Hello, everybody.

I don't want to have an extra-long, soppy author's note…but, at the same time, I need to.

Love's Shadow has reached its end. Sad, but true. I have enjoyed writing this in sooo many ways! You reviewers with accounts, reviewers without accounts, and all you READERS out there…you guys rock. It means so much to me when people read my writing. :D

So, there is one more story after Love's Shadow. I haven't a clue what to call it yet, but it will be awesome (hopefully!).

Check out my co-write story "Goodbye, Hello". There are two other writers besides myself—Shadow Commando & The Twilight Princess Kitty. I write for Midna's POV, Commando writes for Link, and Kitty writes for Zelda. It's quite interesting to see how the three of us (with each our own writing styles!) handle each character. Check it out!

Enough of the chit-chat. Enjoy. :D


It does not disappear or fade, whether you are in the Twilight Realm or in the Light Realm.


It does not leave your body.


It does fill your mind.

I lurched through the mirror, the Light Magic feeling so…familiar to me. It did not make me sick, like the Twili magic that Dark had wounded me with. It did not harm me, or tear me in two. It simply felt natural.

My eyes were wide and strained. My body ached with the stab wound that Abby had gifted me with, my skin itched with the sting of pain that came with the fight I had endured with Dark. I was so very tired, so very hurt, so very sad.

Moonlight splashed down on the base of the mirror in the Light Realm. It was so quiet in the desert, yet so serene. It was a beauty I had searched for in the Twilight Realm, but had not found.


I turned.

And I saw his eyes.

"Link," I breathed. The pains of my body did not disappear, as they would have in a perfect fairy tale. No, my pain and anguish and mourning all remained, but joy washed in amongst those emotions. Bright and wonderful joy.

He looked just the same as I remembered, and I was so glad. Sandy, shaggy blonde hair against tan skin and a built yet tall frame. His tunic was not the same color—perhaps he had personal reasons for not wearing the Hero's tunic. But his eyes…the eyes of the Sacred Beast from my legends, the piercing smoky blue eyes…

My footing scrambled and my vision blurred. Blood loss was taking its toll upon me.

His arms caught me. They did not harm me or scold me, like Dark's. It felt so strange. "Less than a year," I sobbed in a whisper. Link choked on a sob as well, holding onto me like a lifeline. "I promised and I kept that promise, dog boy."

"I didn't doubt you, Midna." Link looked at me, glanced at my wounds, and gasped. "For the love of Din, what happened?"

"L-long story, I don't think you could keep up." My vision went in and out of focus. I would fall unconscious soon, I was sure. Part of me didn't really mind that.

I was about to go under—to rest, finally safe in my home…to recover, to wake up to a better reality than what I had ever hoped for. To be safe.

And then I heard the sharp in take of breath, and I looked up. Link's expression slid into a growl. I followed his gaze and bit my lip. "What? What does this mean—"

A very bright light filled the mirror chamber and a menacing laugh sounded.

"You were followed."

Cliff-hanger? Yes.

Tell me what you thought of this. Even if you don't have an account on Fanfiction, you can review my stories. I'd be glad to know what you all thought.

Also…third installment of the TriShadow series is going to be posted (hopefully) by August 5th. HOPEFULLY. I want to take my time with it. I'm stuck with what to name it, though, so perhaps you all could vote?

Death's Shadow

War's Shadow

Mercy's Shadow.

Tell me which one you think should be the title. :D

Thank you all so much for reading this story. It means the world to me.