Author has written 33 stories for Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Yu-Gi-Oh, Disney, Yu Yu Hakusho, Inuyasha, Kingdom Hearts, Lunar: Eternal Blue, Bleach, Eternal Darkness, and Final Fantasy VII. Welcome to my profile! I am Crescent Venus, and I hope you enjoy looking through my collection of stories! I am a college librarian who loves reading, writing, and thinking, and encouraging others to do the same. In my spare time, I also enjoy crafting, playing video games and watching movies. Reading-wise, I enjoy many different types of material, ranging from classic literature to detective fiction, to Japanese manga. I don't have a particular favorite author or book (I feel that would be like asking a parent to choose a favorite child!), but there are some that I enjoy more than others. My current "Top 5 Most-Enjoyed Authors (for the moment)" would be: Jane Austen, Agatha Christie, Peter S. Beagle, Arthur Conan Doyle, and Haruki Murakami. Writing-wise, I'm consciously trying to create a style that reads smoothly but with rich description. I admit to a tendency to over-describe Because I've been a long-time fan of entertainment like anime, video games, etc, those are the genres I tend to write for (familiarity and all that). I started writing fanfiction in high school as a fun alternative challenge to the original story writing that I did for classwork. Even now, I enjoy writing these stories as writing exercises, and I'm contemplating writing an actual novella in the future. In the meanwhile, my writing is just for fun, and to try and keep my skills fresh. UPDATE 6/21/12 A new chapter in my life (adulthood means you can do anything you want to, provided you've finished the rest of your work) means a revamped profile! Here is a fresh update on the status of everything. Let's Talk Terror has just been updated after a year of inactivity! There are five more chapters to go, and my goal is to crank one chapter out each month so we can get the story finished by the end of this year. My Kingdom Hearts drabble series LIFE is still on hiatus, but the next drabble is will be worked on and posted right after LTT Chapter 12 is done. There are some plans for new works, but those will wait until LTT and LIFE are completed. I will be going through my older works and making systematic edits where necessary. I'm planning on making the majority of the edits this summer, because having what is in my mind "rough work" up for much longer is bothering me. I'm also upping images for all my stories. Road Trip, that ancient YGO parody fic, is discontinued, since ElfQueen and I more or less don't care any more. |
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