Ok so thanx 2 Hippogriffll im outta ideas but ill try, Mage Of Fire( I know but I never have time 2 send it =S),candygi523 .. I said alex the instead of Sam the chappie b4 this 1 oops.. Lol... I got mixed up w my other soon 2 b fic. ttyl... *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Ginny ran to her flat, she needed to find something to wear. It had been years since she had seen Draco, but now she had the opportunity to see and talk to him again.

He hadn't changed. She had noticed that he was about o say something rude when they jumped into each other, but he stopped when he saw her. She also noticed the way he freaked when she told him where she was working. He was the same Draco that had left, the Draco she loved.

After trying on everything she owned, and not liking the way it looked on her anymore, she decided to pull out of the trunk her old cloth. The cloth she had worn at Hogwarts. She still had it, it reminded her of Draco and her. She tried one of the baggy cargo shorts on, but they didn't fit, at least not the way that she wanted them too.

After enlarging a bit all her cloth she chose a black, fitted 'Happy Bunny' t-shirt that said 'I know how you feel, I just don't care', and the tripp one leg pants () she had 'borrowed' from Draco so many years ago. She looked in the trunk again, and found her old converse and her jewelry. She straightened her hair and put on some make up. She was ready.


Draco was in hid flat trying to find something to wear.

"God dam it Draco, you are not a chick, now pick something!"

He knew it was just casual, but he was very nervous. This was GINNY!.

He searched his closet, and once again he couldn't find his tripp one leg pants, maybe he lost then years ago or something. He just knew that one day they has disappeared.

He just put on a pair of black cargo pants and a black t-shirt, his steal bead necklace, skate shoes and he was ready. He looked at himself in the mirror.

"You look wonderful Mr. Malfoy"-said the mirror, Draco smirked and left.


They both arrived at the "Three Broomsticks' at the same time. Draco would have arrived earlier, but he had stopped at the candy and flower shop. Ginny smiled when she saw him. He was wearing his old cloth, just like her.

Draco smiled mentally when he saw Ginny. She still had her pircings and tattoos. She was wearing the t-shirt he had given her once and.his pants.

'So that's where they were'-he thought laughing mentally.

"Well hello Mr. Ryan"- Said Ginny happily.

"Well hello Ms. Sam"-said Draco kissing the back of her hand. He then handed her the red roses and box of candy he had gotten for her.

Just like before Ginny felt a jolt of electricity flow through her body, when his lips touched her skin.

"Shall we go in?"- he said holding the door open for her.

"Sure.Thank you"- she said walking in-"Draco" -she whispered once she was inside.

Draco heard her whisper his name and smiled. It felt weird to hear her saying it after so long.

They sat at the same table she had sat the day when he had come back and ordered a couple of buttterbeers.

They talked for about and hour and a half when Ginny suddenly fell silent.

Ginny looked down and then up again.

"I don't want to keep playing"-she said looking back down.

"What do you mean?"-he said Holding her hand.

"Dam it you know what I mean"- she said raising her voice lightly-"THIS game.we talk to each other like it's the first time we see each other, but you know its not true"

"I know it's the second time"

"Fine, you keep playing this stupid game, but its hurting me Draco"- she said getting up.-"I'm sorry I have to go"

She was about to turn around when Draco grabbed her wrist gently and made her turn around.

"I'm sorry Ginny. I didn't mean to hurt you, I never have"- he said standing up as well.-"I love you"

Ginny wrapped her arms around his neck crying. "Oh Draco.. I love you too" Draco smiled and kissed her.

"I've been looking for those pants"-he said smiling and kissing her again.

The End


hope u enjoyed it... the end yea im done. * does happy dance

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