Author has written 14 stories for Legend of Zelda, Stargate: SG-1, and Ronin Warriors. 5/1/20 (-mutters to self- Why do I always take years to update this...) I won't try to rehash what's already spelled out in the below updates. Also, sorry if it looks cluttered, but I keep these notes around partly for nostalgia, partly to keep a record of when some things happened. But I want to write this because I know people will see some of my older works and say "what's up with that? why haven't you updated?" Short answer: see below. Long answer: There are in fact some stories that I'm overhauling and retooling for a sort of grand reopening of sorts (in particular The Wings of Darkness and its series). But like a good steak or stew, they need a nice long marinade to bring out the full flavor profile. Same can be said of my internet presence; it's kind of a mess at the moment and I'd like to clean it up at some point. On top of that...see the below note. I'm not gone. I'm not George R.R. Martin'ing anything that's currently posted, at this point. I simply have a lot to juggle, including my ADHD brain. One thing that can really help my motivation though, is all you lovely people's feedback! Like any other writer, I absolutely adore hearing from people who enjoyed reading my content (again, see below note about my jaw drop about Twilight Legends). If I haven't replied, I do deeply apologize; sometimes I don't get or notice the automated emails from FF. net, or my distractible brain forgets I didn't reply, or I'm not sure what to say (in a good way). I will try to do better in the future, though! Thanks to everyone who has supported my writing, and I look forward to many more years of offering my meager slice of imagination to the world! ~Zel 5/23/17 ...Wow. Been a while. And come to think of it, as I'm reading through this profile... There's a lot of old information or formatting or whatever that appears to have grown into something of a behemoth since I started this thing back in middle school. So aside from these whenever-I-get-to-it dated updates (and the copy/pastes at the end), I think I'm going to clean this puppy up. In other news, I'm working full time (as I have been for a I'm sure those who read my stories have noticed), sooooo updates will remain slow on anything besides whatever project I'm currently working on. I'm so sorry to those readers who have probably moved on by now, but once were super excited to follow along. (Like, seriously. I'm still stunned how much attention my little side project Twilight Legends ended up getting while I wasn't paying attention...and there's only one chapter up. Holy smokes!) Someday, it's my hope to be able to update alllll these stories with more recent versions that are better suited to how far I've come in my writing (and maturity) than when they were originally dreamed up, but it's probably going to be a while before I get any sort of chance to devote the sort of time and energy that would do it justice. So, in the meantime, onesies-twosies and WIPs will abound. ~Zel (P.s. So...also totally just realized I've been on here for almost 9 years. O_o Time to start planning the 10 year celebration?) 10/31/16 Happy Halloween, everyone! My co-author and I have a treat for y'all--From Dawn to Dusk is being rewritten, and we've posted the first chapter here! =) -throws confetti amidst a fanfare- Please come over and check it out, especially familiar readers. We've got lots of new tricks and treats in store. Enjoy your Halloween, no matter what you're up to! 7/9/16 Guess what just got finished? Nightfall. But don't worry; there'll be more where that came from. Stay tuned for the sequel's official announcement! ~Zel (and co-author) 11/4/15 So... From Dawn to Dusk. Is finished. O_O We completed the epilogue last night. Overall, it comes in at a whopping 170,000 words, with 26 chapters and a full-length epilogue. This is the first full, novel-length story I've ever completed. Yeah there was definitely a bit of help considering coauthored, but the distinction remains. I'm still kinda stunned and not sure what to think about it all. Except... Good thing there's a sequel~! =D In the meantime, however, updates on FDD will stay regular. The sequel will be unveiled once all of FDD has been published. Ciao! ~Zel 9/4/15 Mkay so I just realized there was a post a while back that said everything but GP was on hiatus. Uuuh considering Gwen has thoroughly shifted her attention to the Ronin Warriors/Yoroiden Samurai Trooper universe, Iiii think that's pretty null and void. Aka "that fandom is on the back burner but ohmygoodness RW is on a