Reviews for New Beginnings
Yemi Hikari chapter 1 . 3/4/2011
I had to pause when it came to Ginny being a prefect. It honestly does not match up to book canon. "Ginny is sixteen and Draco is seventeen. She is a sixth year and he is a seventh year." There is also this line, "She was excited as it was her first year as prefect." No, it wouldn't have been. The students are picked during their fifth year to be a prefect and it is a boy and girl from each house in the fifth year. And no, she wouldn't have replaced Hermione just because she became Head Girl. There is anywhere between twenty two to twenty four perfects at any given time. What was just written makes no sense at all. Another issue is the fact that Ginny gets her own room once she became a prefect. I honestly would like to see why fanfic writers decide to put that in, because it is not canon and there are hints that this in fact wouldn't be canon.

Then we come to Teresa's background. I have to ask why Voldemort would have felt the need to kill off one of his Death Eaters if they were truelly the "most highly feared, rich, and powerful family of the Western Hemisphere." Actually, Wester Hemisphere means that they were located in America and I have to ask why Americans would have been involved with something all the way across the sea and why Voldemort would even bother killing someone who happened to live all the way in America. Like most American transfer fanfics, the logic behind the move doesn't make sense.

And then we get to the Dream Team. Nobody, and I mean, nobody calls Harry, Hermione and Ron that, not even the fans. They use the term Golden Trio. That being said, the characters being preppy are not them, but Draco, Blaize, Teresa and Ginny. Yeah, Harry, Hermione and Ron are popular, but they aren't stuck up like you make them out to be. The characterization is completly hot. The reason DBTG comes across as preppy is the whole pushing of looks above anything else. Sure, they aren't the most popular kids in your fanfic, but for honest to goodness, the only reason that is so is because you painted them as unpopular, yet gave them a punch of traits that are associated with being preppy. And then there is the fact that Ginny would NEVER agree with Teresa about the group.

Then there is the pizza. Saying that New York's pizza is the best is seriously off beat. There is not just one pizza place in the entirity of New York City, there are multiple. People have varying oppinions of what is a good pizza and I can't honestly believe that New Yorks is better then, lets say... oh Cincinati, Chicogo, Philidelphia, San Fransisco. Or how about some of the mom and pop chains that exist? And as for Teresa suddely popping pizza out of nowhere, that is so NOT believable it isn't funny!

The girls also suddenly get along way to well and way too easily with the boys. Think very hard about this, but why would Draco suddenly start talking to some girl he knows is dirt poor and comes from a line of Muggle lovers which is why his family dislikes the Weasly family and vice versa. His father would not at all approve of him dating Ginny, yet here he is, oogling her and ready to date her without even a thought to what his father would think. Draco almost always thinks of what his father would think first and foremost.
Ninaxoxo chapter 20 . 3/7/2010
this story is brilliant and you should deffintly write a sequel but you should put more ginny/draco in it
Anna Scathach chapter 20 . 2/1/2009
Teresa is a bit Mary Sue-ish, don't you think? But I liked that story a lot, and I loved the ending, not to mention even the D/G.
WildSong chapter 20 . 4/12/2005
Great Story!

btw- are you an Aaylia(sp?) fan?

Please please please write s sequal *beging*

I think this story is probably the best Harry Potter one I have read yet! Seriously, I'm not even kidding. I loved the way how you portayed the 'Dream Team' in the earlier chapters, Harry was so big-headed. Though I must confess, when Teresa had the baby I was all for killing it.(Iknow, I'm cold hearted, but the whole eye thing did kinda creep me out) But then Raine was so sweet. :p!

One thing though, you could have made Ginny's preganacy a little bit longer. Suddenly it was only nine months later thing. :p

And you said someting about a RPG? I would be intrested if you could email me some of the details and stuff at WildSong4
Jeni Draco's Girl chapter 2 . 9/21/2004
um...was blaise sitting in the library topless or has teresa got x-ray vision?

this story hasn't lost any of it's ... odd phrasing.

continuing now.
Jeni Draco's Girl chapter 1 . 9/21/2004
oh dear god...

well, you're writting style is a bit awkward, eg. "Blaise noticed Teresa's body not for the first time", and also the way you explain stuff, like the few sentences following the one i put above. it shouldn't be so quick for draco to like ginny, that's just odd.

shall continue reading now.
Nickel chapter 20 . 8/27/2004

Great story! I love the characters and the whole idea is great. I am very happy I found this fic.
TheMysteriousCM chapter 20 . 8/21/2004
one of the best harry potter fanfics ever i would go back and reveiw evey ch. but im to lazy wright secqual
lil miz pureblood chapter 20 . 7/27/2004
Wow omg i LOVED reading this

fave list for sure!

took me the whole day but i read it all


Krystal1989 chapter 20 . 7/12/2004
I hope that you make a sequel or u continue. But yes that was quite an ending. It was very good. But, I got confused during the story it was still good all the same. Keep writing. U sure do know how to keep a person on the edge of her seat. Keep writing. You are good. Oh and thanks for the great story. :)

sandraa chapter 20 . 6/24/2004
damn, you just had to leave us there didn't you! DAMN! write a sequel write a sequel erite a sequel!
CrMeiNa chapter 8 . 6/8/2004
this is great. i love the last part about bill
Mint Bubble chapter 4 . 5/22/2004
sorry, this is probably really useless info now, but bill works at gringotts and has long hair etc and charlie works with dragons. percy works with the MoM.
is good story.
Bride of Malfoy chapter 20 . 2/6/2004
more please?
'tis an awesome fic
crazyfire chapter 20 . 12/22/2003
That was awsome. But come on did you last line HAVE to be, "If you fail the upcoming conquest, then we are condemned to an eternity of hell."
I mean come on. Suspense. But you should keep writing cause you obviosly have an amazing gift. Oh and that story was SO AWSOME (SO AWSOME).
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