![]() Author has written 4 stories for Twilight. Doesn't matter why I got into Twilight, I did and I'm here for I don't know how long. I'm 100% non canon and have been since I joined this site and realised that Twi fanfiction didn't have to be Bella/Edward. There's the books for that. My faves are Ephraim Black (since I started writing about him) and Caius. I may or may not have a soft spot for Jasper & Paul *looks shifty*. Let's just say I like them dominant & badass. :P Do not ever expect me to join a fandom team. It's not happening. IDGAF who did or didn't get Bella in canon, mainly because IDGAF about canon. I will read stories pairing her with almost anyone except her father. I also dislike OTPs. The only one of those that I will countenance is Darcy and Elizabeth in P&P. Seriously, do not mess with that one but the rest do as you will. I'm on FB, as Bmitw MEB. If you want to friend me & have two accounts on there friend me with the ffn one, it's better that way. My twitter account is @bmitw1. I squeed the day Rick Mora followed me & every time since that he's tweeted to me. He is a sweetheart. I don't use Google Plus, or circles, so there's no point in adding me there. I have four sites other than this one that I post my stories to. I am bmitw on each of them, but on Tricky Raven I am also known as MrsEphraimBlack (MEB). They are: (Wolf stories only) Tricky Raven (All non-exclusive stories) The Writers' Coffee Shop Archive of Our Own A Different Forest (not fully posted as yet) NB: Any MA content in my stories will ONLY be included in the versions posted elsewhere and NOT here. Stories posted here will remain M rated. Awards & Nominations: Gods & Wolves Nominated for a Non-Canon Award 2012 for Best Other Non-Canon Pairing (Bella/Ephraim) Nominated in the Jacob Black N Pack 2012 Awards for The “We Won’t Be Young Forever” Award: Best Pre-Saga Fic Fandom Choice Awards 2012/13: 2nd Place Best Historical Drama3rd Place Best Breakthrough Author3rd Place Best Action SequenceNomination Best QuoteFandom Choice Awards 2013/14: 3rd Place Best Drama3rd Place Best SuspenseEnergize WIP Awards 2013: 2nd Place Most Promising Twilight Fiction Non-CanonChristine Written for the Tricky Raven "Haunting in Forks" Halloween Contest and winner of the Candy Corn Award and the Cult Classic Award Other mentions On July 25 2012 The former Fictionators website chose Gods and Wolves for its Wolfpack Wednesday feature They also recced it again on Friday 9th August 2013. Thanks to LJ Summers for the shoutouts. :) On September 30 2012 The Luv NV website AdVocated it in its DeVill's AdVocate feature: h t t p://www (dot) theluvnv (dot) com/2012/09/advocated-gods-and-wolves-by-bmitw1.html I was also Pursued by Mmsimpy09 for the site. The interview can be seen at http://www (dot) theluvnv (dot) com/2012/11/bmitw-pursued-by-mmsimpy09.html The TWCS and Tricky Raven versions of my stories have some kickarse banners done by Rhodes11, Mmsimpy09 & Mist, including a Tricky Raven exclusive banner of Bella's wedding dress. Go and check them out :) Thanks to all those who have encouraged me to write & post, & helped me along the way. They know who they are :) Watch this space! |