The Things That Cannot Be Fought
by Paper Bear

"Epona, we can't stay here any longer. We need to leave."

A figure—enwrapped head to toe in a dark cloak—emerged from the doorway and closed the door quietly behind her. The rain outside poured heavily; the sound of the rain violently hitting the gutters was haunting. The woman, with her back resting on the door, sighed loudly. Rust-colored tresses fell from the hood of the cloak, and with her callused hand, she daintily brushed aside her bothersome bangs.

Guided by the light from the night sky peering through the cracks of the stable's ceiling, she made her way toward her mare whose mane had become engrossed in grime from lack of care. She closed her eyes, petting her horse's snout; she had promised a better life for Epona.

She had promised a better life for herself, too.

It all began seven years ago. She had came across an odd boy who unknowingly altered her life forever. He emerged from the forest wielding a sword that resembled a dagger and a worn, wooden shield hanging loosely from his back. The young boy—who was clad in green from head to toe except for his clunky, brown boots that seemed to squeak as he ran—was around the age of ten. His unruly blond hair covered his blue eyes that seemed to flicker with fierce determination and courage. And his companion was a fairy named Navi whose knowledge would aid the young boy during his adventure.

He had came into Hyrule Market, running around like a lost puppy searching for its mother. She, waiting for her father to return from his delivery, had stood near the picturesque fountain in the center of the market and had studied him as if he were a piece of art. It was then that he had came around the fountain and locked eyes with Malon.

Meeting him had changed everything for her.

He was on a mission—a mission to save Hyrule. He had traveled throughout the kingdom, searching for the three Spiritual Stones as Princess Zelda had requested. The young boy often came to the ranch to visit Malon; he would tell her of his adventures, and she would painstakingly listen to every syllable he formed. She was in awe of him. There was a part of her that wished she could join him. She had always yearned for an adventure.

He had left, promising he would come back.

But he never did. He never came back.

His disappearance had marked the beginning of her downfall. The castle had been destroyed; the Princess was missing. The bustling market had been engulfed in flames, killing many in the process and leaving the survivors without a home. Monsters were unleashed to roam freely within the kingdom, and they often attacked villages without warning. It was hard for her to sleep at night, worrying that she may wake up to nothing.

For years, her father struggled trying to keep the ranch together. The kingdom had fallen under the rule of Ganondorf—the self-proclaimed King of Evil. She had remembered him vaguely from the young boy's stories. He was the cause of his grief, and now, he was the cause of hers.

Ingo, the stable hand, had changed. Ganondorf had given more power to him in return for his allegiance. The stable hand had use his influence to remove Talon from his home. Malon had remained on the ranch, alone and scared. Forced to work under Ingo's harsh rules, Malon had changed. She had seen everything. She had witnessed the pinnacle and imminent ruin of Hyrule. Overwhelmed with the burdens of existence, she had distanced herself from people, but her inward need to give assistance lingered in silence.

She wanted to do something… Anything.

She had always dreamed of a knight in shining armor to rescue her from her prison. She had known wishing would get her nowhere; she had to act if she wanted freedom. She began honing her skills with the bow and arrow in secret while Ingo remained unaware for years. But as things progressively became worse, she knew she could no longer wait.

She had to leave.

With the clothes on her back and a small sack of food, Malon had chosen to leave Lon Lon Ranch for good. She had decided to cast aside her former life. She knew that there was only one solution.

She had chosen to stand up and fight against Ganondorf.

Malon brought it upon herself to become the liberator of Hyrule. She was determined to stop Ganondorf's reign just as the young boy had strived to do before he had disappeared. The young boy who had changed her life unwittingly… The young boy named Link.

Author's Notes: This story takes place during Ocarina of Time. It focuses on Malon and if she had a more essential role in the story. I wanted to write a story that concentrates on the darker side of human nature, and this is my attempt. I do not own The Legend of Zelda, and no profit is being made from this story. Positive feedback is greatly appreciated.