Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter. Having abandoned writing fanfiction for roughly two years, I've decided to come back, and continue my current story. I've also decided to start on another story, which will be posted A.S.A.P. I'm currently looking for a beta for this story. = I'm currently attending college at the age of 19. I've always loved the Harry Potter series, and although I was not writing; I am constantly on reading stories. The "ships" which I favor currently are: Draco and Ginny, Narcissa and Lucius, James and Lilly. I prefer "Dark Fics" but do not mind an occasional "light" fic. I had left off a story that I was co-authoring with "Melissa Adams", however I have lost contact with her. I would like to continue that story with her, if I had the chance. The acct in which the story was at was "TheMixedAdams". Hopefully, you enjoy the stories in which I fabricate. Criticism and suggestions (both good and bad) will be appreciated. Please leave a review with my stories, Thank you, Mixed. |