the boys. "They're not puppies."

"Come on!" Bex grabbed my hand. "They're cute."

I rolled my eyes. "Bex, we mostly likely will never see them again after the mission. In fact, I haven't got a clue why we are following them in the first place. They're just normal boys out for a walk, right?"

Bex looked thoughtful for a few moments. A couple was walking along, not looking too much to where they were going. Just as they past, and I was about to walk along side Bex again, the two boys stopped, pivoted, and started walking straight back this way.

I nudge Bex off to the side. "Let's get a hotdog."

She turned and joined the line at the stall. I peeked a glance at the two boys. They were scanning the area. I stiffened as their eyes came to me, but they simply slipped over me, as if they didn't know I was there.

They most likely didn't anyway. I didn't get the nickname 'Chameleon' for no reason.

"Cammie, that was almost like a spy move here. Remember what we were thinking about with the Blackthorne Institute?" Bex told me.

I blinked at her. Blackthorne Institute. Of course! If it was true, (There was an awful lot of evidence about there being a boy school) it meant we had a much harder job on our hands.

It's one thing to trail a few teenage boys around a city. Quite another to trail some boy spy-to-be.

We got our hotdogs and slipped past of the line of people waiting for heir own, and started after the two boys again. After a few minutes (three minutes and twenty one seconds, if you were wondering), Bex squirmed.

"Hey, Cam? Do you mind if you trail them alone for a couple minutes? I need to pop over to the restrooms."

I nodded. "Go ahead. Use your comms unit if you lose us."

She nodded and hurried away. I turned my attention back to the boys. They had stopped, and were having what appeared to be lunch. I stopped, and sat down on a bench, watching them carefully. Once again, the boys scanned the area, looking for trackers, no doubt. And, once again, their eyes skimmed over me as if I wasn't there.

Finally, they finished, got up, and moved back toward the way the hotdog stand was. I strained my ears as they walked past, trying to listen to what they were saying.

"Dude, anyone one of those girls could be the ones who are trailing us."

"I know that, Grant. I'm working on it." I looked at the one who had just talked and realized he was the one I was trailing, before quickly turning my gaze back to the ground.

"There's like, what? A thousand different girls here." That must be 'Grant'. The boy Bex was trailing. He was hot. I'm not surprised Bex wanted to talk to him.

As boys moved on, my hazel eyes glanced up to watch them. They didn't see me, no ever did. Why would they? I was Cammie the Chameleon.


I glanced up to see Bex hurried toward me. I got up to meet her.

She raised an eyebrow at me.

"They are heading that way. They just went by." I told her. She nodded, almost bouncing up and down.

"We could talk to them." She told me as we started trailing them again.

I raised an eyebrow at her. She was joking, right? "You know that would blow our cover."

She shrugged; glanced at the guy she was trailing and sighed.

I rolled my eyes and nudged her. "Maybe, only maybe, after the mission you might get a chance to talk to him."

She grinned and seemed to jump up and down. Suddenly she glanced at the boys. They were splitting up. "Alright, look. They're splitting up." She smiled at me.

"Good luck then. We're splitting up too." She nodded at me, and wished me good luck.

I just smiled and keep trailing the boy I was suppose to be following.




"Let's split up." I suggested to Grant. "I have only found one girl trailing us."

Grant nodded. "The girl with the brown skin. She's really cute." He sighed.

I sighed too. Was that all he was thinking about at the moment? Alright, so the girl was a little cute, but we were on a mission! Kind of, anyway.

"If she is one of the one who are trailing us, you'll be able to talk to her afterwards." I told him. Grant's eyes lit up.

"Let's split up, now." I told him. "We'll see who she follows. Any trouble, tell me through your comms unit."

Grant nodded, then sharply veered left, blending in with a mod of other boys that were heading that way. After a few seconds, the spy girl changed her course to trail him.

"She's following you." I told him through comms.

"I see her." He replied.

I nodded. "Good luck.

Just in case some other person was tracking me and I didn't know it (Highly unlikely though), I headed into the closest museum, glancing at the reflection in the glass to see if anyone was following me. I could see no one.

Here's the thing you need to now about detecting and losing a tail: to do it right – I mean reallyright – you'd need to cover half a city. You'd climb in and out of cabs and train cars and walk against the grain on at least a dozen busy sidewalks.
You'd talk all day.

But I didn't have all day (I think that was kind of the point) so I would have to do my best with the couple of hours I had left.




Alright, I tried my best. Most likely sucks. I don't write first person very well. I'm more of a third person. Please tell me if I did something like she/he instead of 'I' at some points. Or if I didn't spell a name right.

Please review. Thanks.


The Gallagher Girl