Reviews for Running
Emo4 chapter 1 . 6/21
I really enjoyed your story, it's not the type I usually read but am glad I came across it. I plan to continue with your stories.
Thirlestane chapter 51 . 5/24
AWESOME story!
Just browsed to it by chance. Thank you so much for sharing your talent and imagination with us all.
Xxx T
WhiskeyStraight chapter 35 . 5/22
I'm bored.
Carlisle is an asshole. They're not his children. He's not their father and it's ridiculous that Jasper, the right-hand man to Maria, folds for that dictating wanker.
Rosalie is a cunt.
It's taking too long to get to the crux and I don't care what happens anymore.
Love it chapter 1 . 5/22
Liza in an asshole.

Great fic.
charlottewhitlock chapter 51 . 5/12
I just re-enter mi account from 8 years ago si u van leave a review, i truly enjoy your fanfic, its really something diferent from others Jasper/bella histories. Thanks for sharing!
liza chapter 51 . 4/12
you dragged out the story a bit to much but it was entertaining so thanks!
liza chapter 30 . 4/12
that's it I am skipping to the last 3 chapters to find out what happens. There is only so much bella and jasper arguing and sort of action I can take before I call it a quits. this could've been edited better to not be so repetitive and slow moving.
liza chapter 29 . 4/12
I've been loving this story but it's getting a little redundant - still being chased by werewolve, bella still feeling a pull she can't explain, cullens still nothing, jasper and bella still stupidly taking unnecessary risks.
liza chapter 28 . 4/12
that werewolf is getting on my nerves! but why are jasper and bella so stupid as to keep stopping. they don't need rest!
liza chapter 27 . 4/12
Great story, but a too drawn out! So far the last 10 or so chapters have been jasper and bella playing cat and mouse with the werewolves. That could've easily been just 6 chapters. Glad something else is finally happening.
liza chapter 26 . 4/12
we're on the 26th chapter and they're still stuck in Russia - a little close paced.
liza chapter 25 . 4/12
Yay another nice chapter!
liza chapter 24 . 4/12
seriously, why does bella feel a pull in the direction of Italy? I need answers.
liza chapter 23 . 4/12
I think lemons are overrated. Most of the time they don't serve any purpose in the story and are a way for cheap reviews. There are plenty of good romance stories without explicit sex in them. Write what you want and don't worry the readers - can't please everyone.
liza chapter 22 . 4/12
more guesses. 1) marcus is trying to overthrow aro as revenge for killing his mate and 2) caius is obsessed with killing the cullens and had edward killed without Aro's knowledge. still not sure how the werewolves fit into this except that they want to kill caius.
definitely sure the pilot took the plane to "rescue" bella on marcus' behave.
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