Disclaimer : DN Angel doesn't belong to me. You already knew that though.

Characters : Daisuke, Dark, Risa, Riku, Satoshi, Takeshi, Emiko, Kosuke, Daikii, Towa

Warnings : Male/Male, cursing.

Note : /Talking in heads/
"Talking aloud"


"DAAAAARRRRRKKK!!!" Risa called, over rooftops. She was determined to find the phantom theif tonight, whether or not it killed her.

Dark, who happened to be hiding behind a nearby building, sighed. "Damn, that girl just doesn't give up, does she?" he asked himself, quietly.

Risa had, so far, chased Dark from the crime scene, where he had stolen another piece of art work, around the city, and finally, they ended up in Daisuke's neighborhood.

Dark knew that he couldn't go back to Daisuke's house, because Risa might find out about Daisuke's little secret. He had to just sit and wait for her to go home.

That's when Dark got a brilliant idea.

/Hey, Daisuke! Can I tell her something weird so that she leaves me alone?/ Dark asked.

/Err...What do you want to tell her?/ Daisuke asked.

/I love you/ Dark replied.

/WHAAAATTT?!!/ Daisuke yelled. Dark smirked, knowing how red the innocent boy's face would be, if he could see it.

/Hahaha...I meant, I'll tell her that I love you/ he replied, chuckling. Daisuke frowned.

/Why...don't we just transform?/ he asked, refusing to let Dark hurt Risa like that.

/That won't make her go away though!/ Dark exclaimed.

/Dark! You just have to put up with her! You can't lie about being in love! It's not right! Harada-san deserves the truth!/ Daisuke yelled.

Dark groaned. "Fine, I'll go tell the truth!" he yelled out. Daisuke sighed, but said nothing.

Dark stepped out from behind the building. Risa noticed him and raced over.

"Dark! I've been looking everywhere for you! Do you wanna go on a date on Saturday?" Risa asked, excitedly. Dark shook his head.

"I'm sorry, Risa-san, I don't really want to go out with you," Dark told her.

/DARK!! You don't have to be so blunt!!/ Daisuke yelled.

/Hey, all you said was I had to tell the truth. But, I did say sorry to her/ Dark replied.

Risa stared at Dark, sadly. "Why not? Do you not like my hair? Or is it my dress? 'Cuz, I can change!" she asked, desperatly.

Dark shook his head. "Changing won't help. It's not you. I just...like someone else..." Dark admitted.

Both Risa and Daisuke's eyebrows shot up. "R-Really? ... Who is it? I-Is it anyone...I know?" Risa asked, trying to hold back tears.

Dark smirked. "Yeah, you know him pretty well..." Dark said, the smirk not leaving his face.



Daisuke and Risa asked at the same time. Dark's smirk broadend and he chuckled a little, mostly at Daisuke.

"Yeah, him," he replied. "He's the one I want making noise underneath me..."

Dark could see Risa's upset face go quite red at this comment. He just knew that at this moment Daisuke's was the same color.

"Ugh...my sister's right, you are a pervert..." Risa mumbled, her nose wrinkled in disgust. Although, she could help but imagine the image of Dark with another guy.

"Well, see you around," Dark said, saluting her and leisurely walking away. Risa, for once, didn't chase him.

She slumped onto the ground, the reality of it all beginning to sink in. Letting out a small sob, she hugged herself, and waited for someone to come find her.

Meanwhile, Dark decided to transform back into Daisuke. As soon as Daisuke was returned to his body, he began to yell at Dark.

/Dark, that was mean!/ he told the theif.

/What? I said sorry, and I was nice the entire time!/ he argued.

Daisuke sighed. "You don't get it..." he mumbled, opening his front door.

Emiko was standing inside, tapping her foot, impatiently. When she saw Daisuke, she immediatly began to yell at him.

"Dai-chan, where were you!? I thought something happened to you! You've been gone for hours! Did you get the painting?" Emiko asked.

Daisuke blinked. "I--err, he was running away from Risa, again, so that's why I'm late. And, yeah, the painting's right here, mom," Daisuke answered, pulling a rather small painting out of his shirt.

Emiko squealed when she saw it. "Aww! You got it! I love this one! It's my favorite!" she exclaimed. Emiko threw her arms around Daisuke, hugging him. "Thanks so much, Dai-chan!"

"No problem, mom," was the muffled reply. "I've got homework, so I'm going up to my room."

"Alright. Goodnight honey," Emiko replied.

Daisuke ran up to his room, and closed the door behind himself. /Daisuke, you don't have homework! You did your's with Hiwatari!/ Dark exclaimed, pretending to be astonished.

/Ah, shut it, Dark/ Daisuke replied.

Daisuke laid down on his bed and sighed, heavily. "Harada-san is gonna be really sad...Jeez Dark..."

/Hey, you told me to tell the truth and I did!/ Dark exclaimed.

Daisuke rolled his eyes. /Yeah, you told the truth, but you also just saluted and walked away! You didn't offer any comfort to her at all!/ Daisuke pointed out.

/Dai-chan...You.../ Dark started, but then ended up only sighing.

Daisuke and Dark remained in silence as Daisuke replayed the Risa fiasco in his mind. That's when he remembered something.

"Hey, Dark...Who is the boy that you were talking about?" Daisuke asked.

/Heh, heh, heh...Daisuke, I can't tell you that!/ Dark sang.

/Aww, c'mon! Please!/ Daisuke pleaded.

Dark pretended to think about it for a minute, then shook his head, gleefully. /No way, Dai-chaaaaannn!/

Daisuke folded his arms across his chest and pouted. "Dark, you're so mean..." he muttered.

After a couple of minutes of silence, right when Daisuke got undressed to change into his pajamas, Dark spoke up again.

/Dai-chan, do you really wanna know?/ he asked.

Daisuke stopped what he was doing, and nodded, furiously. /Yeah!/

/Really?/ Dark asked.

Daisuke nodded again.

/Really-Really?/ Dark asked.

Daisuke paused for a second then nodded. "Yeah!"


/Yes! Now tell me!/

/But, really? Do you really-really-really-reeeeaaaaalllllyyyy want to know?/ Dark asked, trying not to laugh.

"Dammit Dark!" Daisuke yelled. /Yeah, I want to know.../

Dark smirked. /You/

-awkward cough-
It only goes downhill from here people.