roll." Cue introducing From Dawn To Dusk. Unashamed self-insert, done purely for fun, but my co-author and I are totally loving it. Even if you're not involved in this fandom (which you really should be, the poor creature needs a revival more desperately than Sailor Moon), you should totally check it (and other RW stories!) out. We've had so much fun writing it and I really think people will enjoy reading it, but hey, that's up to you to decide. As mentioned before, a series of other stories is in the works, too--one for each of the five boys, based off the All Time Low Future Hearts album. A friend of mine introduced me to the artist/album and not only was I hooked, but each of the guys decided they liked certain songs. So once I actually get a draft finished and then polish up the second draft (because there are some huge discrepancies that have reared their ugly heads as I develop the plot while words start spewing onto pages... [Seriously, I wrote the first story, around Sage, in 2 weeks. 19. Thousand. Words. During finals week. O_O]) might actually see one of them up here! In the meantime. Please pop over to the 100k word leviathan that is my current pet project. And forgive me for putting so many other things on the back burner. That just seems to be how my muse works. ;_; Ciao! ~Zel Looking back on everything, my fandom days began incredibly young. For a long time I'd considered Zelda to be my starting place (I still call myself a Zelda Nerd), but that's only half the story. I'll date myself with this (a little bit), but I remember watching the CN run of Ronin Warriors (Yoroiden Samurai Troopers, as I later found out) as a kid. I was fascinated with it, glued to the TV for every episode I could find; it broke my little kid heart when they stopped airing it, especially because I had no clue how it ended. Then I found Legend of Zelda as a tween, dipped my toes into fanfiction waters, and never looked back. I picked up a handful (probably a dozen, now) other fandoms along the way, but things have come full circle; fastforward a couple decades (give or take a few years), and on a whim I looked up RW. Watching it again was a little like coming home, despite the 80s cheese and the silly English dub and the standard backdrop of "save the world from evil". I'll definitely be sticking around for a while, and even though I'll probably find others to move onto in a couple years (Voltron: LD has actually come close to taking that spot recently), RW will always be my first love. Other fandoms (! = fandoms I've written in and/or crossed over with others) Firefly, !Halo, Super Smash Brothers (Melee and Brawl notably), Dr. Who, !Stargate (SG-1 and Atlantis), Voltron: Legendary Defender, Rurouni Kenshin, Once Upon a Time, Marvel (MCU), !Fullmetal Alchemist You know you live in 1.) You accidentally enter your password on a microwave. 2.) You haven't played Solitare with real cards for years 3.) The reason for not staying in touch with your friends is they don't have a screenname or 4.) You'd rather look all over the house for the remote instead of just pushing the buttons on the TV 6.) Your boss doesn't even have the ability to do your job. 7.) As you read this list you keep nodding and smiling. 8.) As you read this list you think about 9.) You were too busy nodding and smiling to notice number 5. 10.) You scrolled back up to see if there was a number 5. 11.) Now you are laughing at yourself stupidly. Put this in your profile if you fell for that--you know you did! Copy-and-Paste-its If you've been on the computer for hours on end, reading numerous fanfictions, copy this into your profile. Many writers don't know the difference between 'your' and 'you're.' If you do understand it, copy and paste this into your profile. If you have your own little world, copy and paste this into your profile. If you have ever forgotten what you were going to say, right before you say it, copy this into your profile. .eliforp ruoy otni etsap dna ypoc ,sdrawkcab siht daer ot hguone trams era uoy fI If you frequently engage in RAHs (Random Acts of Hyperness), copy and paste this into your profile. A glomp is a type of hug performed in RAHs or to cheer up the glomp'd person. If you're a hardcore glomper, copy and paste this into your profile. A recent study by USA Today has found that three out of four people make up seventy-five percent of the population. If you understand the humor in this statement, copy and paste this into your profile. If your profile is long, copy and paste this on it to make it even longer. Stop the Pairing Wars! |
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