Author has written 12 stories for Twilight. Hola… call me Dee. I’m a 40-something wife and mother and completely obsessed with all things Twilight. When I started writing, my fics strictly featured Edward and Bella. Now I’ve drifted and found myself more of a non-canon girl. My favorite pairings are Bella/Carlisle and Bella/Jasper, though I still write plenty of E/B fics to keep my canon girls happy. I also love to read every fic I can get my hands on - canon or non-canon - and I absolutely love to read slash. So, so good. If you haven't tried it, you really should. Finally, I have to say thank you for all the support and love everyone has given me. I truly love everyone I’ve met through this fandom. You’ve really become like my family. And, if we haven’t met yet…come find me on twitter: mizzdee_FF I’d love to meet you. Story Updates: Memories of Love - For those of you who have asked, I promise that I have no intention of abandoning this story. I've been trying to work through some major writer's block with this story. I am trying to push through it and I will post a new chapter when I get it, but it's pretty slowing going right now so I can't say when that will be. Do You Feel The Same - I know it's been a while since this posted but I didn't want to post another chapter until it was complete. Well, that time is coming. It's nearly finished and I hope to have it done soon. So, if you want to see how Jasper and Bella came to be where they are, keep it on alert. You'll get your answers. Come Play With Me - I am also working hard on finishing chapter 2. I hope to push through the hard stuff (hehe...pun very much intended) so I can give you the end of this little story. |
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