Author has written 39 stories for Gilmore Girls, and Harry Potter. September 2, 2006 Okay, so it's been a year since I've updated my bio. Sad, really. I thoroughly enjoyed the last of the Harry Potter series (although I did not like the epilogue very much), although when I get around to finishing all of my stories, they will end AU. I will not be revising them to fit with Deathly Hallows, because that would destroy some of them in the process, and I couldn't do that to my babies. I may be using some facts uncovered in DH, spells, etc. I hope to be able to finish all of these eventually, although unfortunately I cannot make any promises. hasapi Wow! Can I throw a big "thank you" out there to Lucifer-the-great-undead, who nominated For Old Times' Sake in the Dangerous Liaisons Awards round 5? It was nominated for both The Blast From The Past Award (Best Reunion Fic) and The Baby Steps Award (Best Ficlet, 1000-2500 words). Although it didn't win, I was very pleased to have been nominated. :-) Please enjoy the narrative version (Terribly Complicated) of the event everyone was asking about in Wonderfully Simple, the letters between Fred and Hermione in her seventh year. Thanks so much to the judges in the fourth round of the Dangerous Liaisons Awards. In addition to the Long Way Home Award (Best Long Story) in the third round, Last Will and Testament has won the Blast From the Past Award (Best Reunion Scene) in the fourth round! Thank you to everyone who voted in the third round, and to whomever it was that nominated my story in the first place. You can visit my website and see both awards at http:///fanfiction/lastwill.html Join my Yahoo!Groups! http:///group/QueenOfBoredom (my personal fanfiction group) |