Reviews for Between Fantasy and Reality
FaitheWolfe chapter 45 . 4/20/2017
This has me on the edge of my seat, it so good!
Guest chapter 45 . 11/25/2016
Noooooooo where's the next update?!
Rosetta911 chapter 45 . 10/31/2016
You say you aren't dead but you haven't updated in 4 years... almost 5...
Boop chapter 45 . 10/31/2016
What can't just leave us on a cliff hanger...
SortingHat chapter 3 . 8/29/2016
Sorry but script fics like this. No.
Guest chapter 45 . 7/12/2016
the last time you updated this was back in 2012 it is now 2016 I still have a little hope. please update? YY
Dragon of Yin and Yang chapter 45 . 8/6/2015
Please continue!
shoptopgamergirl chapter 26 . 5/24/2015
What?! no link and Amanda?! what?! Im really sorry. Just, im absolutely in love with this story. I was really looking forward to link x Amanda. :-(
Legend of Cupcake chapter 45 . 4/15/2015
Noooooooooooooooooo! I was getting really into this. No seriously, the only thing I thought about at school was coming home and continuing this. I knew this wasn't completed and I knew that you haven't updated in 3 years but I. COULD. NOT. STOP. READING.

I love Link x Amanda, you've developed their relationship well. I will admit I thought this was going to be one of those where it's love at first sight, which would be pretty boring. Actually now that I think about it... the attraction was sort of always there, you just explored it at a well paced rate.

This has to possibly be the best fanfiction I've read for Legend of Zelda and had an OC as a main character. I can't really describe what i mean (I've never been good at doing that) but Amanda is a very human character, she's not a mary-sue and to top it off I've been able to relate to her a few times.

I'm very sad that this has not been updated in so long, and I'm secretly hoping that you're going to surprise us all by updating soon. However whatever you may be doing now, I hope you are well and happy.
Free water-drop wind chapter 45 . 3/4/2015
I hope 'soon' does mean sometime this year. I really liked this story- believe me, I was just babbling excitedly in that scene with Amanda in the... Clinc? place and Link kneeling and jUST-.
I barely know anything about the Zelda fandom, let alone the installments on themselves, but this story is making me want to either, buy the games and play them myself [...and the console] or just watch a walkthrough somewhere. Though... I'm pretty sure Link doesn't talk, does he? It's a game thing, right? Still, I'd like to think this characterization of Link [both Twilight and the Hero of Time] as canon ones for me.

Soooo, summary: This story is great, I enjoyed it all the way [even if I was halfway dying with the drama along the way sometimes, I hate when people fight and just... Stay like that, without solving it n stuff] and I hope you have less stress on your life, if not to write some more, so you can enjoy yourself uvu. Later!
EvieVee chapter 45 . 2/5/2015
I can't remember if you've ever stated that you didn't want to be asked about updates, and I feel horribly annoying even ASKING about it. I've actually tried contacting you on your tumblr and twitter but either those attempts didn't go through, or you ignored them. I just know that I and many other people would at the very least love an answer on whether or not you've truly stopped this story. I know you said you were going to post it all at once, once you finished it of course, but I think that may have turned out to be the wrong course of action. You're free to do what you want, don't get me wrong! But if you've perhaps already finished the first story(since you said there was also a sequel) don't you think you could perhaps post that now? But at the very least we'd all love one more update on this and whether it'll be continued or not.

I'm very aware I might have sounded guilt trippy as hell up there, and I apologize deeply if I really did, and honestly I just hope you're doing alright with your life!
Mara Gin chapter 45 . 11/6/2014
I know its been awhile but this is a very good story. Please update when you have the chance.
LessThanThreeAkatsuki chapter 44 . 10/22/2014
What a cliffhanger:( I hope the reason you haven't updated isn't because you've lost interest in the story or writing:/ Like most people have been reading this story since 2007 and I only started a week ago and I caught up and omfg cliffhanger dude, even saddening knowing the last updated chapter was back in 2012.. We hope to hear from you soon!
LessThanThreeAkatsuki chapter 45 . 10/21/2014
I HOPE THIS STORY WILL STILL BE CONTINUED like last night i stayed up til one to read a couple of chapters cause i couldn't just go to sleep! And thank god there's a sequel..but is chapter 45 the LAST chapter of this story? Will the rest continue on the sequel? Im so dumb it's been two years so I should check it out myself. Lovely story seriously:) chapter 45 . 9/3/2014
It's been more than two years since you have updated :( Plz update soon! I'd love to read all the way til the end!
I loved this story! I will love it even more after you update!
I can't live without knowing the rest of the story!
Have an awesome day!
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