Reviews for Future Talk
EirSnowLavellan chapter 105 . 7/11
HOOKAY so i just read ALL of this in the span of 3 days and it was awesome. i'll post another review after a night of sleep
Guest chapter 105 . 10/29/2019
I've read this book so many times and I must say... Its freaking amazing. You know this and everyone knows this but it simply is. Your mind, my dear author, is a beautiful perpetual world. Please keep writing. I'll be re reading Future talk again probably in a few months time but now... Time for Speak.
KannaKyomu chapter 105 . 10/6/2019
what... what? That's the end? Oh my god. You are so extremely talented, this story has been a freaking rollercoaster, emotional ups and downs but damn... this ending. Thank you so much for your hard work, this fic is really a gem. I hope maybe one day you'll perhaps consider a small epilogue to prove some... closure. Of the happy kind? Regardless, seriously, thank you so much. This fic has consumed me for the last week and I don't regret a single second of it.
KannaKyomu chapter 45 . 10/3/2019
This story is a fucking emotional rollercoaster of epic proportions. I'm dying here, just when you let me take a breath of relief with her mentally backing away from Koenma you throw out that desperate kiss(and is it just me or does her like of him smack very lightly of some kind of Stockholm syndrome?) and then I'm upset again because I came here for the goods, them sweet unforgiving Hiei/OC slow burn, and now im drowning again and then you /throw. down./ That had to be the hottest softcore porn ive ever read that completely avoided anything outright incriminating except for that very last line- "you're body reacts to me like a demons" fucking lord almighty sweet baby jesus in a cradle and his soft round baby bottom what am I going to do with all of these contradictory feels you monster?! I love you, I didn't mean that. Thank you for all of your hard work, please don't abuse me anymore.
KannaKyomu chapter 44 . 10/3/2019
I love this chapter so much. Finally getting some acknowledgement to all my main frustrations with Dani as a character/person was so charthic- and then i started getting freaked out that she was just going to let him get away with his overbearing bullshit but you acknowledged that to thank /gods/. I am feeling so much more hopeful now that we are on the right track and Dani can finally start growing as a person instead of being this dumb stubborn dead weight. Also- I absolutely looooove this OC town you've created, and the role reversal that really puts a stark contrast on Hiei's poorly dispositioned possessiveness. It's almost like, oh i don't know, being owned and ordered around is unpleasant? Who woulda thunk it. Masterful stroke of foreshadowing and plot build up in this chapter and again, seriously i am so, so glad to see Dani growing as a person. I know she's only 20- holy shit so young- but I'm hoping this whole "In love with a doomed Koenma" turns up to be some sort of mistaken emotional displacement or something. That plot line took me entirely by surprise and I honestly have no idea how it will fit in as anything other than a slow burn device for the DaniXHiei context. I'm really looking forward to reading more, I just had to stop here and put down some thoughts and appreciation for the momentous amount of work you've clearly put into this gem. Lawd, thank you so much I'm having a very good time reading this!
lisaisfire619 chapter 105 . 9/25/2019
no it can't end like this. what happens between dani and hiei
lisaisfire619 chapter 48 . 9/19/2019
Gonna admit I was really hoping we would get to see dani vs the salamander real time and just see how she would do. so I'm sad bout that but with how you composed everything bout it and the story from Hieis POV it makes sense for the flow of the story. you have well thought out chapters and depth and detail that makes everything seem more real. you are a wonderful writer. I know this is a late review since this is a completed story but keep up the good work and I hope once I'm done with this one I can read more works from you.
Dark Rosette chapter 105 . 6/15/2019
I absolutely loved this. This is one of my favorite stories ever, and may be the best long YYH story that I have ever read. Thank you.
XNightzxDayX chapter 105 . 6/7/2019
Its over.. omg it's over and this is by far the best Yu Yu hakuso fanfiction I've ever read.

a bumpy ride that had me yelling at the screen of my cell in confusion and happiness and sorrow for days during different parts!

I enjoyed the ride of this story and wish it would never end! but i seriously need to know what happens to dani and Hiei? do they ever get back? please make their sequel at some point? pretty please? or tell me..idk I just need to know!

I'll follow along and look at the story Speak as well!

amazing work and thank you so much for igniting my imagination for a place to go to and relax in and read this during some stressful life moments!
Maison66 chapter 1 . 1/31/2019
This is honestly the bible of what an OCxMain character story should be like, and I'm so sorry to hear about the fucking idiots who harassed you away from the fandom! What assholes.
You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna favorite EVERY story you have and follow you as a writer to personally tell them to fuck off. PM me your hate you COWARDS lets fucking see you, bozos.

Great job and pleas don't let it get to you so much.
rsaenz18 chapter 31 . 1/23/2019
Loved this chapter. Great job!
Samy.F chapter 105 . 11/10/2018
Im so happy I found this incredible, amazing, funny and touching story! I really loved this story you did a awesome job with it! ;)
Ruler of the elements chapter 105 . 11/3/2018
Hi! I just finished binge reading FT for the past week (I think) and I love it.
I'll probably read Speak at some point soon too. Don't know about that other fic, Touched, was it? You have it marked as a Yusuke/OC fic and I tend to lean more toward canon pairings, but that's just me.
I hope you feel better about this whole fandom soonish? But take your time if you really need it, mental health is very important, so good for you on prioritizing (is that how you spell that?) your own health over all this other stuff!
Oh! Hypothetical question for you! If you suddenly found yourself in the YYHverse (YYHverse? Is that a thing now? Meh, I'll roll with it) and you couldn't get back here, who would you see as a romantic interest? One of the boys? Or one of the side characters like Jin or Touya? Personally, whenever I think about it, I keep flip-flopping between Kurama and Hiei. I don't want to go for Yusuke or Kuwabara 'cause their "taken" and I don't want to be a "homewreaker". But, yeah, I keep changing my mind between Kurama and Hiei every time I read a good fic involving a Kurama/OC pairing or a Hiei/OC pairing. Anyway! I was just curious.
So, yeah, um, yeah that's it I think. Ok! Bye! Hope you feel better!
kaichoulover chapter 1 . 10/6/2018
HOLY SHIT! OOOOHHH! okay I admit I was skeptical because I've read way too much fanfics that you well made a parody at the start of the chapter, which by the way was amazing and hilarious. But this is starting out great and I can't wait to read more! Glad I gave this a chance
A.K. Hakusho chapter 1 . 8/21/2018
Two years later...and I just finished reading this for the 5th time. Honestly, this is my absolute favorite story and I really hope you come back to share more of your work someday.
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