Ginny Weasley: Maid in Malfoy Manor

Author: Althea

Disclaimer: None of the characters are mine. Just the plot. We're all in the same boat here, waiting for OotP to come out on June. Hey, Anna Fe! I used your poem without asking, hope you don't mind. :-P I'm going to email you anyway to let you know about this page. Hope to see you soon! -Love Lots, Athena. (This chap's for you!)

Spoilers: All four books

Rating: PG-13

Summary: The Great War is finally over, but things did not turn out the way they should turn out to be. The Malfoy family is the ruler of the wizarding world and the Weasleys are deprived of their remaining diminutive fortune. They are now living in a state of adverse poverty and Ginny is their only hope to survive. Ginny, at present, must swallow all her pride and dignity and serve the only person that she ever hated when she was still in Hogwarts: Draco Malfoy. A d/g fic you've probably never seen before.

Author's Note: This fic is inspired by that bird and fish line from the movie Ever After, plus a bunch of other love quotes that I kept reading and getting stuck in my head. I wondered, would it be cool to -kind of-- compile the not-at-all-mushy quotes together into a neat little HP fic? This is the product of that thought. Please Read and Review!


Ginny Weasley: Maid in Malfoy Manor

Chapter One: Prisoner


~ I wish that I am free as a bird

To do whatever I wish to do

To say whatever I want to say

To go to places I wish to go to

To fly where the wind would take me


I'm not a bird, not as boundless as its wings

I could not act how I yearn to act

Cause I'm a prisoner

A prisoner of humanity ~

-- Anna Fe Leguarda


"Know that I love you, and no matter what, I'll see you again."


Those were the last words that he said to her. Harry Potter was dying and Ginny was cradling his blood stained face in her hands as if her life depended on his. He said this in great anguish, with blood overflowing from his tainted lips surrounding the dark void filled with red liquid that reminded Ginny briefly of strong red wine.

She was crying, and while she was embracing the only person that loved her for who she really was, she felt the cold sharp pain of defeat and despair running through her frozen veins.

After a few tragic seconds, Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived, died right there, at that very moment, wrapped in Ginny's shaking arms.

And now that the worst was over, she and the ones who survived just had to cope up with the reality that not everything turned out the way they hoped it would turn out to be. And that goodness did not always win over evil.

They had been too confident about the outcome of the Great War that they had became careless and unwise about their actions and decisions that ultimately brought this ill-fated outcome. Evil had won and while the wizarding world were in total chaos, there was nothing that they could do but suffer the consequences and blame themselves for their own stupidity and recklessness.

The Weasleys --one of the few surviving wizarding families that were not on Voldemort's side-- were now knee deep in debt and the honor of their family was gone, taken away by a false accusation from Lucius Malfoy himself. Food was scarce that it hardly fitted their needs and the Burrow was demolished and sold to the nearest investor who was willing to take the futile land.

Ginny remembered her family's last full meal together; happily devouring their mother's perfect cooking. It happened on the good old days when Voldemort was not yet defeated and that there was still hope for peace and freedom. She had pitifully made the mistake of not taking gratitude of that last time that they had been together, under one roof, complete and united.

Now, they were scattered.

Charlie and Bill were convicted of Life Imprisonment for a crime that they did not commit. It was a perfect recreation of what happened to Sirius Black. They were framed.

Percy. Percy, even in his last breath, managed to uphold his duty to serve his community. He tried to keep the Dementors away from the Ministry of Magic, but his will alone was not enough to stop the evil creatures from killing all the unfaithful Ministers and replacing them with sinister ones. He received the Dementor's Kiss soon after showing his contradiction to their evil plans. He was worse than dead.

Fred and George, the unbreakable duo. was in the end separated.

George died. And the unfeeling green light was the last thing that he ever saw before his last breath was taken out from him. Fred went senseless and numb soon after his twin's death. He would not eat and shortly became violent that the Aurors have to take him to St. Mungo's even with the frantic shrieks of denial from Mrs. Weasley saying that her son was not crazy.

Arthur Weasley was now at the brink of death, fighting off a terrible disease brought by a potion some Death Eater tricked him into drinking. No spell could heal this fatal ailment

His wife, Ginny's loving mother, Molly Weasley was deposed into a struggling housewife trying to take care of her ill husband.

And Ron. Poor, broken Ron.

Ginny could almost feel his pain and his hurting when she first heard what happened to her sweetest brother. Just when she thought that there was still somebody unscarred by the war to help her heal her own wounds. she found out the awful truth.

Ron was sightless, hit by a blinding curse invented by Voldemort himself. There was no counter curse and he just had to live the remaining years of his life unmindful of the things around him, shaded by the irreversible ailment that the war had bestowed on Ginny's ever faithful friend and loving brother.

Crouched in one of the corners of the undersized damaged vicinity that the Weasleys were relocated into, Ginny caught herself still pondering and crying about what happened to her formerly ideal family.

The Weasleys, one of the most unified and joyous families in wizarding London. was now broken and despondent. Wretched and in agony. They were now a prisoner of malevolent hatred and corrupt officials that now ruled the once peaceful world of the magically gifted.

And just when Ginny Weasley thought things possibly could not get any worse than this regrettable fortune that fate seemed to grant them, she found out just a few minutes later that, again, she was wrong.




"Know that I love you and no matter what, I'll see you again." --Brian Sweeney, passenger on hijacked plane (9/11) in message left for his wife, Julie. (From Reader's Digest's Quotable Quotes, November 2001)

A/N: Just a little prologue for you all. Please.


Let me know that you exist.
