![]() Author has written 17 stories for X-Men: The Movie, Final Fantasy X, Avengers, Supernatural, Flash, and Final Fantasy X-2. Hi I'm Amanda, I'm huge on writing about any fandom that I'm in as long as I have an idea. Currently I'm big on OC Characters so if you have one and you are having a hard time writing or just prefer to read. Message me about them and I'll write it. I am into a lot of fandoms, Supernatural, marvel and DC are my mine ones. I also love Doctor who but since the one time I wrote something and was yelled at and they rewrote the whole thing for me, I have never written anything else for it. I might one day but that was a pretty sensitive area for me. But drop any ideas you have for any of the fandoms and pairings I have listed below and I would love to write it out for you. I have a few things i need to make clear i am a big on gay marriage i believe that it's their choice and if they truly love each other and are happy then nobody should complain. Plus i have a few Bi and gay friends, in fact they are my best friends because i feel like i can share my secrets with them. These are my feelings and i'm sticking to them so don't try to change me. My tumblr is http:/// My main twitter is https://twitter.com/playful_tricks Pairing I am willing to do: (I am open to suggestions if you have a pairing you'll think I'll like, feel free to tell me. I will also take requests for writing slash to and for any of these pairings as well as otp's you enjoy) Alice in Wonderland: Alice/Hatter, Alice/Chesire Angel: Angel/Spike DC: Currently anything from Arrow, Flash, Aquaman, or Wonderwoman. Captain Cold is my muse right now so anything with him I would love to do. Marvel: Literally any characters from the Marvel universe as long as I know about them. But my top ones are FrostIron, Thorki, ScienceBros, NatxClint, and Spideypool. I would love to write something for the superfamily as well. Batman: Bruce Wayne/Joker, Joker/Harley, Selina/Ivy, Ivy/Harley Doctor who: Doctor/Jack, Doctor/Master, Doctor/companions(any of them) Final Fantasy: CloudxZack, CloudxSephiroth, AerisxCloud, Aeris/Zach TifaxCloud, VincentxYuffie, SquallxRinoa, YunaxTidus, Luluxwakka, BalthierxVaan, BalthierxAshe, AshexBasch, LarsaxPenelo, Rikku/Gippal Fullmetal alchemist: EdxRoy, RoyxHavoc, HughesxRoy, HavocxRiza, AlxEd, EdxWinry, AlxWinry, LustxHavoc, EnvyxEd, LustxScar, LingxEd, GreedxEd Harry Potter: Harry/Draco, Harry/Ron, Ron/Hermione, Fred/George, Snape/James, Lupin/Sirius, James/Sirius, Snape/Lily, James/Lily, Harry/Ginny Homestuck: DavexJohn, DirkxJake, Roxyxjane, RoxyxDirk, KarkatxJohn, KarkatxDave, KarkatxTerezi, KarkatxGamzee, GamzeexTavros, NepetaxTerezi, DavexJade, DavexTerezi, VriskaxJohn, VriskaxGamzee, TavrosxVriska, FeferixEridan, EridanxVriska Hetalia: AmericaxEngland, GermanyxItaly, AmericaxCanada, FrancexCanada, GreecexJapan, SpainxRomano, Swedenxfinland, ScotlandxEngland, BelarusxRussia, CandaXEngland, PrussiaxSpainxFrance, HungaryxAustria, liechensteinxSwitzerland, FrancexEngland, PolandxLithuania, ItalyxRomano, BelarusxAmerica, SpainxEngland, PrussiaxAustria, Japanxchina, RussiaxChina, HRExChibitalia, SwitzerlandxAustria, JapanxGreece...aka everything Ouran Host club: Hikaru/Kaoru, Haruhi/Tamaki, Hunny/Mori Sherlock Holmes: Sherlock/Watson Supernatural: Anything at all. I love all the characters and I don't have any problem writing about any of them. Torchwood: JackxIanto, JackxGwen, ToshikoxOwen, OwenxGwen X-men: Logan/Phoenix, Kitty/Nightcrawler, Jean Gray/Scott, Mystique/Magneto, Rogue/Iceman, Charles/Eric, Charles/Mystique, Storm/Logan Fics I'm currently working on Fallen from Asgard's graces: Chapter 1 and 2 are up but I' a bit stuck on chapter 3 so that might not get done until something good pops into my head. Yuna's memories: I got really distracted from that and I plan to do a story like this for all the final fantasy(at least from the other major characters who aren't already telling the story in the game.) I plan to do one for Rikku, Paine, Lulu, Tifa, Nanaki, Vincent, Zell, Sophie, Balthier, Ashe, Fran, maybe bits and pieces of the characters from 13 and 13-2. Maybe some shorts from some of the other characters of Square enix. New Recruit: Another Avengers OC that I have planned. Only this time is Bruce Banner and Shatterheart. I will be writing this one before my LokiOc because I'm stuck on that one. Yeah which might be awhile but I felt it needed to be done because Bruce is my top favorite besides Loki and I feel that he needs slightly more love. With start it after I finish all that I have planned with Budapest and it's side stories. My supernatural stories are currently all on hiatus I haven't been able to get into any of them recently or put any of my ideas into words. So taking a break especially on the werewolf one. I know a lot of you were reading that. Frostbite: Currently working on chapter 10. This is my ongoing muse right now and is where I will be focusing. |