Hello Again!!!!!!! HEHE!
well i'm in a SUPER good mood right now, considering that Chapter 105 has FINALLY come out!
hehe so i deiced to post this up today instead of later this week! ^.^
This is the third in my fan fiction series, the first being Regrets, second being Comatose. If you have not read these, i suggest you do before you read this one.
This one will be longer than the others, seeing as how I'm going to be writing both Roy, and Edward's POV's.
I hope you will all like this and please REVIEW...flames are welcome if necessary...
Disclaimer: I don't own FMA if i did i would already know how it ends and i wouldn't have talked Meep-chan's ear off while reading it....
so yea.....hehe
…It had been six months, that Edward Elric had been Missing In Action…
…It had been three weeks, that he had been in the hospital, in a coma
…It has been one day, since he woke up…
…It has been three hours, ten minutes, and thirty-nine seconds, since Edward told me…he…loved me.
Edward had woken up, he finally woke up!
Of course the doctors were called, many questions asked, and a few answers given.
The doctors of course would not let me back in after I had rushed off to tell them the news. I was unable to get back into Edward's room, which pissed me off greatly.
They had to call Maes at twelve in the morning to come and get me. They wouldn't let me stay with him.
Hell, I'd ran out of the room in search of a nurse or doctor before I had even given Edward a reply to what he had told me.
This, I realized, as Maes drove me to his house, I realized it in the middle of our conversation.
"Maes! You were right!
"Of course I'm right, I'm always right! Wait, what am I right about again?"
He was still half-asleep, though awake enough to drive and he was excited that Ed was awake.
But still very agitated that he was up at one in the morning.
"Edward, he told me he loved me!"
"Roy…hate to say it, but you've told me that ten times already," Hughes stated dryly as he looked back at me in his rearview mirror, "and you sound like a school girl."
I blinked.
He was right. I, Brigadier General Roy Mustang, the Flame Alchemist, most popular womanizer in Central, was freaking out over this.
"You know, Roy, you never did tell me how he responded to what you said."
This then brought about the realization, that I hadn't told Edward my feelings, how I felt about him.
"Turn around." I ordered.
"What?! Why?"
"I…I didn't…" I stuttered.
"Heh, you didn't tell him, now did you?"
My silence was his answer.
Don't worry, just tell him in the morning," Maes said cheerily, trying to be optimistic.
"But, Maes-"
"Ah, look Roy! We're home! I can't wait to show you all the new pictures of-"
I had quickly gotten out, slammed the door, and walked up to the Hughes household.
And now three hours, ten minutes, and fifty-three seconds later, is how I found myself, staring at the ceiling in the guest room of Maes' house, waiting for the hospital visitation hours to start, or the sleep that once again eluded me.
...It's been three hours, ten minutes and twenty-nine seconds, since Roy left me…
He never said anything to me. He didn't respond to what I said…
I told him, I loved him and ten seconds later…he leaves…
He ran out the door, and doctors came rushing in.
They started asking me all these questions; how I felt, if I could see or hear something, and if I knew who I was.
The worst part was the needles. I realized that I had IV's in me. Needles were in me, and the doctors said I couldn't have them out until later that morning.
I felt horrible, not really from the pain (thought my stomach was turning at the merest thought of the needles, that and the doctors immediately gave me morphine, after I told them that my shoulder ached.)
But from the fact that I had probably just scared Roy off.
'Oh, don't worry so much about it! He kissed you first,' A small voice in my head said.
'It could have been by accident, he could tripped or something,' said a second voice.
Both voices were arguing, and I was beginning to wonder if I was still sane.
The voices started to fade, and I found my eyes drooping quickly. The morphine slowly taking over and fogging my mind.
'I'll ask Roy, and get this sorted out in the morning…'
And with that thought I let the morphine over take me.