Author has written 5 stories for Twilight. Follow Me On Twitter: TLC and my other fices are also on Twilighted: http:///viewstory.php?sid=7467 and The Writer's Coffee Shop: http:///viewstory.php?sid=1529 . I'm BevEll486 on Twilighted, but Belli486 everywhere else. If you have trouble reviewing TLC on FFN, don't hesitate to review on Twilighted, or TWCS. I am an Under the Radar Coordinator for The Twilight Awards. It’s a wonderful place to find out the latest and greatest about all the Twilight Contests that are currently running, as well as, some great fic recs and story reviews. Check it out at The Twilight Awards website online or follow TTA on Twitter. ~888~ TLC Is Complete! Give it a Read and let me know what you think (even if you only review once.). I don't think you'll be sorry: Trust, Loyalty, Commitment by Belli486 A LITTLE ABOUT ME: I became a Twilight fan very late in the game because I'm older and it just wasn't on my radar. However, my daughter had read the books and her synopsis of the story got me hooked. Then I discovered and the rest, as they say is history. My children (1 daughter, 2 sons) say I am obsessed with Twilight and Fanfic. They are embarassed that I like something that only they should like. The horror! I have been in awe of some of the writers on this forum. I am honored to be among you. I live in the Florida Panhandle. I love reading, writing, music and movies. I'm just a media freak, okay. My husband calls me artsy, fartsy because he is so not. He is all about his three mistresses: golf, basketball, and football. If I could quit my day job in state government, I would do it in a heartbeat and write all the time. But if I did that, my husband might divorce me, so I guess I'll just do it part time until I publish something original. Readers and Reviewers - Thanks so much for validating TLC as a story of worth in the fandom. You took a chance on a story that handles two rather taboo themes and embraced it. I will be forever grateful that you support and encourage my first foray into fanfiction, OOC though it may be. xoxo Trust, Loyalty, Commitment by Belli486 - Links "Taps" Story and Lyrics here : http:///lanell/TAPS.html Bella's Promise Ring: http:///Jewelry-Watches/10k-White-Gold-Diamond-Interlocking-Hearts-Ring-H-I-I1-I2/3254338/product.html Edward's Great-Grandmother's Ring: IMG]http:///albums/ae101/belli486/EdwardsGreatGrandmasRing.jpg[/IMG] BANNERS http:///albums/ae101/belli486/trustloyaltyandcommitment2twilighte.jpg TLC has been rec'd by the following: The Twilight Enablers The Edge Girls Pears13 who writes "The Fan" and "Stealing Home" Browns who writes "Oh, What A Tangled Web We Weave" TWCS Library |
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